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傳導作者:Gabriel RL
0:00  影片開頭
0:37  【1】《整合的三個階段》 
7:28  【2】《整合的三個階段 : 神聖干預》 
12:04 【3】《整合的三個階段 : 靈魂的遷徙》 
17:43 【4】《整合的三個階段 : 整合的開始》 
27:57 【5】《整合的三個階段 : 回顧過去》
38:29 【6】《整合的三個階段 : 回家》 
45:33 【7】《整合的三個階段 : 你們在地球上輪回了多少次?》 
原文:(♡附中英對照)互相勉勵 謝謝♡


Greetings, Family!


It’s good to be hereone more time. This is an opportune moment to talk about this subject that Iwant to explain today, and I am happy with this opportunity for directtransmission.


I need to say that thiswill be a long message and I recommend, in case your minds start to get bored,read two or three times.


Usually you do not feel tired reading our messages because theyare always charged with crystalline energies; if you feel the need for a break,heed it. Either way, keep your hearts open and minds relaxed for reading.


Before starting themain topics of my message, I need to say that now our ships are even closer andradiating much more Love, because you are also more receptive to it.


Not just this Love, butthe whole package that comes with it, as clear instructions on your soul planand the most effective tools to achieve your goals.

Your consciousness isreally changing and beginning to access much of what was hidden in you.


In fact, your antennas are becoming more powerful and theexpansion and return to your original consciousness is just beginning.


I say ‘only’ becausethere is so much more coming as you return to your original states ofconsciousness.


It is the beginning ofa great return to the original starting point.


The beginning ofremembering more deeply who you are – which is really far beyond even yourgalactic identities.


The beginning of amerger with ALL.


Althoughwe have been bringing you messages throughout the ages about your origins, youragreements, and deep deliveries in the Seed contracts, these messages are just“brushstrokes” from an even broader package, given only when you yourselfdecided what was the best time to access beyond our messages. And you aregetting to this point.


Your work is great. The way you agreed to participate in the“Earth Experience” and your courage to this day echo throughout this universeand beyond.


You have been on Earth for a long time now, paving the way forso many other races that, like you, wanted to experience this dimension.


When they saw your courage, inspired by that, they also decidedto immerse themselves in similar experiences.


Know that you pioneered many things in this universe and decidedto completely lose consciousness and the identity of who you really are, andthen, much later, to redeem that awareness and identity in the darkness presentat the time you arrived.


And even throughout the incarnational ages, in dense and complexenvironments for the most challenging missions and learning, you have thusdemonstrated in this way that you really were the beings prepared for the greatdevelopment and learning that would unfold over the billions of years of thisexperience.


How many lives have you had?


How long have you been incarnating on Earth?


This is the main topic of my message today. First of all, Iwould like you to pause this reading so that I can continue.


I will give you a minute to breathe deeply as I radiate you intomy presence, bringing in the energy of the HOME.




Going on… Some of you have access to some data on how many livesyou have had on Earth, the incarnations themselves.


Know, dear ones, thatthere were many, many incarnations. Most of you have been incarnating on Earthsince you were created, billions of years of your linear count.


There are manycalculations made with quantum tools that give rough and sometimes accuratemargins on the amount of life and experience absorbed in those ages.


Do not forget that youare multidimensional beings, and yet you are in a denser reality – compared toyour original subtlety where this multidimensionality is apparently overwhelmed– it is still multidimensional and you may be in more than one place at thesame time. I would say in more than one life at a time.


This information cannotbe too much for you. Of course, you already know that, or rather, you arealready aware of it.


It is the moment youcan say, “It is. This is very clear! I always felt that. ”


Billions of years ago,when the earth was being prepared and the Elohim of the Form gave their shareof collaboration in the creation of this reality, you, in your angelic andgalactic expressions, also collaborated in this creation.


Many plans were made,many ideas, many possibilities.


Races, especially that of the Pleiadians and Sirians, also collaborated actively in creation, givingtheir genetic portions to the development of bodies that would eventually beinhabited by the high cosmic consciousnesses that would move one of, if not thegreatest, Galaxy experience that it would certainly have a great reverberatingeffect throughout the cosmos.


❣來自阿斯塔信息(第二部分)— 整合的三個階段

I must also say that in the midst of all this cosmicpreparation for the EVENT – which would be this experience – other races thatwere not directly allowed to participate in building this reality wereintrigued by what was happening in this sector of the Galaxy.

我一定要說的是,在為宇宙級的事件准備的過程中 — 事件會是這種體驗 — 那些以前不能直接參與建立這個實相的種族對本星系的這個區域發生的事情產生了濃厚的興趣。

These beings also wanted to participate, however, notfollowing a high protocol.


They wanted to follow their own personal agenda, and in manycases completely opposed to development and expansion, and could not enterdirectly.


