

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.2020年12月的能量與新門戶 (20201127)
《2》.用當前能量創建新的奇異世界 (20201128)
《3》.享受你們的個人轉變 (20201129)
#DanielScranton #iam66 




因此,我們邀請你們什麼都不要抗拒,隨波逐流,順其自然(go with the flow),尤其是現在。不要試圖將任何東西強行插入。放手臣服,少花些心思,因為你精疲力盡或因為你放棄了希望。最後,要注意何時更緊張和何時更放鬆。在那些最需要覺醒的人的時候,要更加鬆散和放鬆(more loose and relaxed),以使自己盡可能開放。

我們希望你們盡最大努力直接幫助他人。我們希望你們說出自己的真相,並像療癒者,指導,引導管道者等一樣把自己放在那裡,但是我們真正想要的是在2020年終點時感受到能量的質量和數量(feel the quality and the quantity of the energies)接近。 2020年12月的能量將是巨大的,具有變革性的,並且特別為那些為自己做好準備的人們提供。你們可以將其餘部分留給像我們這樣的眾生和集體,因為我們已經做到了。
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been on a mission of sorts in the past several of your months. We have been looking for the right placement for some new energy portals, because of how much energy you all have coming to you. We know that you will receive the energies, no matter where the portals are located, however if the right people receive the energies first, the overall ripple effect on the human collective consciousness will be better. Those of you who are truly awake and who understand that it is part of your mission to anchor in higher-frequency energies are going to be in the right place at the right time to receive the lion’s share of these energies first.

You are the leaders in the evolution of the human collective consciousness movement, and there are more of you joining that exclusive club every single day. So we want to make sure that the right people are on the front lines and will be able to receive these giant energetic downloads that you have coming at the end of 2020. We want you all who are awake to be aware that anything and everything that is happening or not happening in your lives could be about positioning you in the right place at the right time to receive.

Therefore, we invite you to resist nothing and to go with the flow, especially now. Do not try to force anything into place. Let go and surrender more deliberately and less because you are exhausted or because you’ve given up hope. And finally, be conscious of when you are more tense and when you are more loose. Be more loose and relaxed so that you are as open as you can be during these times when those of you who are awake are needed the most.

We want you to help others directly as best you can. We want you to speak your truth and put yourselves out there as healers, guides, channelers, and so on, but what we really want for you is to feel the quality and the quantity of the energies coming in as you approach the end of your calendar year. The December 2020 energies are going to be massive, transformative, and especially available to those of you who are readying yourselves for them. And you can leave the rest up to beings and collectives like ourselves, because we have got this.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:用當前能量創建新的奇異世界 .


我們很難得關於現實中 得到某些事物的結論,我們當然不會得出結論。我們一直在尋找新的路線,從A點到Z點的新方法。因此,我們並不是很快就接受從A點到Z點的路線是最好,最簡單或最快的一個我們喜歡宇宙中存在如此眾多的觀點,並且我們相信任何觀點都是真實的,並且肯定可以成為相信該觀點的體驗的人的一部分。

但是你們會發現,我們享受創造力遠勝於跟隨他人所做的,說過的或思想的腳步。我們正在尋找開拓者和先驅者(pioneers and trailblazers_。我們正在尋找想要創造的人,而不是重複的人。我們正在尋找想要領導而不是排隊的人。

我們希望大家都質疑所有問題,即使這是我們通過此特定傳訊者傳輸的信息,因為我們希望你們創建新的信息。我們希望大家引導並提出更多的觀點,因為我們知道存在的觀點越多,那麼現實中存在的能源就越多。你們會看到,源頭不僅允許所有觀點都存在,而且源頭也是所有觀點。 源頭也對自己尋求創造新事物的一個方面感到興奮。
創建你們自己的奇異世界(rabbit hole),而不僅僅是查看其他人為你們準備的內容。受到別人的啟發,但永遠不要放過熱情(let go of the flame),真理,那種在你內心燃起的愛,並希望以一種獨特的方式表達出來,以表達自己的愛,真理和光明。現在是時候提出地球平面的新事物了,而作為“覺醒的集體”,你們就是最完美的人。

