

譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.沉思 (20201123)
《2》.沒什麼,沒人可以傷害你 (20201126)
《3》.空前絕後的療愈 (20201128)
#JahnKassl #JenniferCrokaert #耶穌 #約書亞 #薩南達

《1》.關於 沉思 .
傳導作者:Jahn Kassl.

Today, the web of deception is becoming increasingly finely woven for those who turn their backs on God. It is the time in which everything is possible, and in which everything becomes impossible for him who turns his back on God.
So it is happening now that more and more people are opening themselves to the light and are no longer afraid to encounter the truth.So it is happening now that many people want to close themselves off and save their old lives with all their might.
It is a time full of contradictions, for what is salvation for some is doom for others.
Therefore, I instruct you to reflect completely on yourself, on your spiritual nature, and to draw strength and wisdom from it.
God meets you in your inner being and your soul is only waiting to be able to convey this encounter to you, an encounter that takes place as soon as you fully engage with God and turn completely to your unredeemed shadow.
The time has come in which the chaff is separated from the wheat. Whoever wakes up now is blessed and receives every possible support from the kingdoms of light and through God.
For God cannot escape you if you ask HIM for strength for this time, compassion for this humanity, and wisdom for yourself. Thus you awaken love in yourself and in all people.
I am the light, the life, the truth and the way. Follow me until you have arrived at God.

《2》.關於 沒什麼,沒人可以傷害你.
傳導作者:Jahn Kassl.

Walk every path with God, place every undertaking under the care of God, be connected with God in everything and deepen your relationship with God in difficult moments.
Difficult moments, crises and great challenges are key events that invite you to test your relationship with God, strengthen your bond with God and complete your love for God.
Nothing happens without a reason, everything is filled with meaning – it is up to the person to recognize this.
In the time to come, the relationship with God will be the characteristic by which awakened people will recognize themselves.
An intimate relationship with God will navigate people through the storms that are coming now, will offer protection and make unbearable situations bearable for people.
Mistakes, assaults, inhumanity will spread further. In this phase of transition it is important to stay with oneself and never lose hope or courage. This time also passes and what comes after it is the most wonderful age in human history.
Forces that want to prevent the resurrection of mankind are now throwing everything into the balance. Therefore you see – wherever you look – manipulations and restrictions. Fears are omnipresent and many people can no longer find their way out of the fear spiral.
They willingly follow the guidelines of this system, which is based only on exploitation and lack of love. They do this out of ignorance or in the false belief that if they participate or submit, they will find peace.
But this calm never returns, because the dark and malicious eats its way through a healthy organism until it is completely damaged and useless.
You are currently experiencing this on a planetary as well as on an individual level. Everywhere, life energy is being withdrawn from the earth and from individual people.
In this darkest phase of upheaval it is necessary to guard the inner light, to keep the flame of knowledge and love. It is the greatest treasure a person can dispose of.
So ask God for help, get the help you need from the bright realms. Do not hesitate for a moment to connect with God and your spiritual family beyond the veil.
Real is what you perceive inwardly, not what you can see with your eyes.
– You will safely bridge this time and return to the light.
– You were created for this time and you possess all the weapons to deal with the darkness.
– You are, even if abysses open up, able to cope with this worsening situation on earth.
– You were born to live, to live eternally; you came here to carry your light, so that it may become lighter everywhere.
– You are the way, the truth and the life. If you believe in it, you are invincible, and the proofs that confirm this belief will not be long in coming.
– You are God’s instrument in this world.
– You are the child of God and are under His protection.
By the power of your divine consciousness nothing and nobody can harm you – it is time that you remember this now.
God never forgets you, God never distances himself from you, God is omnipresent in your life. In this certainty you shall live.
So go, beloved one, and strengthen the bond between you and God! I love you infinitely.

《3》.關於 空前絕後的療愈.
傳導作者:Jennifer Crokaert.

“You are forgiven. You are healed. You are perfect.”
You have been bound, for millennia, by a false matrix of fear, guilt, anger, shame and resentment. These emotions are not and were not yours. You, every single one of you, were made in the perfect image of the perfect Divine Mother-Father God.
These emotions were inserted into your psyche and held in place by a dark matrix over the planet, an overlay, or a web, that covered Gaia and prevented you accessing your true nature - your innate perfection.
That web, that matrix, is now gone. You have access to your divinity. Now.
Miracles are your birth-right. Instant healing is now possible, for everyone. Like everything, some are ready to heal immediately, some will take more time and other souls may have chosen not to heal on this timeline. Each decision is perfect.
When I walked the earth, I told people who asked for healing, ‘You are forgiven’, not ‘You are healed.’ The reason is because you have come to believe that you are these dark packages of fear, guilt, anger, shame and resentment, and the weight of these dark energetic packages is what makes you ill.
Illness is created through fear, guilt, anger, shame and resentment. The root cause is the distance from love you have travelled. When fear, guilt, anger, shame and resentment are forgiven inside yourself, you are restored to the perfection of love. You are restored to perfection in body, in health.
Guilt, fear, shame, anger and resentment are not of the Divine Mother-Father-One. You are created in Their image, so it is not of you either. It was a false mental construct that was overlaid on Gaia as a way of limiting your illumination and your light. That false matrix, that overlay is now gone.
While you have become used to its frequency, its vibration and the way your personality interprets these emotions, they are not actually ingrained in you. You are free, loving sovereign beings. You are now able to access that birth right, that authentic part of you that has been hidden.
There is almost no one on Gaia at present who is not holding not just their own wounds and wounding, but also the fear, guilt, anger, shame and resentment of previous generations and previous selves. This is a distortion. It was never the intention that you suffer so long and with so little power to change your experiences from one lifetime to another.
Now you are coming into your freedom. Give yourself permission to feel your pains, both physical and emotional, without feeling guilt or shame, without imagining they show you as failing or imagining that you somehow created them. Just gently allow them to be seen.
Parcelled into each pain is a package of negative emotion – let it come out. Allow yourself to become aware and compassionate towards your resentment, your anger, your fear, your guilt. Let these emotions be noticed, there is no judgement: it was not your fault.
The key is to know – at least intellectually at this moment – that you are perfectly healed and whole, right now, already. Any dis-ease is not yours, consider that it is simply a process you came to heal, without any fear, guilt, anger, shame or resentment. As you come to see your pains, your dis-eases, your fears, guilt, rages, shame and resentments with a compassionate eye, without judging yourself, you are removing the anchor that those emotions, those dark packages, have had within you and within the collective.
The matrix is gone. It is not in you, nor of you. It went through you, and now it’s gone.
Imagine it this way: it is as though your arm was bound to your side during your childhood, decades later someone cut the bandages and told you to use your arm again. You would have grown so used to doing everything without the help of that arm, that you may forget to use it at first. It would take time to relearn pure movement, without distortion or handicap.
It is the same for your emotions: you have become used to the patterning of fear, guilt, anger, shame and resentment in your personality, in your body, in your actions, words and thoughts. It may take a while to get used to a new patterning based on compassion, forgiveness, peace, love and joy.
But this is who you are, and we will all work tirelessly with you until the day you remember, ‘Yes! I am perfect. I am forgiven, for there was nothing to forgive. I am healed, because I now know my own perfection.’


