
【佛陀與觀音】《1》佛陀-取捨;《2》觀音-要懂得傾聽 (近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【佛陀與觀音】傳導:Erena Velazquez 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.佛陀-取捨 (20200919)
《2》.觀音-要懂得傾聽 (20201006)

《1》.關於:取捨 .
傳導作者:Erena Velazquez.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings,I am Buddha,

I am so happy to be here and to connect with all of you today. I want to talk to you about your spiritual journey on Mother Earth. The subject is about Nirvana or Ascension. Right now, humanity is moving to a new phase of their existence to the Golden Age of Gaia.

Yes, you are ascending from 3D to 5D. The process has been going on for a quite some time now. As you noticed by now that to be enlightened, it takes a lot of self discipline, consistency, dedication and a lot of humility. Your first step to your successful Ascension, is to contain your ego and let go of your 3D desires and attachments, such as your lifestyle and other self important moments that only feed your ego.

Please, remember without sacrifice you cannot reach illumination, it’s not possible, unless you completely surrender yourself to the divine process of rebirth as a spiritual being leaving behind the illusion of this world, which kept you here as a prisoner for a very long time, it never appreciated or nourished you or your soul.

I am so joyful to see that you are going through this challenging event and moving closer to the end of it. A long time ago, when I was here living and experiencing my human life on Earth, I can tell you one thing, it was quite a trying experience even though I came from a wealthy family, I still had my own challenges. It’s only natural that you have them too.

Humility is an essential part in your Ascension Process, without it you cannot make much progress in your spiritual journey. Your ego is not going to be happy with you, because it doesn’t want to lose control of being important, selfish and lose the lifestyle to which it’s very addicted to. My dear ones, I know that you understand what I mean by that, if you want to ascend, you need to do the hard work, otherwise you can’t ascend from this planet to a new and a better world, a 5D version of Mother Gaia.

You have been living in illusion for far too long, so it’s not going to be easy for you. If you want to become a new enlightened human being living in a higher realm, then you are going to need sacrifice your selfishness and your ego in exchange for pure light and love by being completely detached from 3D. You cannot have it both ways with one foot in illusionary world and the second one in 5D, you need to surrender yourself completely to the process.

When you fully give yourself up to the path of enlightenment, then you are going to connect to your deep inner self, your soul and you will find out who you truly are. Living from the pure heart is going to open and change your world even before Ascension will happen, by bringing to your life love, harmony, abundance and peace.

Many of us the Ascended Masters, including me have been mentioning to you about meditation, how important and crucial it is in your transformation. Please, meditate 3-4 times a day, this will help you to get to your desired destination of ascending from this 3D reality to 5th dimension.

A lot of you are ready to be finished with this 3D experiences and really want to live in a higher dimension by being free from deceptions, illusions and illnesses. The time is coming, when you are going to be in a new reality, where there will be no more suffering, disease, poverty and no more crime. You are almost there just hold on a little longer, and you are going to reach your full freedom of pure bliss and happiness.

I am Buddha, I am happy and grateful to be here today with all of you, my dear ones. Thank you and Namaste.

《2》.關於:要懂得傾聽 .
傳導作者:Erena Velazquez.
譯者:Nick Chan.


I am Quan Yin and I am always happy to share my wisdom with humanity. As all of you know, your on the way to your Ascension. To help you with the process, I am going to talk to you today about how we handle the truth. I am aware that humankind has difficulty to accept or hear the truth, especially negative truth.

I noticed that as soon as anyone is completely honest with someone, what kind of reaction do they usually get, a negative one, they are not going to see that person again, he or she runs away from them. Why is so? Humanity as a collective or as an individual has a hard time listening to the truth. How can you progress as a civilization, if you can’t handle hearing the truth.

Usually, a person who expresses sincerity here, it’s always for a reason, to help you to move ahead in your spiritual growth. Human beings react to it, too severely by running away from it, instead of listening and trying to understand, why it was said to them in the first place, they try to get away from it as far as possible.

Most of the time, instead of learning from the experience, you get very upset about it and walk away from the person, who voiced it to you. How are you going to ascend, if you can’t process a little truth, imagine how much information is going to come out before the end of Ascension Process. A lot of it is going to be not pretty and it will be overwhelming to handle, if you are not prepared for it.

Please, remember the truth is not criticism, in most cases it’s said to help you see what you don’t notice yourself and to expand your consciousness.

I am Quan Yin, during my time on Mother Earth, I heard a lot of truthfulness from my Masters, during those old times, when I was here, nobody was gentle and polite with you, when they were telling what you were doing wrong. I gained a lot of wisdom from my Masters, and I am very grateful for what I learned.

You need to remember, it’s always said to you by someone who loves you or cares about you. A stranger would never bother themself to express to you the truth. I would recommend for you to be humble, appreciative and be respectful during those moments, even if it’s hard to hear it, instead of being defensive and angry.

This is the right time to learn on how to listen and process the truth, trust me in the future a lot of information is going to come out, most of it will be negative and shocking. I would suggest for you to start learning now on how to be around honesty, instead of reacting to it in a very negative way, just please, listen with your heart and not with your ego. The heart accepts genuineness unconditionally with love and not with anger or resistance.

Our heart and our soul always want to learn something new, our ego only wants to be in control and it doesn’t like to hear or accept the truth. It’s very arrogant and selfish, it only wants to be in charge of you and it doesn’t have any interest in your spiritual development. Everyone needs to use their own discernment from their soul on how to face and absorb the real truth in a calm and a peaceful manner.

I am Quan Yin and I am giving to you this information, so you need to be happy that someone really cares about you by trying to help you to move forward, instead of being stock and reacting negatively to the truth that comes from the heart. Humility needs to be on the surface of your being in order to accept truthfulness and to be grateful for someone in your life who has concern about your wellbeing.

It takes a lot of practice to master it. Trust me, it’s well worth it to know, on how to deal with hearing the truth without strongly reacting to it. All of you are moving to 5D, so you want to leave behind this Matrix and all the problems of 3D life. Start practicing humility and be open to receive spiritual truth or any truth that is here to teach you a lesson and help you in your spiritual advancement by not overactive to it.

I am Quan Yin and I am happy to share with you this message. I am sending my love, serenity and prosperity to all of you. Thank you


