

【天使】傳導:Ann Albers 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.你把注意力放在哪? (20201005)
《2》.轉變你的思想 (20201011)
#AnnAlbers #NickChan


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is an age old belief that you must battle darkness, battle ignorance, and battle disease. You battle people with opposing beliefs or those whom you believe to be threats. You battle with your weight, fight with your hair, battle your ex… and the list goes on. The human race is steeped and stewed in the idea that life is a battle on levels great and small. Someone pushes at you. You push back. You see something you don’t like. You focus on it, often obsessively, and fight it.
In the 3rd dimensional paradigm of reality, which is based on physical action and reaction, this appears to make sense. There are some 3D battles which must be fought, given your current paradigms of reality on the earth.
However, in the 5th dimensional paradigm of reality, which is based on energy, focus, and attraction, you will come to understand that battling something – vibrationally – draws unto you that which you are seeking to eradicate.
Imagine you had a magic spotlight on your forehead, much like a miner’s light. Whatever you focus upon with that light – positively or negatively – you empower and attract into your experience. You would learn quickly to be very discerning about where you point your attention. Would you point it on those you love, or on those you are arguing with? Would you point it at illness, or the efforts to support well-being? Would you point it at the politician you can’t stand, or the one you support?
This is indeed what you do with your focus and attention. You empower the vibrations, and therefore the reality, of that which you focus upon.
This is why we encourage you to focus on solutions rather than battling problems. We encourage you to focus on supporting health and vitality, rather than battling illness. We encourage you to focus on the political ideals you love rather than focusing with vitriol on that which you hate. Your actions might look identical, but your energy, your emotions, and therefore what you attract, would be totally different.
In the energy of battle you feel anger, blame, revenge, and urgency. You miss your guidance and you are pinched off from the power of the Divine within you.
In the energy of love for the solution, you feel passion, love, enthusiasm, and grace. You are guided. You plug into the power that creates worlds.
Very few of you would say, “I hate this. Let me watch more of it on TV.” “I hate my body. Let me tune into a station in which I am modeling.” “I can’t stand this actor! Let me go to a feature film in which they star!”
Yet, you do say, “I hate this,” and then you witness more in your world. Many of you do say, “I hate my body, and continue to stare at it in the mirror with disgust. So many of you cry unto us, “I can’t stand this politician or that one, and then obsessively watch them on TV, empowering all the qualities you don’t like in them with the spotlight energy of your strong anger.
It would be far more empowering, loving, and productive to say, “This is what I love. Let me watch more of that.” “I would love a healthy and vital body. Let me watch programs that help me play up my assets and empower my health. I would love to see this and such in politics. Let me tune to a station where people are striving for these ideals. I would love to see us all unmasked and healthy! Let me tune into the broadcasts talking about good news and advances in immune support!”
Dear ones, when you point your attention at anything, anyone, or any behavior here upon the earth – for any reason, positive or negative – you will witness, and often experience, more and more of the very same.
So instead of battling ignorance, support education. Instead of battling the political parties you hate, empower the ones you love. Instead of striving to battle illness, support well-being. Instead of battling racial ignorance, support the awareness of beautiful cultural diversity. Instead of battling abuse, at a human level you must, of course, take necessary steps to swiftly stop it and to create healthy and well-defined boundaries, but work even harder to support healing and reform. Instead of battling darkness, empower light.
There are 3D physical battles that can still be “fought” without getting into the 5D vibrational battle. The firemen bravely battle the wildfires, but the majority of them don’t hate fire. They respect it. They understand it. They love protecting people and property. Their 3D battle is rooted in 5D love. The same goes for many soldiers who fight your 3D battles while engaged in a 5D love of protecting those they care about. There are many front line health care providers who do 3D battle with disease but remain healthy because they have such an incredible 5D love and compassion for their patients that they know self-care is necessary.
The sun doesn’t fight or hate the darkness of night, instead it loves to share its shine. You can’t get rid of an ideology you despise, but you can empower one you love. Stop the struggles with one another. Stop battling yourselves. Start instead empowering, enlivening, and focusing upon that which you wish to love and support, and even when you feel the need to battle something in your 3D world, do it with love for what you desire, for in that reality every soul will “win.”
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In your hearts you want to be happy. In your hearts you want to feel connected. In your hearts you have dreams and desires. These exist right here, right now, within you. They are not yet tangible in your 3D reality, but they exist, nonetheless, quite real, in the world of energy.
