傳導作者:James McConnell、galaxygirl、Sion
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.揚升時間線 (20170903)
《2》.我為蓋亞而來的偉大事物準備好了,你呢? (20180101)
《3》.走出牢籠,走出欺騙 (20180313)
#JamesMcConnell #NickChan #galaxygirl #Sion
《1》.關於 揚升時間線
傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan
As you sit there breathing out visualize Source energy flowing into the Mother Earth and Mother Earth radiating out that energy to the surface. This is the anchoring of Source into Earth. This is the mission that you came here for – we’re here to spread that energy to all.
當你坐在那裡呼氣,可視化源頭的能量流入地球母親,地球母親把那個能量輻射到表面。這是把源頭錨定在地球。這是你前來做的使命 --- 我們前來傳播能量
And I come here today to tell you that during this ascension process we are now in what is called ascension timeline. This is a timeline that is controlled by Source. There is very little movement away from this timeline that can happen now. At the beginning of this eclipse and at the end with the next eclipse which will happen in 2024. During this timeline the ascension will occur. And I can tell you now that there can be no deviation, there can be no activities of those who are self-serving that can attempt to stall or make this not happen as this will happen. And for you it is especially important to keep yourself focused on your own internal journey because As Within So Without.
我今天前來告訴你,在這個揚升進程中,我們正處於所謂的揚升時間線。這是一條被源頭掌控的時間線。現在只有很少的遠離這條時間線的運動會發生。從這個日食開始到 2024 年的下個日食結束。在這條時間線中揚升會發生。我現在可以告訴你不會有偏差,那些自我服務的人無法拖延或使它無法發生。對你來說,尤其重要的是專注於你自己的內在之旅,因為內在如外在
As you clear the energies that do not serve from within you, you will see this manifest in the outer world. As you clear out the storms and hurricanes within your own body and mind and energy, you will see this planet have weather that is like paradise. It is the miss-qualified energies within all of humanity that is causing these disruptions and there is only one way for Mother Earth to clear this out. If we don’t clear it out, if you and we within do not clear this energy out, Earth has to clear it out through these major catastrophic activities. Though we control this, you control this within. So seek within and seek to surrender any energies that feel like hate, any energies that feel like I must be correct, any energies that speak of ego. These are the energies that must be taken out of you. Purified.
Ask for me to help you with this cleansing. I AM here with an offer and an invitation for you. The offer and invitation is please call upon Me if you find yourself in a state of mind or an emotional state that is chaotic and I will help you take this energy out of you. And this is how you can contribute to the ascension process, is clear yourself within of all those things that you have hidden away out of shame. Open those doors. Take a look inside that closet inside you where you are hiding these energies, these emotional traumas, these old memories. Bring them out of the closet and ask Me to take it away and so it shall be. Thank you.eraoflight.com
You may now open your eyes and look around with the eyes of Source. Look around. If you are in a room with someone look at them and see the Source within them.
I leave you with the invitation to every day ask for me, Source, to come into your body, to anchor into your body, and then anchor into Mother Earth.
I bid you goodbye.
《2》.關於 我為蓋亞而來的偉大事物準備好了,你呢?
譯者:Nick Chan
Hello children, it is I, Father God. When you look up into the sky and you see all of the twinkling lights, know those are all of the times I thought of you. Just as the number stars are too numerous for the human mind to fully grasp, this too rings true for the depth of love and joy felt when I speak with you at the heart level. I’m happy to listen to you vent and request, but when you can get beyond that into the part where I walk and experience life with you, then we have achieved a deeper connection. It is nice to be more than Santa Claus with the wish lists, although we do love the Santa Claus legend and thought form who is very much alive and well in the hearts of humanity and significantly raises the excitement and vibration around the Christmas holiday season.
I want to experience what you experience, to see what you see, to be allowed into the deepest painful parts of you that you have walled off and closed your heart towards so that we can heal it together. I love you. There are many human fathers that struggle with this concept of tender masculinity. Learn from me. I will show you. True manhood is raw compassion wrapped in powerful action-filled love. That is the gaze in which I see you, children. I see all of your parts and pieces, all of your lessons of pain and of triumph. I weep when you weep. I laugh with you. I am truly here for you in every capacity. My depth of love for you is indescribable in your human terms and understandings.
Fortunately for us all, you are expanding, rapidly, I might add, to comprehend more of these ideas at the soul and heart level. For as you raise in vibration, all of this will make more sense because you will feel it. You will know it because your inner truth button that has been dusty and buried beneath dogmas and fabrications – these untruths and misrepresentations of truth – are being stripped and eroded away as you all begin to see with your heart mind.
