

傳導:Brenda Hoffman 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.明天就在這裡 (20201110)
《2》.情感的跌宕起伏 (20201117)

《1》.關於 明天就在這裡 .

Dear Ones,
Many of you have returned to a 3D stance that all will be right with your world if this happens.
There is no outer “this” that will make your life better.
Granted, you might accomplish this. Or you might interact with someone special in your mind who encourages you to be someone or something. Those interactions have little to do with what is inside you. You are no longer part of any group. And even though you might tap into the joy or angst of certain groups, that angst or joy is not yours.
It is time for you to fully claim you. Unlike when you were a young teen needing to think, act, and speak as others to ensure your group membership.
Who are you? Not, who are you when you are part of a group?
Such does not mean you must remain in a cave so others cannot interfere with your thoughts and actions. Instead, that you listen to yourself before listening to others – no matter their importance in your life.
You did not complete the transition phases you have to date only revert to the dictates of others. You are different than others. But then, such is true for everyone. No one is now as comfortable in groups as humans were when the earth was fully 3D.
Even though 3D beings will likely want to be part of a group, they will find it more difficult to do so, for this is the era of the individual.
Those enmeshed in 3D will discover that even though some of what others of 3D are declaring seems right, most of their 3D beliefs do not track for them. ThreeD bonds are weakening to the point of becoming nonexistent. Such is so for several reasons, not the least of which is that 3D is dissembling rapidly.
Which has little to do with you, for you are no longer of 3D. It is past time for you to whine or become angry with those who think or act differently than you. You are not part of their group or any group. Yet, many of you function as if others need to know how wrong they are.
The thought that others are wrong indicates you wish to remain part of a group. It is time to allow others to find their way.
Your concern is that the thoughts and actions of others will not mesh with yours. Yet, that’s exactly what you dreamed of for eons. You cannot live in two worlds. Others no longer think or act like you, for you are now in free form.
Of course, it is somewhat difficult to let go of the need to be like or with others, just as was true as a teen. But you are not a 3D teen. You are a Universal angel fully capable of following your unique path and interests.
This new earth is not about groups of like-minded humans, forcing others to declare their groups’ rightness. It is about unique individuals daring to be themselves and exploring that which is of interest to them, even if it is of no interest to anyone else.
The new earth is not about group think or action. It is about the uniqueness that creates anew.
Even though the United States continues to have ripples of dissension after three hundred years of a governing experiment, the young people of the 1700s who created that experiment thought outside the box for the times. Multiple the thinking of those young adults three hundred years ago by 100 fold or more to know how unique your thinking is becoming.
It is time to function in a new mode – and so you are – just not as rapidly as you wish. Many of you are now stuck thinking you must support this or that group even though your inner-being informs you that such is not part of your action plan.
The angst many of you are feeling is your inability to move beyond groupthink. Even though your inner-being is ready to fully function as an independent being, your 3D memories are pulling you back to what was instead of what is.
That last statement is not to for you feel guilty or angry, but instead to inform you why you are feeling uncomfortable. It is not about worldly actions or nonactions. It is because you are not honoring yourself.
The question, “Who are you?” is not a future thought, but instead an immediate need.
Your being will relax when you allow yourself to listen to your inner voice. Who are you? Not who should you be or who do others want you to be, but who are you?
Stop worrying about world events and listen to your inner-being. Doing so will provide more answers and actions than ever were possible in 3D groupthink. No longer are there “good guys” and “bad guys” as you once played as a child to prepare you for 3D life. There is only you, your interests and, therefore, needs.
Listening to yourself will do more for the earth and its inhabitants than any groupthink. Groupthink was yesterday. Unique directions created by you are tomorrow. Tomorrow is here. So be it. Amen.

《2》.關於 情感的跌宕起伏 .