When you think of these desires and fantasize about having them in your life, you feel good. When you think about not having them you feel bad. When you think about having them you feel inspired, guided, and clear. When you think about not having them, you can easily fall into depression, despair, and despondency.
As you ponder this, you will see quite easily that when you think of what you desire with eager anticipation, you are in the exact and perfect vibration to be guided straight to it. Your stream of energy is perfectly synchronized with the stream of energy leading you to what you want. You are tuned into the vibration of the outcome you wish for.
When you think of what you desire with feelings of sadness, resignation, hopelessness, anger, frustration, or any of those other not-so-pleasant feelings, it is as if your dreams are on the FM channel and you are tuned into the AM channel. No matter how much effort you exert you cannot get to them easily until you shift your energy field. The good news is that it is easy to shift your energy field, simply by shifting your thoughts. Choose to fantasize about what you want. Choose thoughts that make you feel good. And when your minds wander back into unharmonious thoughts, choose better ones again.
It takes practice, but in time, you can become the master of your mind.
We know external circumstances are compelling. If you dream of abundance, but have little in the bank account while all the while the world is crying for lack, it takes willpower to shift your thoughts. However you can shift your thought to a space where you imagine what it would feel like to experience and appreciate the abundance around you, and therefore attract more.
If you dream of a beautiful loving relationship but have experienced only negative ones and/or periods of loneliness, it takes willpower to shift thoughts to a space where you can imagine being the person you want to be with the person you want to be with!
If all you see on the news is death, doom and disease, it takes a bit of mental effort to shift your thoughts towards your own feelings of well-being.
The good news is that you can shift your thoughts, one circumstance at a time.
Imagine that you are in a car with an old-fashioned radio dial. You are the driver’s seat. A very negative friend is in the passenger’s seat. You select a radio station that plays happy music and ads that say you can have all your dreams come true. This makes you even happier! You begin to dance in your seat and look forward to all your dreams! You feel validated, inspired, and even more uplifted!
This is too much joy for your sad friend to bear. They switch to a station with sad songs, and broadcasts talking about all the bad news in the world. You feel temporarily annoyed but you change back to your happy station and continue to dance in your seat and smile. Your negative friend can’t bear this! They switch back to the station back to the sad songs. Now you have a choice. Are you just going to shift back to your happy station and proceed to feel good, inviting your friend to sing with you? Are you going to waste your time getting frustrated with the friend and defending your choice while all the while the sad songs play in the background? Or, worse yet, are you going to just say, “Well it’s OK. I’ll listen to those sad songs if it makes you happy.” Of course it never does.
這對你悲傷的朋友來說太過喜悅難以承受。他們切換到一個播放悲傷歌曲的電台,廣播著世上所有悲傷的故事。你暫時感到憤怒,但你切換回快樂的電台,繼續在你的座位上起舞和微笑。你消極的朋友無法忍受!他們把電台切換回悲傷的歌曲。現在你 擁有一個選擇。你會切換回快樂的電台並繼續感覺美好,邀請你的朋友和你一起歌唱嗎?你會浪費時間和朋友一起沮喪,並為你的選擇辯護,同時一直讓悲傷的歌曲播放著嗎?或者,更糟糕,你會說,“可以。只要你高興,我會聆聽這些悲傷的歌曲”。當然這不可以
This happens all too often in your lives. You get in touch with a desire to feel good. You temporarily allow yourself to feel good… and then either someone in the outer world, or the voices in your own head insist on focusing on something unpleasant – gloom, doom, statistics, probabilities, why you can’t have what you want, why you never get what you’ve wanted, why the world prevents you from getting what you want, how you can’t afford what you want, or don’t have the time, or how others are in the way… and the list goes on.
Dear ones when those voices – either your own or someone else’s – start to usurp your joy, change the station! When an inner voice, the outer world, or someone else tries to steal your joy, take charge of your own thoughts.
Forget about trying to convince others that they should like your joyful broadcast, your happy thoughts, your good feelings, and eventually your successful, amazing life. Instead allow yourself to have your joyful broadcast, your happy thoughts, your good feelings, and eventually your successful life.
To many of you this might feel selfish, insensitive, or uncaring but we assure you that from a place of true joy, true anticipation, true happy thoughts and good feelings, you will become someone who inspires others, not because you convince them to be inspired, but because your happiness becomes positively contagious.
Just as easily as fear has infected the minds of the masses this year, your joy – which is far more powerfully compelling because it is powered by the Divine – can “go viral,” only after you allow it for yourself first.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