Won’t you ask me to expand it? It is one of my specialties. What do you think asking me into your heart means? Allow me in. Allow me to help, heal, and hold your hand as we take these final lower dimensional steps together. I am ready for great things for Gaia, are you? Yes! Then let’s harness this energy of expectation and hope and joy and create this wonderful new realm together.
I am your Father God. I love you endlessly. Please feel free to talk with me at any time. Great things are advancing rapidly. All is, and will be, and will continue to be, well.
《3》.關於 走出牢籠,走出欺騙
譯者:Nick Chan
What is the lesson or teaching I am to receive and learn?
As long as you keep feeling as a victim of the people you will replay it as per the Law of Attraction. You must change your vibration level and empower your self without the ego, know that you can do these things, know that you can trust yourself. However, you seldom trust your self.
Normally when something happens to you, you muster the strength to face those things and then you go back to your victim role again, where you give your all and do not receive anything back, where you serve but are not served, where you support and care for others but don’t get the same.
Why, you ask yourself desperately bursting into tears. Isn’t it that you may still be under your old implanted role that you think is the way you are and that you won’t be able to change, that which we have seen in you all this years. And yes, you do have an implanted role. Something that is not yours, that is not your nature, that does not define you.
You Are My children
They have tried to turn you off with a lie implanted in your mind as a child and with which you have struggled all your life without understanding what you struggled against because thoughts can’t be seen but they are felt and are with you every day. But the good news my children is that they are only that; Implanted thoughts that can be changed in the precise instant that you wish.
How do I change an implanted thought?
Imagine a steam ship with those large wheels that paddle the water with the rhythm by which the ship’s boiler is fed and the steam rises for the ship to advance. That is your mind recreating the same advancement procedure. But the ship has a rudder, a small rudder that controls the whole ship. Even if it was the Titanic, the ship is controlled by the small rudder that represents your free will.
And what does this mean?
That you have the power to decide where to go. Always and at every moment you have the free will of deciding.
Decide if you accept or not something in your life and change the course of your ship, called life, either a change of direction, by taking new conscious decisions that what you want for yourself is for the highest good and thus for the highest good of all or to make a full stop and do a 360 degree turn and leave behind the old course and trace a new route to where you want to go.
Realize that you are not caged, you are free to go and enjoy your life anywhere you desire where you:
Choose to live
Choose to work, where you
Choose to make friends, where you
Choose to dream, where you
Choose what experience you want to live
You, you, you and no one other than you have the power to say; ENOUGH!
No more following the implanted mental pattern
By your Father
By your Mother
By your Society
By your Work
By your Government
By your Country
By your World!
We also are had enough of seeing you suffer in an illusory cage, in a mental cage to which you go in it and close the door on your own and throw the key away and soon after your are screaming to open up because you can’t take it anymore and you crash against the bars, shake them and cry, yelling, asking why, why are you living this way – but you do not understand, I repeat you do not understand that always, in every moment you have the key.
And you say but I threw it far, can’t reach it, don’t know how to get out of here! And I say:
No door or situation has the power to close itself as it is there just to teach you something to help you evolve and by not having the power to close by it itself you will never be trapped in any situation unless that you decide not to come out by your own free will as the key that opens all the doors is you my beloved, beloved children. Use the power I gave you, use your mind, change course and order the door to open.
The door will always obey – its there to help you pass the test.
Your freedom is yours and is eternal by birthright.
You’ll have always the power to decide what you want to be, have and do.
You attract everything with your mind, be free of your selves.
The ALL powerful Gods I have created have all the power to change things, situations, places, people, objects, etc… to their favor. Please learn this lesson that is called:
Use the power that you have as my children and change everything that you desire, just let it flow. Believe in it as you believe in me.
Don’t see the world with the eyes they implanted in you, see it throough the eyes I gave you. Do it now my children, do it!
Enough of suffering and crying for an unreality that you have created and in which your mind has you trapped and when you understand something new it wants to sabotaje you.
No my children, NO
I have given you the power to control your mind, don’t allow it to go and do what it, with her implanted lies want you to do and see.
Unite your mind with the most marvelous truth, tell it who you really are. You are my children and I love you.
I’m calling you
Enough suffering!
Its time to live life
Its time you go out into the world
I your Father call upon you now!
Come out and manifest all the power I have given you.
I love you my loved ones
背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.