

傳導:James McConnell 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.不要從屬於3D的幻象 (20200828)
《2》.你現在站在懸崖邊上 (20201014)

傳導作者:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I am KaRa. It is a pleasure to be able to be with you and to share in these moments, in these ways.
For there is so much that can be said. There is so much that we want to be able to say. But as always, we are held back from doing so. So much that we know is going on behind the scenes.
But some of these things now you are becoming aware of more and more. The trust is beginning to filter out. Not only to you, those that are of the Awakened Ones, but to those that are yet asleep. It is beginning to filter to them. And those that are asleep, or were asleep, are now beginning to awaken themselves, because the must awaken.
The entire planet must awaken. Gaia herself is moving on into the higher vibrational frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond. And all of life here on the planet must do so as well. Because life cannot exist in the lower dimensions here much longer. It must move on.
And Gaia herself will only hold the place for those that are yet remaining within the illusion for so long a period of time, then she must release. She must release those that will not move into the Light, will not move on with her. They must be released.
And they will be accommodated. Everything is being planned. Everything has been planned.
And it is only necessary for those of you that are the Awakened Ones, those of you that are the Wayshowers, to continue to move forward. To continue to move forward with hope, with the knowing that everything is exactly how it needs to be. And you, those of you, just simply need to continue to move on, continue to forge ahead, and bring higher consciousness along with you.
Yes, we know there are times when even you, those of you, slip and you fall back deeply within the illusion again. And hope seems to diminish more and more because of all the craziness that is happening around you. But you also knew coming into this that that craziness was going to occur. You knew it was going to happen. You knew you were going to be part of it. You knew you were going to wonder at various times—why, why are you here? Why did you do this? But you also knew that it is at the highest level of your being within you to continue to move ahead, to continue to bring about the Changeover.
And you, those of you, are the Changeover. It would not happen without you. The Solar Flash would not come without you. The Great Awakening, that is occurring right now, would not happen without you.
Yes, we are here within our ships. We are here to assist wherever we can. But as you know, we can only do so much.
But we can tell you this: that there are things that are occurring now, behind the scenes yet, but are very close to coming forward, very close to being revealed. You have heard it in terms of announcements. You have it in terms of new experiences that are coming. And it is only you that needs to continue to hold on just a little while longer.
Continue to move about your business within the illusion, but not be a part of the illusion any longer. Yes, you are in it, but you do not need to be of it. So just continue to move forward, continue to strive ahead, and everything will continue to take care of itself.
You have our promises. You have all the promises of all of the Company of Heaven, of Prime Creator Himself/Herself. Everything is being worked out. All you need to do is to continue to trust in the plan and know that the plan is being worked out exactly as it needs to.
And your part in that plan becomes greater and greater as you continue to allow for your frequency vibration to continue to rise. Because once your frequency continues to rise and your consciousness raises, your power raises with it. And with your power, you will spread the Light even more.
Some of you are noticing that now, as the power within you begins to grow and expand, and begins to bring a new sense of peace within you, and a peaceability to be able to speak out, to speak out to your fellow man. To speak out and say, “you do not need to continue in your sleep state any longer. You can rise above that, now. You can find yourself in the Light.
你們 一些人已經注意到了這些,隨著你內在的力量開始成長和擴張,開始帶來新的平和感,一個平靜能夠與你的同胞說話。能夠說“你不需要再沉睡了。你可以提升超越它,就現在。你可以發現自己處於光中”
Because the Light is everything. The Light is all everything, and all things. And it is time now for you to realize that at a more full level, more and more, each and every day, as you come closer and closer to the Great Solar Flash, to The Event, and the Great Changeover that is following this transition that you are in right now. This transition that is taking you from one paradigm into a new higher level paradigm. One that you can now be more comfortable in, feel yourselves becoming yourselves more and more within this new higher level paradigm. It is all up to you now, each and every one, to continue to be the Wayshowers.
To continue to call upon those of us, those of the Company of Heaven, your Ascended Masters, the Galactics, the Agarthans, all that you can call upon. We are all here to assist you. And all you need to do is call upon us, and we will be there.
But I can tell you always that there are plans in the works right now to begin to bring a connection to you, which is more than just this type of connection, more than just feeling us within yourself, hearing our words within your thoughts. An actual physical connection is coming closer and closer. Call it contact, first contact. Although first contact has been occurring for some time, now. But call it a more full contact, and more full disclosure, as those of you that have been prepared for these times that are ahead, those of you that have been prepared for this, are being prepared for those further contacts to come.
I am KaRa, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness to all of you.

