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#JahnKassl #MicheilaSheldan #NickChan

傳導作者:Jahn Kassl
譯者:Nick Chan

Wake up! Come back to the source! Find the way back to the light!
I am GOD,
Beloved people,
there is no more time to weigh, to wait or to clarify, what it is about the change, if at all. The change happens, here and now – in the middle of your life and before your eyes.
Now it depends on you, on your courage, your steadfastness, your faith, your wisdom and on your love for life.
What has man done to the earth and to all life on the earth! It is man who is responsible for the condition of the earth, and it is man who can put this right.
This can only happen if you become aware that you have to make your contribution now. The repair work has long been underway, but still so few participate.
So it happens that I, who am GOD, will shake the sleeping people awake. Each person will have the opportunity to make a new decision on the basis of facts. The light that will reach the earth in the near future will reveal and illuminate everything inside and outside. This will make it easier for many people to repent.
Suitable circumstances are needed for people to develop creative thoughts, loving feelings and spiritual access to themselves. It takes ONE EVENT to set everything in motion – and that event is coming.
You who have been doing great things for years, you who have been the callers in the wilderness in many lifetimes – do not despair. The time when you preached to the stones is over.
Now every person is touched by the light of God within, and thus receives the opportunity to repent. It is the last wake-up call to resurrection, it is the last invitation to change one’s attitude to life from the bottom up.
The work of those people who repeatedly came to earth to contribute to the change of consciousness is bearing fruit. People are becoming human again -compassionate and unconditionally loving creatures. The epoch in which people staggered through the times as will-o’-the-wisps is over.
You who seek the truth and stand against the wind that is currently blowing on this earth: Fear not! Even if it seems that the forces of darkness bind more and more power and exercise force over you: This is an illusion.
In essence, the satanic principle on this planet is at an end. What you are experiencing are the last round-ups and chaos – assaults of unprecedented dimension. At the same time, more and more light warriors are rising up and representing themselves, the people, life and light.
Unity through peace, freedom through truth – this path is irreversibly taken.
More and more people are awakening. In the end, a sufficient number will be born again and the change will take place. God’s grace will open people’s hearts – there will be many.
I am with you. Give yourself to me and you are alive in God. Your life begins and completes at this point.
The final wake-up call is coming.

觀音Kwan Yin信息:
傳導作者:Micheila Sheldan
譯者:Nick Chan

Undeniably, as your soul’s path winds and turns, vibrational signals embedded deep within your internal code will awaken a need for silence; a desire to become well acquainted with who you are before the subtle vibration of your true essence morphs yet again into a new and improved version of itself. These times, often met with sadness and judgement, are the impetus for a profound quandary into the most elemental facets of the self that have remained unrecognized; a cherished period of self-discovery through which valuable insights come to light. But how is that you can decipher the difference between these delicate times of vibrational realignment and the depression and loneliness that are the byproducts of emotional and physical imbalances?
To become better acquainted with the self through any window of imbalance is the passage through which it becomes transmuted. So first, we must clarify that, in the big picture, experiences come and go just as perfectly as your Divine plan is written. Looking back at the past to blame decisions that led to this time of silence or to place judgement upon others for the situation you find yourself in, negates the beauty of how your soul has arrived here.
Your human experiences are the gatekeepers of your highest self’s vision. As co-creators, the human perception of any experience is the crossroads between its non-physical direction and physical manifestation. So simply, we ask that you are in a state of implicit kindness with yourself, especially at times of loneliness or silence. It is not the lack of others in your life that is in need of rectifying. A deep process of transformation is well underway for the distinct purpose of reconnection and further acceleration your co-creative process. Your physical body is a very instrumental part of this screen play written by your higher self.
The body understands that through cycles of time, energy becomes recycled and readied for new activity. Like the motion of an incoming tide, the waves will crash harder and deeper until the sea resides and calms once again. This wave pattern is instrumental in moving elements of the ocean floor, reorganizing vital nutrients and sea beings within their cycles, as well. The body is very supportive of the soul’s unseen journey. It will, at times, succumb to sleepiness, pain, lethargy and emotional upheaval as the player on a sports team knows the importance of its position. This is one of the most misunderstood activities in the evolution of an awakened soul, because the propensity is to judge quickly that which is not pure and in balance, as further evidence of failure.
When the conscious mind perceives failure, all of the senses in the body will begin to look for it; and like a magnet to metal, draw for you direct evidence of the weakest aspects of your DNA signature. The paths of least resistance in the body will then modify their consciousness to that of your own, offering a struggle that you believe you must overcome. But the willingness of your own participation in this struggle is often the aspect of its purpose that goes unnoticed. For embedded within the struggle to heal the physical or emotional body is resistance to change. Any awakened soul will encounter this multiple times in one lifetime, simply because it is paramount that all humans remember their likeness to the ocean tide, willing to rise and fall at will with universal patterns.
Loneliness comes along not to create an experience of suffering, but to gain such incredible stability in unknown situations that a soul cultivates a true relationship with its God-like self. This God self knows at an intrinsic level that loneliness is how the ego relates to unanticipated change. Through swift vibrational change, your embodied soul can never again be what it was before. This is a mourning period, not unlike what takes place during the transition between life and death. In a sense, times of loneliness mimic the Heavenly passage of a transitioning soul, but in a very physical and earthly way. It is an opportunity to review from a higher perspective your life’s journey thus far; integrating all aspects of who you were with who you are about to become.
Loneliness, then, is not so much an emotional state, as it is a state of alchemy; a bridge between realities that is ushering you through a transition from what was to what will be. It is easy to become lost in this feeling and begin to reflect outward at all those who repel your advances of connection and blame them as insensitive or unaccepting. But your spirit self sees this as a gift, for if these humans were to interrupt your process it would not be near as valuable as your higher self is anticipating. In this redirection back to the self, you may feel rejected. But in reality, you are simply being shown the most important connection you are able to cultivate right now.
The vestibule of new human connection constructs itself upon holy ground seeded only with loving and compassionate self-acceptance. This radical self-love is what is needed at this exact point in your evolution to draw more loving souls around you, and comingle them on the earth. You have become more adept and available to this higher frequency of love and your soul is calling you to put it into action. As you do, the foundation of a new reality that is vibrating quickly within the etheric realms begins to ground to the physical earth. And the container for its manifestation becomes opened through your ability to be compassionate, loving and truthful with yourself and others in this moment.
This process often becomes confused with self-care, a term on your planet that takes a very physical definition. The truest form of self-care comes with your ability to hold steady in love at times of separation from friends, romantic partners and family. This does not require a negation of the difficulty of your experience, as truth is an integral part of this passage. It is possible to feel emotions of sadness, frustration and pain, while also loving the self despite it. This Divine Feminine mastery is needed right now for evolving souls to become reacquainted not only with themselves as human, but also as Gods and Goddesses able to alchemize the deepest form of self-love as a magical elixir of planetary uprising. It is this microcosmic event of personal stillness that mimics the serene quiet before the piercing sound of earth catalyzing into material, rock and elements as it was birthed into the universe. The rebirth that you are experiencing right now is required such that the entire earth and all of humanity may follow suit.
When you become curious about every experience you are in the midst of, you must magnetize the likeness of that curiosity within and upon the planet. This curiosity is the basis for understanding, clarity and awakening; an expansion of perception that relies upon gateways like separation and loneliness for reconnection and co-creation. What you are capable of can only be seen when windows of opportunity present themselves to explore and validate them. Look not upon these times as validation of your unworthiness, but as a request and opportunity from your collective self that should be relished before the wave crests once again.