No, until they were called … And they knew how to wait.


They were patient, determinedly patient, until the vibratoryconditions of those elevated consciousness were compatible with theirintrusions.


They waited until those consciousnesses that wouldparticipate more actively in the experience blend into the density of what suchan experience would be, and called them to participate in the game as well.


This, of course, was foreseen as well, and would gounnoticed by the Supreme Creator.


They remained surrounding the entire crystalline barrierthat protected the construction of the experience.


For billions of years they waited and tried to infiltratethe races, especially those of the Pleiadians and Sirians, intending to inducecertain inappropriate modifications.

And, to some extent, they planted a seed, an indirectinappropriate reverberation.


They could not directly enter the experience, but they couldtry to influence, “from outside,” those who had direct access to it.


And that’s what they made. Although without direct enteringthe experiment, as has been said, they have planted a seed in the developmentof ideal DNA.


But that, that would have take them in too. It wouldinevitably pull them into the experience.


And they didn’t want it that way; Not that way.


They wanted to enter the experience, but not to activelyexperience it, like the others, they just wanted to control it.


Inevitably, they were dragged in, and many are on Earthtoday, trying to make their comebacks.


Some have kept trying for ages to cause problems in thedevelopment of the experience, such as retaliation for being “trapped” withinit.


They could not tear the veil, for only Love can do that, andthey were not yet in tune with this vibration.


For a long time, they caused many problems with theirunsuccessful attempts to leave.


Their callings their fellow men were heard, as many fledthis universe when they realized what was happening and did not want to be“trapped” in the experience either.

Thus, throughout the ages, their hearts, at least most ofthem, have been completely softened, and they are also returning HOME.


Keep in mind that here I am referring to many races thathave in some ways kept you in trouble, for these same races, realizing thatthey were also trapped in the experience as retaliation, tried to perfect theexperience, making it even more difficult.


All within one big movement that, in the end, all, or atleast the vast majority, would be expanded into consciousness.


Finally, at this point, when I say “prison,” I by no meansmean that the earth is one.


I only say so because your linear minds can understand myexplanations more clearly.



It was some special phases before the definitive dive that would make youcompletely “erase” like a rebirth in the lower dimensions, and you wouldliterally stumble your way back in the dark.


During this period of preparation,when in close contact with the Source, you were given direct and clearinstructions on what the challenges would be like and surrendered to theincreasingly intense process.


While the Earth wasbeing prepared, many of you were collaborating as much in the preparation ofthis creation as you were also developing your works at your points of originon the planets where you lived, breathing in the purest air of love and peace.


And believe me, someof you while working on the creation of the earth collaborating with theElohim, they did not imagine that they would be called upon to participate soactively in the experience, so they had to give up their love-and-peace-filledhomes to go to an experience that would somehow tear you out of thesesublimated states.


But deep down, such anexperience would bring even greater expansion, would bring great learning.


When Earth’sphysicality was in its final stages of preparation, when only a few adjustmentswere missing, the definite CALLS echoed through the Universe.


At first the nativesouls of the very heart of Earth/Gaia began their “breathing” and also preparedfor the experiments.


Souls of othersystems, by force of vibration, began their shifts to frequency adjustments atlower dimensions.


These souls could nolonger expand in their home location, as these systems achieved high vibration,having to “step back”, and this place of return would be Earth.


Other souls, as Imentioned earlier many of you, would be called upon to bring your lights tocollaborate in the process as a whole.


Let it be clear here,I do not wish to do soul separation/division; I just want you to understand howsoul development and migrations took place for this experience.


Consider basicallythree Soul Groups:


1. Those natives ofEarth/Gaia – initiators of their own Earth/Gaia experiences planting the Seedsof Light – who would be the beacons for other races to come to blend in withthe experience. They are those who would bring within themselves Gaia’s Loveand share it through their eyes with the coming races.

第一組:地球/蓋亞本土的靈魂 —他們體驗過地球/蓋亞之光,並灑下聖光的種子 — 他們成為來地球獲得體驗的其他種族的指明燈。他們體內攜帶著蓋亞之愛,並通過他們的眼睛分享給來到地球的其他種族。

2. Those who byforce of vibration had to migrate from their homes, as they were not followingthe vibrational elevation of their environment, thus having to start over in anenergetically compatible environment and thus regain momentum, assisting thenatives of Gaia with their extraplanetary experiences. Understandable phasethroughout the universe of experiences.


3. Those who havecome to help bringing more Light and Consciousness in response to a call fromGaia to assist in your elevation and your whole body of life, and in theenergetic fusion of all souls. Souls that somehow had an influence on thecreation of the earth, and were now called to participate in the experiencefrom within. These would be seizing the opportunity for a great fusion with theother groups of souls also present, giving their share of Light andConsciousness for the expansion of all.


