
【大角星】 傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.切斷連結(cutting cords)真的有效嗎? (20201012)
《2》.當前對你們的能量的需求 (20201012)
《3》.採用大角星的做法 (20201013)
#DanielScranton #iam66

《1》.關於:切斷連結(cutting cords)真的有效嗎? .


我們對人類所取得的進步感到非常滿意,尤其是當你們與他人建立聯繫時。最終,無論你們為什麼連接。感到連接很重要,因為連接而感到連接很重要。新時代和心靈領域的許多人都在談論切斷連結(cutting cords)。的確,你們確實以一種無法用五種感官感知的物理方式連接在一起,而且也確實永遠無法真正切斷那些聯繫。你們可以像徵性地這樣做,如果能讓你們感覺良好,則一定要透過這些儀式。

但是,你們永遠無法真正與任何人或任何事物分離開來。因此,不管這樣做的原因是什麼,當你們與另一個人甚至外星人建立聯繫時,你們所生活的都是在實相的真理,而不是自言自語地突然湧現(put up a bubble)或保護(shield),或其他阻止某人或某物進入你們的方式。那樣行不通。你們確實會通過注意對方來放大彼此之間的能量。如果有人給予你們很大的關注,那麼請向他們發送愛以回應他們的關注。如果他們跟踪你們,你們不必反復告訴他們你們愛他們,而是發送給他們。



Does Cord Cutting Really Work? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress we see humanity making, especially when it comes to the way that you have of connecting with one another. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why you are connecting. It only matters that you feel connected, and it matters that you feel connected because you are connected. A lot of people in the new age and spiritual community talk about cutting cords. It is true that you are literally connected in a physical way that you cannot perceive with your five senses, and it is also true that you can never really cut those cords. You can symbolically do so, and if it makes you feel better, then by all means go through the ceremony.

But you can never truly be separate from anyone or anything in all of creation. Therefore, no matter what the reason for doing so, when you connect with another human, or an extra-terrestrial, you are living more of the truth of reality than if you say to yourself that you are going to put up a bubble or a shield, or some other way of preventing someone or something to get to you. It doesn’t work that way. You do amplify energy between you and another by giving the other your attention. And if someone is giving you a lot of attention, then send them love in response to that attention. You don’t have to tell them repeatedly that you love them, if they are stalking you, but send it.

You don’t have to defend against anything or anyone, and when you come together with others to connect for whatever reason, you do tend to feel more powerful, which is another truth that you want to emphasize, especially at this time when so many are feeling disempowered. The truth is you are powerful beings because you are Source, just as we all are.

Now, as you demonstrate a willingness to connect to your fellow humans, e.t.s will take notice, and so will the universe. You will be telling the universe that you like to connect, that you like to feel connected, and the universe will give you more. You can connect to more e.t.s, or you can connect to more nonphysical collectives, and you are more likely to do so when you are connecting to your fellow humans. You do get to decide with whom you connect. You do get to decide which of the pre-existing connections you emphasize, you put your attention and focus upon.

If you stop worrying about and preparing for attacks, then they will stop coming. If instead, you look over here and you say to yourself that you like that person and you would like to spend more time with them, then your life will get better. We want you to feel connected, because that is one of the ways you are shifting. You are shifting from knowing yourselves as separate, egoic beings to a collective of connected beings, and anyone who tells you otherwise is telling you a very old story that does not fit with the truth of the reality, because the fifth dimension is all inclusive, and so is Source.

We invite you to reach out to those people that you want to feel more connected to for no reason, other than the fact that you like their energy, and then see how the universe responds and lines up more connections for you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:當前對你們的能量的需求 .





What The Current Energies Require of You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very particular about what we focus upon, because we care so much about what we are becoming. Focus on anything, and you will start to harmonize with it, even if you are in resistance to what you are focusing upon. It is necessary for all of you to pay attention to how you are vibrating, as the energies that are upon you are moving faster and faster. It is also going to be more and more difficult for someone to maintain a lower vibration, because to them it will feel like these higher frequency energies are very uncomfortable to be around.

You are at a very interesting time in human history, and it is very important that you choose what you are focusing upon and what you are vibrating for your own sake. Now, when you are focusing on what is right, there on Earth and with the human collective, you will see more of those things. And whatever it is that you think is wrong with humanity will become magnified and more in your face when you focus upon those things.