傳導作者:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I am KaRa. It is always a pleasure to be here with you in these moments, in these times of great change that are happening on your world. Not only on your world, but in your solar system.
Now through the galaxy, as the entire solar system and galaxy are watching all that is playing out in front of us. Watching you, those of you there on the ground, which you call the ‘Boots on the Ground,’ that are fast making the changes, bringing the changes about to this planet, to the collective humankind.
All of you are doing your part, whatever that part might be. Some may think it is just a small part. Some feel like they are having a larger part in it. But it is all one. There is no smaller or larger part to play, here. You all have a part in this.
And it is as if you have come to a precipice. You are standing on that precipice looking out across the vistas in front of you. And some of humanity will step off that precipice and fall. They will fall right out of their physical forms, because they will not be ready to move into those higher vibrations and higher consciousness. It will not be for them, so they will find this as their exit point. And then there are others who will stand upon the precipice and be afraid to leave it, be afraid to move on in their journey. So they will remain in the lower levels of consciousness, right where they have been. They will stay within their comfort zones.
And then there are those of you who are ready to step off that precipice, to physically step off it. But not fall, but soar! Fly! Across the clouds. Fly as the eagle flies. Because you are meant to. You are ready to. You are ready to move fully through this ascension process, and realize your full ascension. Yes, it will take a great many changes yet to come to this planet.
For many are still destined to bring changes that some will be ready for, and some not. Just as you have been watching from your point of view and seeing all of the things that are happening. And looking at it though, mostly from a higher point of view now. If you are looking at it from the point of view of all of those that are yet still asleep, then you will remain in that sleep state temporarily. But those of you who look at the many changes that are occurring and see it for what it is: not a great division, but a great awakening that is coming from the divisions that are seemingly appearing. And I say ‘seemingly’ appearing, because they are not really divisions. It is all a part of the awakening. As everything is coming together exactly as it needs to.
And those of us within our ships looking down upon all of this, watching, waiting, preparing for the moment when we are called more fully into service. And ready to assist all of you who have then risen into the higher vibrations, and are ready then to meet us. As we lower our vibration, you raise yours. And then we can meet together. We can be as one again. Families reuniting again. Families that have been so far apart for so long.
But yet, as you look back at this, you will look back at this as just a moment in time, even though it is an entire lifetime for you. In the grand scheme of things, it is only but a moment. And you will remember fondly how you were a part of this great moment. All of us, as we watch, as we assist wherever we can. We are here to help bring this entire awakening upon you.
It is all of you that are necessary to create the avenues of expression that are needed to bring this awakening forward. You are all meant to do this. We are all meant to do this together. And together we will, and are, moving forward, bringing an end to the great divide. Bringing an end to those dark forces that have held sway upon this planet for so long, but are now losing their momentum. For in reality, they have very little, or no momentum left. It has been taken away from them by you–by you, the awakened ones.
For that was their greatest fear, that you would awaken. And awaken, you have!
So let yourselves continue to move forward now. Move forward. Raise your vibration whenever you can, whenever you think about it. Just be in that higher vibration. If it takes going out into nature, then do that. Whatever it takes to raise your consciousness within the moment. Within any given moment, you can raise your consciousness and overcome all the frailties and the programming of the 3-D wor4ld, of the 3-D illusion that you have created here.
Just as you have created this 3-D illusion, you can un-create it, and create that which is the new reality that is to be a part of the New Age, the New Golden Age of Gaia.
I am KaRa. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.
And know that we are here to be with you, to share with you. And very soon we are going to be here more fully than we have up to this point. It is happening as you look out within the skies at night and you see the twinkling stars, know that many of those twinkling stars are not, but they are our ships. We are here in the millions and millions to be with you in this Great Changeover time.