Know that you who arereading this message of mine may indeed fit into one of the three soul groups.


Your hearts will sayit. There is no separation.


The experience is foreveryone, and everyone has chosen by mutual agreement.


The phases I havementioned are just to facilitate your understanding of soul groups.


All groups may havehad and had their experiences merged.


You who now read this messagemay be a native soul of Gaia who has gone out for a while to have otherexperiences throughout the Galaxy and then return.


Just as you may befrom the group of souls who came here to start over here what they had not yetachieved on another planet; or you may be a soul from the third group, who alsocame to help anchor Light and more Consciousness.


In any case, the threegroups are closely linked with a common focus: reintegrating Earth/Gaia intothe Galactic Community, completely purified from so many experiences andattempts at its destruction (a fact that, as I have said several times, willnot occur. The Earth will not be destroyed by nuclear war, meteor or anything).



There was still some work being done toharmonize the Earth’s atmosphere, balancing the oxygen and preparing the wholeatmosphere, as well as the bodies that would be used by you, as you werealready preparing in a layer, the astral, for the incarnation into thephysicality.


Thisperiod lasted a long time until the final adjustment, so that the first bodies were completely adjusted to the planet’s atmosphere, enabling a pleasant andharmonious “breath” that properly sustained their biological life.


You went through three specific phases when you came to Earth(from other stars) and/or when you began to incarnate.


Before citing the three phases of the Immersion, I need to citePhase 0. This is without galactic body, without galactic personality/clothing.You are only Consciousness. For this experience on Earth, you went through thisquick reset.


When most of you left their homes of origins in other stars, youquickly divested yourselves of your galactic identities and returned to Phase 0(zero), you absorbed much Light and Strength in the Source, assumed yourgalactic garments again, then, as states in the next phase (1).


This reset was necessary to give you an extra boost to the verydifficult experience you would experience. Phase 0 (zero) happened veryquickly, because in a matter of seconds they went to Source and returned.


I could just say that you did a meditation, reconnected with theSource, absorbed the PRESENCE and then opened their eyes for the course of theday.


Here some might say, “Oh, but if we are back in Phase 0, and ifthe purpose of the experiment is to return to this Phase, then why don’t westay in it anymore?”


Oh, because there was so much baggage to be rescued… much to bereviewed, accessed, lived. There was a whole story to be rewritten, written,felt, expanded, and it couldn’t happen without “The Round Trip” at theappointed time.


Beginning Of The Immersion – Phase 1

整合的開始 — 階段1

Themigration of consciousness mentioned in Phase 0 to this Phase begins. In this,you are still fully aware of your high spiritual expressions, without anyenergetic condensation of the Earth (or Plasmic Covers or Astral Bodies, as youcall it).


Here youare again after the reset, assuming the galactic personality (Sirian,Pleiadian, Arcturian, Capelin, Orione, Alpha Centaurian, Andromedana, forexample…).


Youhave left Phase 0 state and have quickly taken over your galacticpersonalities/identities again. In Phase 1, you are still fully aware andalready know the challenges you will experience.


You areconnected with your selves and are fully aware of your spiritual/galacticidentities and their connections with Source. You know where you came from andwhy you are in Gaia/Terra. You know that in the next dive you will remembernothing more. You are in the first layer of Earth, of the Terran experience.


Beginning Of The Immersion – Phase 2

整合的開始 — 階段2

Theincarnations begin in the physicality with a preincarnation, this one in theastral of the Earth, which I will call “Plasmic Incarnations” or “Astral”(incarnations in the Astral Plane).

At thattime the Earth’s Astral/Plasmatic Plane was very similar to what is the thirddensity of the Earth today. There was only greater subtlety.


Tobetter understand, it is as if at this time the Earth’s Astral/Plasmatic Planewere as Earth is now at this density, and the physicality itself is even moredense and heavy.


So bythis time, when you entered this second phase, you were already forgetting allthe package you previously had in Phase 0 and 1. Here in Phase 2, you arealready in deep dive.


In thisPhase, you incarnated and disembodied more quickly in your Astral/Plasmaticbodies and did not become aware “on the other side” that, in this case, itwould be Phase 1 (or Zero), as naturally happens now on Earth.


Whenyou disincarnate, most of you immediately “wake up” on the other side, thespiritual side, knowing that there is a spiritual side.


At thetime mentioned, at this stage, you were disembodied and already quicklyreincarnated into another body. These bodies were adults. (In this phase youalready entered the adult bodies, did not go through the phase of the child andadolescence) and built so that you were already adapting to the new phase tocome, Phase 3, the incarnation in physicality.


In thefuture, these phases would adjust. I will explain more below.


