
【大角星】《1》外星人接觸與UFO;《2》你們內在所擁有的門戶;《3》來自天狼星,昴宿星和大角星對你們喉輪支援 (近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【大角星】 傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.外星人接觸與UFO (20201008)
《2》.你們內在所擁有的門戶 (20201009)
《3》.來自天狼星,昴宿星和大角星對你們喉輪支援 (20201010)
#DanielScranton #iam66

《1》.關於:外星人接觸與UFO  .






Full E.T. Contact, A Mass Sighting of UFOs & Unity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been looking into the possibilities that are in front of humankind at this time, and we must say that we are very pleased with the timelines that you have been putting together. We know that so many of you continue to desire extra-terrestrial contact, and we want you to know that the way you have all been handling yourselves lately has brought you closer to that time where you will have full, open extra-terrestrial contact for all.

There are many of you who’ve had your own encounters, your own experiences, and you’ve done a wonderful job of acclimating to the energies of the e.t.s that you’ve encountered that there are new plans for sightings of spaceships in your skies. You are going to have more experiences where humans come together to observe the so-called UFOs in the sky and marvel at their beauty and their movements. It is true that proof of extra-terrestrial life will unify the human collective, because you will all start to see each other as one race, and that is so important for humanity.

It is so important that you set aside your differences and realize that you all have the same feelings, the same emotions. Your ability to emote connects you in a very real way to one another, energetically. And so, even if you disagree on the level of the mind, if you were to have an actual conversation about your emotions, you would realize that you are all the same, and yet wonderfully diverse and different at the same time. Now, we have talked about a timetable for full, open extra-terrestrial contact before, and we want you to know that you have brought yourselves closer to that experience.

You have brought yourselves closer to a mass landing of ships around the world, and it is because so many of you are asking for a unifying human event to bring you all together, to set aside those mental differences so that you can embrace each other as members of one human race, one human collective, one beautiful group of beings who are having a human experience at the same time on the same planet. You will start to see it that way on a much larger scale when you have these sightings, and you come together to observe your friends from across the galaxy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:你們內在所擁有的門戶 .



源頭的能量充滿創造力,不僅充滿愛與同情。 源頭的能量充滿了想法,靈感以及你們可能想要過的任何其他東西。因此,我們建議你們沉思。當你們早上醒來,入睡時以及白天可以想到的其他任何時候,將注意力放在這件事上。


The Portal You Have Within You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have opened many portals to help all of you receive the energies that you have asked for, and we are continuing to offer our energetic support, in addition to our love and compassion, at all times. But we want to introduce you to the most important portal that you have available to you. We are talking about the portal that exists at the center of your heart.

This portal connects you to all other dimensions, including the Source Energy dimension, which means it is your gateway to more of who you really are. You want to be centered in your hearts for the love, for the guidance, and to be in the present moment as often as you can, but you also want to access more of the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings.

All that is required of you to access this portal is that you give your attention to what is in your heart. You must be willing to feel everything that comes up emotionally in order to get to that very loving center of who you really are. Anything that you are feeling that is something other than the vibration of love is getting in the way of you having full access to your hearts and to that unconditional love of Source. That is what you want flowing through you at all times.

The energy of Source is creative and is filled with more than just love and compassion. The energy of Source is filled with ideas, inspiration, and anything else that you could ever possibly need to be living the lives that you want to be living. So it is our recommendation that you meditate on your hearts. Put your attention there first thing when you wake up in the morning, and as you are falling asleep, and at any other point in the day that you can think of to put your attention there.

You can use your minds to focus you more on your hearts and access more of who you are with that focus, and that is what we are recommending here, in this transmission. We want you to feel how powerful you are. We want you to rely less on us and more on yourselves for everything that you could ever possibly need or want. And as we said earlier, it could not be easier to access this beautiful and wonderful portal.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:來自天狼星,昴宿星和大角星對你們喉輪支援 .





Sirian, Pleiadian & Arcturian Throat Chakra Support ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are moving tremendous amounts of energy through your throat chakras at this time, as you are being called to speak up and speak out, to speak your truth in order to assist humanity. Of course, as you do so, you are also helping yourselves. You are helping yourselves to heal from past life traumas that were around the action of speaking up, speaking out, or speaking your truth.

You have begun to see how many different perspectives there are on your world, thanks to the Internet, and the number of individuals who are willing to put themselves out there as guides to others is increasing every single day. What this means is you require more support from beings like us, and you have been getting a lot of support at this time from the Sirius star system, as so many of you have been wanting to be of service for so long, and that gets the attention of the Sirians every time.

You can use your voice to heal, to comfort, to show compassion, and to express yourselves, all in the same sentence. Many of you have been wonderful orators in at least one of your lifetimes, and it is time to reclaim those gifts and abilities. It is time to recognize that you have the opportunity, you have the wisdom, and you can see the need for more of you to come forward and be the guides you were always meant to be. You certainly are also tapping into your own channeling abilities when you speak up, because you must speak up and you must face what is in that throat chakra of yours.

There is still a lot of healing that needs to be done, and we are facilitating that healing, along with several Pleiadian groups that we work with. This is a time where all of that support you’ve been seeking is available to you, and so much more is to come. You who are a part of the awakened collective are needed more now than ever before in human history, and we are so happy to support you and to be a part of your journeys. We invite you to call upon us, the Pleiadians, and the Sirians for help in sharing your perspective with all who are ready for it on your beautiful world.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