Create New Rabbit Holes with the Current Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very slow to come to a conclusion about something in reality, and we certainly do not jump to conclusions. We are always looking for new routes, new ways of getting from point A to point Z. And therefore, we are not very quick to accept the idea that the route laid out from point A to point Z is the best, the easiest, or the fastest one. We like that there are so many perspectives out there in the universe, and we believe that any perspective can be true and certainly can be a part of the being who believes in that perspective’s experience.

But you see, we enjoy creation so much more than we do following in the footsteps of what others have done, said, or thought. We are looking for pioneers and trailblazers. We are looking for those of you who are looking to create, rather than duplicate. We are looking for those of you who want to lead, rather than fall in line.

We want you all to question everything, even if it is something that we are transmitting through this particular channel, because we want you to create something new. We want all of you to channel and bring forth more perspectives, because we know that the more perspectives there are, the more of Source Energy that is then present in that reality. You see, Source not only allows for all perspectives to be, but Source also is all perspectives. Source also gets excited about an aspect of Itself seeking to create something new.

Create your own rabbit holes, rather than just looking at what someone else has just laid out for you. Be inspired by others, but never let go of the flame, the truth, the love that burns so brightly inside of you and wants to come out in the very unique way that you have of expressing your love, your truth, your light. Now is the time for bringing forth what is new to the Earth plane, and you are the perfect ones, as The Awakened Collective, to do just that.

As we have said many times before, the energies coming in are for you to co-create with once you receive them. You are not just receiving energies so that you can have gifts, abilities, memories, DNA activations, and so on. You are there receiving energies so that you can create something new, something never before experienced with those energies. And we are now and will always be huge supporters of those endeavors.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”






Enjoy Your Personal Shifts ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are excited about the possibilities that exist for the human collective as you continue on in this evolutionary journey that really is never-ending. We talk about the shift in consciousness and the shift to the fifth dimension, but those are just singular experiences. What you get to have on your way to that experience are many different experiences of your ascension. You get to experience your own breakthroughs, your own a-ha moments, and you are awakening parts of yourselves a little bit at a time because you want to savor the experience.

You want to chew slowly when you’re eating something that is particularly delicious. You want it to move around in your move so that it hits all the different taste buds until you swallow it, and the same is true of this experience. The reason you don’t all just jump to the fifth dimension and start having those experiences as your higher selves is because you want to enjoy every morsel. You want to enjoy it all. You are not there on Earth to just take the giant leap and skip over all the good stuff along the way.

So we invite you to let go of your timetables for the shift. Stop waiting for something out there to happen and give yourselves growth experiences. Feel what it feels like to take yourself deeper in your meditation or to the highest vibrational state you have ever been in. Take yourselves on adventures in consciousness, and don’t worry so much on what’s happening out there.

You don’t have to focus on what the leaders of your governments are doing and saying. You really don’t. That’s not how consciousness evolves. Consciousness doesn’t evolve through voting or tossing someone out of office. You don’t have to wait to have the right politicians and leaders in positions of power to go out and make a difference in your community. You can meet someone who lives on the street or believes in something that is different from what you believe in, and you can come together.

You can experience oneness even if no one else is joining you on that journey. You need to take your little victories as they come along and stop waiting for the main event to come along and catapult you past all of the little, yummy experiences and moments along the way on this journey of the evolution of your consciousness. Only you get to experience how you are going to experience the entire shift, every step of the way.

Don’t give that power away to any event, just as you don’t want to give your power away to any person who is in a position of authority. You are your own authority, and you get to empower yourselves. We suggest that you do that, even if you don’t know what the means, even if you don’t know what that looks like. Feel for it, and it will show up right in your face, beckoning you along on another journey on this never-ending adventure that we are all on.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