The Phase 2 you can also be considered an incarnation, you had a glimpse of thechallenges as you already received the strong and intense energies of density,with their emotions and conflicts.


Youwere already beginning to know and experience duality. But in this phase ofincarnation, when you were disembodied and quickly entered another body, youdid not remember the “other life.” You already had the layers of forgetfulness.


Beginning Of The Immersion – Phase 3

整合的開始 — 階段3

This isthe actual incarnation in the physicality (already passing through the phase ofthe child, adolescence and reaching the adult phase).


It ismuch denser, being seven times more dense in the early period, than theincarnations in Phase 2.


At thetime, ready physical bodies would undergo constant adjustments in their DNAsthat were, in many cases, energetically painful adjustments.


Verydense bodies compared to all the other bodies you had ever experienced, not tomention the extremely oppressive energetic atmosphere unmatched by the subtlevibrations of the worlds from which they came, and even dense than the Astral/Plasmatic Zones of the Earth.


The incarnationprocesses in this phase were slow, as adjustments were needed to be made foreach group of souls descending into this Phase, for continuous improvement ofthe experience.


Meanwhile,other “higher” soul groups in the early stages of the experience began theirdescent from Phase Zero to Third.


It wasa constant up and down in an elliptical movement of souls down and up, thevibration of experience, and throughout the ages, all movement softened.


As thisrising and falling of souls takes place, an energetic ellipse is formed by thismovement and in the center of that ellipse – which is the heart of Gaia – theenergy from the core expands considerably and gradually reaches the layers ofconsciousness from the Phases going from the heart of the planet to the surface.

這樣的運動會促成能量環路的形成,而在這個環路的中央 —也就是蓋亞的內心 — 來自地球內心的能量大大地擴展,逐漸到達了經歷過這些不同階段的靈魂的意識中,這樣能量就從蓋亞的內心到達了地表。

Theenergy of the entire upper energy field from Phase 1 and 0 projects from thecosmos, the energy coming from “above” from the Cosmos meets the energy comingfrom “below” from the most subtle layers of the earth, the heart of Gaia, both crashinginto the surface of the planet, causing the phenomenon “compression” andbreakthrough, of which COBRA talked several times.


Then agreat“ explosion ”of Light on the physical surface of the planet, which willcompletely dissolve the veil, promoting an accelerated movement of expansionand reconnection in the consciousness of all beings present in Gaia. (Thisentire phase of intense elliptical activity is currently underway near a largeapex.)


Thisexplosion will be felt in all hearts.


It will not be something to be “seen” but felt so intensely thatsome will weep with excitement even without knowing exactly why, then seized byan indescribable feeling of Love, a spiritual joy and a peace like neverbefore.


At this point, the physicality of the earth will rapidly mergeinto the planes and the separations of the vibrational planes will be rapidlydiscontinued.


Needless to say, there will still be those resistant to that,but no problem. Most of humanity will be ready to deal with them lovingly.


And let me say more: “the bell has already started ringing…”.


That is what you weredoing there. As you become aware of your true galactic, cosmic and ascendedidentity, you accelerate this process and deconstruct the game.



Going back in time amid all these events, from the thousands of ages that have passed, many others similar to you that have become like “special cards for special moments” have descended into your midst,as many have stepped in and out of the game.


These beings came down and, as part of thedeal, would remember much more quickly who they were to just help you rememberwho you are.


They would also sacrifice themselves. Manygave their lives for this experience, for its loving ending.


Many have arrived at key moments that haveforever transformed the history of the earth.

They were the helping hand you were waitingfor when you said before the big dive, “But what if we get lost so deeply, sodeeply that we can’t do it, to return?


And you heard from us: “Flags will be sentthrough the ages. You will always be pulled back, always! We will never leaveyou! ”


In fact, your antennas are becoming morepowerful and the expansion and return to your original consciousness is justbeginning.


I say ‘only’ because there is so much morecoming as you return to your original states of consciousness.


It is the beginning of a great return to theoriginal starting point.


The beginning of remembering more deeply whoyou are – which is really far beyond even your galactic identities.

這是你們深深地回憶起你們是誰的開始 — 這甚至遠遠超出了你們在銀河系的身份。

The beginning of a merger with ALL.


So many of these came and incarnated amongyou.

Abraham was one of them. He came with themission to intensify the Light on the planet and give a great new sign. Anyway,many, many came down.


Moses, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Krishnaand so many others. The one you knew as Jesus began the deconstruction phase ofPhase 2 as it was, because until this period, shortly before Him, there werepreincarnations in the astral/plasma dimensions.


Upon his arrival, he entered the second Phase,occupied an astral/plasma body there, and spent 2,000 of his linear years inthis phase, preparing for the descent into Phase 3, the hardest, densest, mostdifficult and challenging.