Dear Ones,
You are likely experiencing emotional ups and downs because you are changing in ways you never have before while of the earth.
Perhaps you think such information is merely a cover for the chaos happening in your outer world. We remind you that both your inner and outer worlds are changing dramatically. A similar set of 3D circumstances would include the death of family members, plus a divorce, the birth of a child, moving to a new community, and the start of a new job – all within a week or two.
Your emotional ups and downs are not terrible or unexpected. The difference is you do not have the indicators so common in your 3D world. How can you explain to your loved ones that you feel like crying or laughing at seemingly inappropriate times? Your loved ones do not feel what you feel for they are on a different path.
Because there are fewer commonalities in your new world than in 3D, you cannot explain your sensations to others – or likely even to yourself.
You might respond that COVID-19, politics, or the loss of a job or home explain it all. But such happenings have less to do with your current ups and downs than you might expect. Perhaps those who have been pregnant will understand the unexplainable for those of you surprised by your new mood swings.
Some of you might even fear you are “losing your mind.” We are neither suggesting or not suggesting medical intervention, but instead affirming that what you are likely sensing is a huge internal shift.
You are a forerunner. So as is true for every aspect of your being to date, you are experiencing something no one of the earth has experienced. Even though you experienced prior shifts, those shifts were never this large in this short period of time.
Such is not to frighten you, but instead to allow you to know what you are feeling is to be expected. Those in the following waves will experience something similar later.
Being the first is not pleasant, for not only do you feel emotionally unsteady, but you also do not know why such is so. Leaving you with fears of mental instability and likely, loss of hope.
For during your emotional ups and downs, every unpleasant or seemingly unpleasant aspect of your life is magnified in ways difficult to explain to others, much less yourself.
You are not losing it. You are merely changing it.
Your segments have been part of your totality for some time. Even though those segments have peeked out of your 3D persona once in a while, you are now fully incorporating segment interests and skillsets into your being.
Such is difficult to describe, for you continue to feel much as you did in 3D with a few statements or actions to the contrary. Granted, you discovered that many in your circle of family and friends are not that interesting. And perhaps you vocalized some of your new thoughts and actions. But for the most part, you rested throughout the past year or more preparing for this time. For this time requires every ounce of your being to focus on who you are becoming.
Just as a pregnant woman needs to adapt to the addition of a new being growing within her, you are adapting to a new being fusing and evolving within you.
2020 was your rest and preparation stage. You are now creating anew to prepare for 2021 and beyond.
2021 is not about resting or mulling about who you are to become. You will be that being. You are now giving birth to that new being.
The results will be no more frightening than was true when you gave birth to adult you during your teen years – or if you have given birth to a child. Even though some of the symptoms and emotions of puberty or birth were perhaps frightening, the results were as you hoped. And just as you cannot be a little bit pregnant or a little bit in puberty, you are evolving as rapidly as you once hoped for – and are now fearful of.
This new being you are birthing includes the higher aspects of your 3D being.
Your 3D being remains the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of new you. At the same time, your CEO is evolving to understand that your new segments have much to offer. Which allows those segments with the most appropriate skills for the specific task you are contemplating to take the leadership role. You are becoming a team instead of a one or two segment leader, as has been true throughout your earth experiences – until now.
Just as a pregnant woman is likely to shift direction and actions to accommodate the life growing within her, so too are you. The difference is the segments within you have an expertise that you, the CEO, do not. So you are not accommodating as does a pregnant woman; you are expanding your skillsets and actions.
For those of you envisioning some ghastly creature growing inside your being, we will add that the major shifts now and in the future are about incorporating your new segments’skills. You are not becoming a monster throwing out tentacles of fear and power. Instead, you are a Universal being accepting the addition of new skills and interests to create that which you wish to create.
You are changing, and not everyone will appreciate your changes. But you will discover that just as you could not stop your need to initiate your transition years or months ago, you cannot stop this.
So for the next few days, you might fight yourself via emotional ups and downs as you adjust to new you. Or you might find that what you used to love, is no longer comfortable or right for you –which also produces emotional ups and downs.
However you proceed from now on will prepare you for a new life with new directions by or near the beginning of 2021. But because you are the first, this time will seem more difficult than will be true for those waves following. So be it. Amen.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