We are here to guide you to what already feels good inside of you. Now, we can also give you some very general advice about shutting off your devices and going outside to connect with Mother Earth and Mother Nature, because those things work for the vast majority of you. Now, you can go outside and get bitten by a bee or several mosquitoes and tell yourself that it was a bad idea to shut off your television and walk out your door. But if you are tuning in to the vibration of Mother Earth and Mother Nature, you cannot help but feel better.

There is so much that is beautiful on your world to focus upon, but you do have these minds, and your minds are constantly wanting a problem to solve, something that can be fixed. We advise you to relax your minds and take the weight of the world off of your shoulders, because it’s not your responsibility to fix all of it, and we want you to feel how supported you are by beings like us, and your spirit guides, and so many others who just want to help you. We want to do that heavy lifting for you. Help us help you.

Co-create with us, and we will even let you take all of the credit, but first you have to start paying attention to what you are focusing upon, what you are feeling, and you need to make some effort to shut off you minds and your devices so that you can tune in to what is really real. What is really real is that truth and power both exist within you, and you are these beautiful conduits of higher-frequency energy when you let yourselves be who you really are.

You can do so much with so little action, and with no thought, when you allow yourselves to be in the flow of the higher frequency energies that are all around you, looking to help and co-create with you. This is our promise to you. This is the Arcturian promise, and it is a promise that is backed by so many other higher dimensional beings of light and love.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



我們希望大家都從仿效大角星人(take a page out of the Arcturian book),並更加準確地介紹你們所提供的能量。我們知道你們中的許多人都在為這個概念而苦苦掙扎,因為你們甚至都不知道這個含義是什麼,並且我們對確實掙扎的那些人說,你們只需要在閉著眼睛的時候花更多的時間保持沉默。





Take a Page Out of the Arcturian Book ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been gaining our own sort of momentum in the conjuring and sending of energies to all of you there on Earth. We have been enlivened by the process of sending those energies down to your dimensional plane, and we take so much pride and joy in watching those of you who can receive those energies then go ahead and create with them. We are always recalibrating the energies to fit the precise moment in which they will be sent to you, not because we are perfectionists, but because we know how important it is to be precise.

And we would love for you all to take a page out of the Arcturian book and be more precise with what you are offering energetically. We know that many of you struggle with that concept, because you don’t even know what it means, and we say to those of you who do struggle that you just need to spend more time in silence with your eyes closed.

Those times of being alone with your eyes closed, sitting in silence, can be meditation, but they can also be times when you’re processing emotion. They can be times when you are daydreaming. They can be times when you are recalibrating your own energies. You can spend that time sending healing energy, or you can spend that time receiving it from collectives and beings like ourselves.

The more you can feel happening within you, the easier it becomes to be more precise in your offerings and in the creation of your reality. One of the ways that now exists for you to be rather sloppy is through putting your attention outside of yourselves on what others are doing, thinking, and saying. It’s nice to be curious about other people, but we do not like to see any of you giving your power away. If you were religious, you would be giving your power away to a person of the cloth, or a pope, or some other religious leader.

And because it is so much easier now for anyone to claim to be an authority on anything, it’s also easier to get sucked in to someone else’s narrative. And we just want to see more of you caring about being precise with the energy that you offer and the energy that you hold within you. We would like to see you care more about the energies you surround yourselves with, and we certainly would like to see you caring more about that than what someone is saying on the Internet about some bit of inside information that they got from an anonymous source.

We tell you this because we care about you. We tell you this because we love you and we want to see you thrive. We want to see you becoming more of you, and you can only really utilize the energies that are at your disposal now if you are paying attention to what is going on inside of you more than you are paying attention to what is going on outside of you. We understand that it is tricky to do this when there are so many ways that you have now of putting your attention on something or someone outside of you.

And so, all we can say to you is that we invite you to try something different. Look within. Feel within. And generate within yourselves that which you want to see outside of you. You’ve done enough observing now. It’s time for you all to create and to be precise in your offering but unattached to what comes back to you. That is true spiritual mastery, and that is what we see you all in the process of becoming.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