In this period, before Jesus arrived, beforeincarnating into physicality, Phase 3, everyone went through Phase 2 as deeppreparation.


Some years incarnated in that environment forthe definitive descent into Phase 3. At that time, when the incarnates of Phase3 disincarnated, they did not return to Phase 2. They were in a kind of“vacuum” that was not in Phase 2, not even in Phase 1.

There was simply no proper “stopping point andbreath” (this was also foreseen in the plan, it was part of the game).


In this vacuum, the Higher Self rapidly beganto redirect reincarnation into the physicality, Phase 3, collecting theenergies generated in the previous incarnation and thereafter mapping the newentry into that Phase.


Thus, the incarnations were faster and withoutmuch pause. Consciousness, as soon as it left the body in Phase 3, it mighteven be “loose” over “Phase 2”, but it would not incarnate again in it in theastral/plasma bodies, nor did it access Phase 1 (Galactic Consciousness).


There were few souls who, just for specialreasons, reincarnated in Phase 2, and did not even access some of the Phase 1Galactic Consciousness. Only very few, only in special cases.

The normal, the common were just the Phases,as previously described.


With the arrival of Jesus, all that changed.He deconstructed Phase 2.


During the two thousand years in which he wasincarnated in this Phase preparing for Phase 3 physicality, he createdspiritual temples for soul restorations, powerful crystalline chambers,“spiritual hospitals,” or so-called “temporary houses”.


Environments to receive souls when they leavetheir physicality. Environments of preparation for these souls so that they canreenter their physicality and follow their soul plans.


Here, the souls were no longer in a vacuum,“he managed” so that they could have a place “to rest” and schedule theirreentries in Phase 3.


Then, at this point, when souls left theirphysicality and reached the plane astral/plasma (Phase 2), it was alreadylighter, much lighter, completely modified and subtle, making it instantlypossible to access many packages of your galactic identities when you enter it!


So from this moment on, when you left thePhysical Plane, you entered this already lighter Astral Plane, accessing withpartial and sometimes full remembrance of your galactic identity.

Even though you did not ascend completely – afact that would lead you into Phase 1 Consciousness – you were already feelinggreat relief, and it was a new impetus for Phase 3 reentry, physicality.

從此之後,當你離開物質層面的時候,你進入了這個已經變得更加光亮的星光層,激活了部分,有時候是全部的有關你們星際身份的記憶。即使那個時候你沒有完全完成揚升—引領你回到階段1的意識 — 你已經感覺到舒適多了,這樣會為重新進入階段3,物質層面,灌注新的動力。

That was a great balm for everyone. Everythingwas prepared by him, Jesus, even before his incarnation in Phase 3.


After all this was done and having placedangels in the four corners of the earth to ensure that his buildings weremaintained he began his descent into Phase 3, taking with him a huge group ofsouls also prepared for the great mission.


And give the signal that would forever changethe fate of the earth, a fact that would ensure that you successfully completedthe entire journey, a true teamwork.


He himself, Jesus, even today says this whenhe try to boast about his mission. He says: “I was a human and still am. I justgave my share of help throughout the process. But they, they who stay there, domore than me. I kiss your feet for courage and determination. I went to take aflag, that of Love and this, the sign. The sign that would keep the hope ofremembering deeply who they really are, and they have held it ever since. Soit’s not me who deserves applause.”


When he incarnated in physicality, there was a“howl” from the negative forces of the planet that definitely saw that nothingelse could do to prevent the loving conclusion of the experience.


After that, several other Gaia signals werefired throughout the Cosmos.


There was then an avalanche of beings fromvarious other systems making themselves available to assist in the experimentas well.


The dark forces tried at all costs to preventthe Elliptical Force from remaining active, also firing signals across thegalaxy for unauthorized races to somehow help to continue the experiment, butwith even more pain, and that if it perpetuated forever, it was never-ending,without the expected love conclusion.


In the midst of all this “spiritual battle”,Astral environments were also built by our Fleets (Ashtar Command) around Earthto contain certain more disconnected souls who wanted to cause more trouble.


As these desperate conflicts on the part ofthose most disconnected and desirous of keeping the darkness deep, more angelsbegan to incarnate, and beings of thousands of stars from this galaxy andbeyond, causing a drastic energetic acceleration of the planet, greatlyincreasing consciousness and starting the deepest process of breaking theMatrix from Phase 3.


And here you are!


You had until about the late 1980s to sustainan energy that would prevent drastic and traumatic changes in physicality, andyou were very successful in this task.


It did not have to be traumatic. You haveprevented a nuclear destruction and the celestial bodies from being attractedby vibration force to destroy the planet.


You had until 2012 to secure the sustenance ofanother light energy that would ensure more help arrived, and it happened! MoreIndigos, Crystals, Diamonds and Rainbows began to incarnate en masse.


