

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.人類生命的目標 (20201115)
《2》.如何將自己理解為源頭的能量 (20201116)
#DanielScranton #iam66 




一旦進入第五維度,你們將意識到這完全是謬論(fallacy)。沒有東西會離真相很遠。人們可以真實地共存,而不會使別人不高興(stepping on each other’s toes)。你們可以選擇抵制其他人以及他們在做什麼或在說什麼,或者可以允許該人幫助你們更清楚地了解自己是誰,而不必理會。我們之前已經說過,我們會再說一遍。揚升不是要擊敗任何人,當然也不是要擊敗任何想法或思想。當你們感受到某人(無論是什麼東西)是別人的所作所為或所說的話,甚至是他們相信的話時,你們肯定會給自己一個成長的經驗。

相信每個人都在自己的道路上,有自己的指導上師,並會得到發展和提升的機會,這是你們自己精神發展的一部分。有時,你們所能做的就是使你們的批判從你們的大腦的判斷轉變為富有同情心的人,並傳送無條件的愛給一個無所作為的人,因為那是你們如期所是。簡而言之(in a nutshell),這就是你們完整(full),完全(complete),完整的自我(whole self),這才是真正重要的。記住這一點,並儘力避免陷入爭論或抵制狀態。重要的是,不要做這些事情,因為你們是在那裡提高全人類意識的人。
The Goal of Life of All Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to examine the ways in which you are affected by the energies that we and other benevolent beings send to you. We cannot know for certain how something will affect you until it does, and we witness it. We want you to recognize that the same is true in your lives. Oftentimes, you don’t know how something is going to affect you or someone close to you, and so, you have these experiences that help you to refine and help you to define, and all experiences make you more advanced beings.

Therefore, we want you to embrace everything. We want you to see that the goal of your lives is not to get it right or to be perfect. The goal of life is not to be the most spiritual or most awake person that you could ever be. Your goal is truly to be you and then to recognize that everyone else also is on that same mission, and as such, they need to be allowed to be who they are. Certain problems and conflicts arise within humanity when you believe that someone else being who they are is going to interfere with your ability to be who you are.

Once you are fifth dimensional, you will realize that this is a complete fallacy. Nothing could be further from the truth. All beings can co-exist as they truly are without stepping on each other’s toes. You can choose to resist someone else and what they are doing or saying, or you can allow that person to help you get clearer about who you are and leave it at that. We’ve said this before and we will say it again. Ascension is not about defeating anyone, and it’s certainly not about defeating any ideas or thoughts. You certainly give yourself a growth experience when you feel something, no matter what it is, as a result of something that someone else has done or said or even what they believe.

Trusting that everyone is on their own path, has their own guides, and will be given opportunities to evolve and ascend is a part of your own spiritual evolution. Sometimes, all you can do is make that shift from your judgmental mind to your compassionate heart and send someone who has done nothing to deserve it a transmission of unconditional love, because that is who you are. That’s your full, complete, whole self in a nutshell, and that’s all that really matters. Remember that, and do your best not to get sucked into an argument or a state of resistance. It is important that you not do those things because you are the ones who are there to raise the consciousness for all of humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



我們決心為你們提供最好我們的所是(the best of who we are),因為當我們這樣做時,我們會感覺到自己在不斷擴展並變得越來越多。當你們與其他任何存有(無論是人類,動物,植物還是地面生物)互動時,我們都邀請你們也這樣做。通過充分利用自己展現你們是誰和你們的所是(the best of who and what you are)尋求擴展,你們將獲得擴展。你們會更加了解自己作為源頭能量的存在。你們將比那一刻所聯繫的個人受益更多。



How to Know Yourself as Source Energy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very determined to give you the best of who we are, because we can feel ourselves expanding and becoming more of our Source Energy Selves when we do so. When you interact with any other being, whether they are human, animal, plant, or extra-terrestrial, we invite you to do the same. Seek your expansion by giving the best of who and what you are, and you will receive that expansion. You will know yourselves more as Source Energy Beings. You will benefit even more so than the individual you are connecting with in that moment.

The best thing that you can do to be of service to anyone is to show up and be present with them. Listen. Tune in to them, and express your feelings. That is how you evolve and transform, and there has never been a better time there on Earth for showing up for your fellow humans. This is not an easy time to be there on Earth, and yet, those of you who are there are there because you knew you would be up to the challenges this lifetime would put in front of you.

You have already awakened so much of the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings in the flesh, and yet, there is so much more for you to discover about who you are and for you to awaken in others. Helping others realize that they are powerful creator beings, that they are Source Energy in the flesh, these are the ultimate goals of the lightworker. Certainly by being the light, by being yourselves to the fullest extent possible, you are shining more light into your world and activating what needs to be activated within people.

But also, you want to hold that awareness within you that you are always interacting with another aspect of Source, and that you are co-creating together a beautiful experience, a beautiful opportunity to become more of who you really are. And if you as the awakened collective could hold that awareness of who you are within yourselves, even for one day, you would see and feel the enormous impact that you are having on your world, as individuals and as a collective.

You will continue to grow, expand, and evolve, no matter what, but when you do it on purpose, it is so much sweeter and so much more enjoyable. And when you help someone else realize who they really are, then you have more friends to play with in the higher frequencies, in the leading-edge energies that are upon you at this time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