And you had until the middle of this presentyear (2019) to sustain another energy that would ensure our approach and closercontact with you all as soon as possible.


Andhere we are.


Youguys were brilliant! You are brilliant! Let’s go home?



So, dear souls of this wonderful experience, you arereturning… Returning to the point of origin! Returning with all of aspecial baggage, it will serve for all endless ages.


I know how hard it was, exhausting, terrifying for most. Iknow how many times you wanted to give up, and if you did, you would behonored.


I know every time you wondered if it would take too long, howmany times you wondered if it could be less painful, and if you would get moresupport.


I heard all your questions and I still hear it. But whatmatters most now is that the homecoming has begun and you are in the joy ofthis return, even though there are some flashes of pain, the pain of “cosmic oblivion“, the pain of seemingly being abandoned, forgotten in a darkenvironment, lonely and devastating.


I know how hard that was.


But remember, “out of all volunteers we will choose only the mostable among the most able, the strongest among the strongest…”


It was a difficult experience, but only beings like youcould. And so it was.


You are now deeply connected, more aware, and knowing that itwas all worth it. That’s what you went for. That’s what you incarnated for. Foryour inner radiance to shine in the midst of such density and within, and thetransformation to happen.


Now, on this elliptical journey back, you come “dragging everyonewith you,” on the trail of Light that you have expanded, those who come incontact with you are instantly drawn into that Light.


You need to do nothing but be who you are in the brightnessof your Light.


Realize that many other souls look into your eyes, deeply,showing a clear sign that they are open allowing this loving fusion, or lookaway.


In that case, you feel insecure to look at your own Lightthrough your gaze, because facing your own Light entails the need also to faceyour shadows reflected in the Light.


And once again, your loving energy will lead you toreflection. Your energy will be the warning signal to: “THE SHIP HAS ARRIVED!TIME TO BACK HOME”.


And even if you try to deny it, you will not resist thiscall. At least most will not resist, because they came with you, and they willwant to come back with you.


Of course, the very few who do not wish to begin theirjourney back now will benefit from the trail of Light that you have left, andthis will be the bright path they will have as the basis for their return.


And that won’t be long either, as they are also finishingtheir experiences.


While most of you are practically finished, there is the joyof knowing that the ship is already ready, and the journey back begins, passingthrough all the ages in its multidimensionality, leaving a trail of intenselight in this wonderful elliptical return of this experience.


Many of you hope our ships can land in your fields, make manydisplays in your skies, and then all come and go.


We want you to know that this return is much deeper thanthat, and simply getting on a ship and leaving would be “bland.” You wouldn’t do that 🙂


Please understand, this return is not literally it, assomeone leaving one city to another, but a return to a state of consciousnessthat really doesn’t matter what environment you are in. You will be at Home!


A state of ascended consciousness where it will not matter ifyou are in the hot desert or in a comfortably cool and cozy environment. YOURHOME RETURN IS NOT GOING TO A SPECIFIC PLACE; It is being in you, in yourFullness, Love and Peace.


Yes, you will return to your galactic points of origin,because that was the deal, too, but it would happen when your Inner Lights cameon in such a way that you could bring this galactic home closer to you, just inthe environment you are in.


It is not a specific place that makes you ascended, but asimple state of consciousness. And this is what you are reaching.


This would all happen when you began to embody your galacticidentities in this dimension, when the identity of who you really are isbeginning to be accessed in this physical dimension that you are now – at whichtime you would download the entire cosmic package of your own history, and yourLight would expand further, dissolving the veil to pieces, “destroying” theMatrix from the inside out!

當你在這個維度中活出自己的星際身份的時候,這一切就會發生,也就是當真正的你開始活躍在你所存在的這個物質維度的時候 — 那個時候你就可以下載到包含自己所有信息的宇宙能量包裹,你的聖光會進一步擴大,將帷幕溶解成碎片,從內部將矩陣“破壞”!

At this point the big trip back start, and that process hasbegun, and much more intensely, especially on the crossing of the big marker2012.


And here you are, in the enthusiasm of the return.


And throughout this process, you began to experience, thanksto your expanded states of consciousness, the transformations of ascension: thetransformation from your carbon-based biological bodies to newcrystalline-based bodies, until you completely reached bodies of Pure Lightstructure by dissolving physicality in the Light of this transformation andintegrating your enlightened consciousness into the physical, making into ONE.


Know, dear ones, you are ascended beings retaking thisconsciousness.


You are Lights retaking this consciousness.


You are already Divine retaking this consciousness.


You are galactic beings retaking this consciousness!


Nothing more can be said at this point.


It is what it is.



How Many Lives Did You Have?


Finally, dear ones, after all, from a deep start wheneverything was absolutely ONE, then you were “torn out” of that ONE, theconfusion that all of this caused in your beings, the pain of this disconnect,the unbridled search to keep up, the experience to reach your love purpose, andat the same time the intense need for “home”, a reconnection with the ONE, havesuffocated you for ages.


But you remained relentlessly determined. No matter how inthe dark you were immersed, you knew that the Light of your hearts would guideyou!


Oh! I’m so proud!


In the midst of all of this game, you were still creative,experts in your field, wayshowers, lighthouses, healers; you remained who youare even without the memory of it. Somehow you kept this memory, even ifunconscious, who you really are, and it has always been present in your manylives throughout the ages and ages of the earth!


And how many were they? Dear mine, you had between 44 and1,144 lives on this planet, between Phases 2 and 3.


Oh, you think so much? No. You wanted more.


Newer entrants, those who came into the experience lessrecently, have between 1 and 8 lives. Yes, there are beings that began to have their first livesthere on Earth, isn’t it fantastic? I know, there are a lot of calculations inyour heads now, but this is not a time for that.


Just feel in your heart the truths of these statements. Youknow. You who programmed everything 🙂 We only assist.


Let me say more: Today, at least 7 billion of the souls ofthe earth have at least 15 incarnations since Jesus Christ. Oh, don’t hold onto these calculations.


Your linear minds will not be able, at the moment, tounderstand the depth of it all. Not that you have no intellect for it; I justwant you to feel it in your heart.


The whole body of beings that is actively connected to thisexperience today, among those embodied in the physicality and astral zones ofthe planet, added to those on board the ships waiting to embody and somehowinteract with the experience, both in astral as well as physical, (or even descending in their galactic garments, uh!), are about 89 billion souls.

And I’m not counting the Fleets – which will not incarnatedirectly on the surface – that are here to “watch” and support those 89 billionthat will incarnate.


Some will find much, others not so much, but I don’t careabout that either. It’s just numbers 😀


For thousands of years, there was not much relay in theincarnations. They were almost always the same beings incarnating inphysicality for ages, taking on various roles at various times, in variousincarnations.


Now a big relay will happen.


Many of those 89 billion will begin to descend, while thesouls who have incarnated for ages will begin to stay further here on the“other side,” except for a few key pieces that will keep going down and upconstantly. This is subject to another message 🙂 Oops!


And before you ask yourself, “It won’t say the 89 billion arecoming down… Obviously, it won’t all be all at once.


Remember this will take a while… 🙂 And they will not incarnate many lives in a row, as you did.


Beloved, I am very happy with the opportunity to give you alittle more of your story, or to re-deliver!


My deep gratitude once again to you, dear Neva, for youravailability.


I would also like this message to be narrated by many voices.


Narrate it, share it on your social networks, put thevibration of your voices in this message, or record for yourself to listen inyour particular environment.


Again, reinforcing my embrace and continued support, knowthat I am with you throughout the ages, listening to each of your thoughts andalways believing in your powers.


No one has ever taken or will take away from me the belief inyour strength!


The Journey is not over yet.


Now you travel back home, and I’ll be in the lift!


And so it is.


Your brother, Ashtar.




背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.

【天狼星】20201118 接下來的三個月;關於 我是天狼星的SaLuSa,這是具有挑戰性的時期,是的,但你已經被提醒了。在混亂之中成為燈塔,為量子飛躍做準備

關於:接下來的三個月 .
傳導作者:Neva Gabriel RL.
譯者:Nick Chan.於2020年11月18日.

A call to division continues to be made by the Negative Forces in their last sighs, as they try to set the surface population in conflict, against each other, inciting polarization in every possible way. It is clear that this plan will have no effect as they expect, for as we have been emphasizing for a long time, there is more Light now on Earth than ever before. It is to be expected that they, those who wish to maintain the old system, will create some disharmonies, but they will not be able to go beyond a certain line. The New Age indicator beacon is well lit, and nothing that the negative groups do will be able to avoid this Quantum Leap, that has been foretold for so many ages.
You, on the surface, are in a way already used to the amount of false news (or fake news) that continues to spread through your media, in an attempt to maintain control through fear. This is becoming less acceptable every day, and you (the people) are now taking the inner call to really understand the inner voice of Truth. We also know how restless many of you are about what is being called the “second wave”. Keep in mind that, as we have emphasized, those who wish to annihilate humanity will not cross a line. They have already been warned by our Forces that we will advance Low Orbit with our fleets if necessary.
There is, of course, a lot of movement of our spaceships all over the planet, and many of you may be following such movements when our “escort ships” cut from one side to the other and drive away any remnants of negative Draco fleets that may still be trying to hide.
We must also say that, through our allies of Telos, we have advanced from the interior of the Earth to certain areas of the surface in order to neutralize some underground forces of the negative groups still resistant to the changes. Many children have been rescued in recent times by our forces, and we say that it has been hard work, but that we are managing to move forward as planned. At this point, many of you may be called upon to collaborate more directly with certain releases, and when appropriate you will know about the next steps.
Many of you are direct members of what we might call galactic “police” forces, which in no way resembles your earth policing. We also hasten to say that in no way do we underestimate the work of the policemen of the Earth and their workgroups, but that our way of working is different from the ones you are used to seeing. We are equipped with certain forces and have the largest neutralizing force field in the Galaxy. Obviously, we don’t use it directly on Earth, because there are laws that need to be respected. Laws that some of you still don’t understand, and in this misunderstanding, you are asking yourself why we don’t intervene once and for all in everything that is happening. As we always say, we have a limit to act and we cannot disrespect, in any way, the sovereignty of the peoples of the Earth and their capacities of creation, but rather act on what is possible for us or, as the saying goes, “what is within our remit”, we resolve.
You are entering a zone of space where there is a great amount of energy capable of drastically altering the vibration of your bodies, thus increasing your telepathic abilities and strengthening your Immune System. However intelligent those who represent the negative forces are, they “let through” this fact when they architected the plan in progress since the plan for Covid-19 is unable to be fully implemented as they wished, because, by crossing this zone in the space, you naturally increase your own immunity. This occurs thanks to the crystalline particles of this specific zone in the space that you and the planet are crossing, while Mother Earth continues her journey through the Galaxy.
You are crossing this great quantum field of crystalline particles right now (from November 2020 to the end of January 2021). This will also impel you to abandon what needs to be abandoned and to open yourself to new experiences. It’s not surprising that many of you are going through end-of-cycle phases, whether in affective relationships or any other situation involving family and work environments. You are being called to the new, and these three months (November, December, and January) will bring a strong push for great changes. Trust the forces that assist you, dear ones! You, as we always say, are being more assisted now than ever before! Nothing will change the plans already decreed by the Creator.
You will find the balance and be sure that this is not far from your linear time. Even though your media tends to continue to instigate fear, and even though those servants of the negative forces continue arrogantly to deny that their plans have failed, it is evident: you are reaching a new state of consciousness so that you can no longer return to the old ways. These times are indeed challenging, and many of you have been affected, having lost loved ones through all the chaos and stampede that the dark forces have created. But, in any case, know that all your efforts and all those who have been most directly affected by the whole situation will be honored by your trust in the Supreme Creator.
Another point we would like to emphasize is the policies of your system. Of course, everything seems to be as it always has been and nothing seems to be changing for some of you, or rather, for most of you. My dear ones, as much as it may not seem to you, the political visual scenarios around the world, even though they seem to be as they always have been, there are big moves behind the scenes for drastic changes. It is important that you continue your meditations, avoiding any kind of polarization, and keeping an eye out for them in the midst of discussions that drain your energies and leave you without the strength to fight any biological abnormality in your bodies. The dark ones, as we always say, know that when you go into extreme polarization, there is a drastic drop in your physical immunity, making you vulnerable to various types of infections. Didn’t they realize that months before they launched the “Covid-19” narrative, they incited you to move into separations and accusations, putting you into extreme discussions? The negative ones know this and have been using this weapon for a long time. Simple examples to understand: it’s like in politics or sports (when there are inflammations of rival groups) and even in your means of study, when discussions are raised saying that University A is better than University B, creating groups of “superiors and inferiors”. All to create separation in an attempt to disempower and weaken you to take advantage of such movements. You are ONE, dear, regardless of your differences!
“Conquering the inner world is the first most crucial step in overcoming the outer one.”
These are challenging times, yes, but you had already been warned about it. These are the times for which you were born! To be the lighthouses in the midst of all the commotion that precedes a Quantum Leap. All the dirt that had been thrown under the carpet for ages is now being exposed. And you are also having to deal with your own shadows, long kept. But, know that in no way, you would be alone in the middle of all these moves. Believe us, dear ones, when we say that you are the bravest beings in the Galaxy for accepting such a great challenge to bring Light to the planet, which had been dominated by darkness for a long time.
I am SaLuSa (Shalashian) from Sirius and I reinforce that my presence with you will be more active in the coming months, when you will continue to see our spaceships in your skies, especially acting in the cleaning of toxic gases that are continuously thrown into the atmosphere. This is a special request from Gaia to us from space, and we count on you, our allies from the surface. We trust you as you trust us. While we do our part in what is within our jurisdiction, you – the Galactic Federation incarnated on Earth, – are called to your task.
We leave our Love and Blessings from all of us who compose the Galactic Forces of space, always honoring the Galactic Codex entrusted to us.