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【Ashian指揮官、藍鳥人】《1》成為偵測自身偉大的偵探;《2》藍鳥人 我們不會讓你失望(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導:Jennifer Crokaert、Kate Woodley 
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.Ashian-成為偵測自身偉大的偵探 (20210214)
《2》.藍鳥人-我們不會讓你失望 (20210215)
#JenniferCrokaert #NickChan #KateWoodley

《1》.關於 成為偵測自身偉大的偵探
傳導作者:Jennifer Crokaert
譯者:Nick Chan

Each one of you is loved beyond measure. You may forget it, you may not feel it, you may have been programmed by life to think that love is not for you. Nothing is further from the truth.
Now, let me remind you, in the kindest and most loving way you can imagine, you are not alone. You have a team of beings that work with you constantly, every day and every night. They are here to help you remember – and then embody – your divine creator self.
They have different roles: some assist you in your work, some assist you in awakening to your divine creator self; some provide hunches and ideas about how you may deepen your practice of parent, child, partner, friend, colleague; and some assist you in transforming your 3D work into 5D service.
These beings are known as angels, as galactics, as versions of your higher self, as ascended masters and aspects of the divine. Their label does not matter, their service to you does.
As with all things divine, less is more. The less your ego insists on doing, the more surrender. As you surrender – blessing any action and inviting the highest outcome – you create space for your creator self to emerge and for your team to assist you.
The less you complain in your thoughts, the quieter your mind becomes and – almost suddenly! – you begin to hear the soft whispers of your team. Small intuitions, intense knowingness… all this is your team working with you and supporting you.
For anything that brings you down, that feels overwhelming, disappointing or confusing: ask for help. Surrender it – offer it for assistance, blessing the obstacle and knowing that a miracluous insight is your birthright, because it is your divine essence.
Expand your understanding of yourself beyond your (physical) self. You are far greater than you imagine. You have untold assistance to create miracles for your highest good, and what aligns with your highest good aligns with the highest good of all.
Become the detective of your greatness. Find clues that show you that you are greater than your programming or even your physical self. Every day, notice things that are beyond what you imagined were possible. They may be small, but they may also be so huge that you have failed to notice them before.
Begin to put in place, one by one, new ideas that support your greatness, evidence that supports your greatness, so that one day you awaken and you no longer have to convince yourself that you are a divine creator, you Know you are a divine creator.
If you do the small daily steps, your team will meet you; they will assist with miracles and clues, insights and inspirations, all created to reflect your divine creative power.
In spaciousness, your divinity becomes apparent; in spaciousness, your divine creator self is allowed the space to emerge.
Creating spaciousness is possible in any life, regardless of how busy you are. Coming into the present moment; letting go of the endless trains of thought; focusing on just what you are doing right now; surrendering doubt, fear and envy, adopting trust and generosity … these are all ways of creating spaciousness in your life and allowing your divine self to dance with you in your daily life.
You have a team, you have a divine creator self. You are infinitely loved, infinitely loved, infinitely loved.

《2》.關於 我們不會讓你失望 
傳導作者:Kate Woodley 
譯者:Nick Chan

For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from The Galactic Federation of Light in conjunction with Commander Ashtar.
Interviewer [Kare Heywood]: We wonder if you wouldn’t mind talking to whatever it is that you feel that our audience would benefit from today for the newsletter?
Blue Avians [channeled through Kate Woodley]: Thank you. Yes, we have a message, thank you. This is still Eir Ar and Aira (Blue Avians) and Avalon and we are joined by a few key delegates from the Galactic Federation of Light. These are delegates who monitor and assess the frequency of the human collective and they have the ability to tune into any disturbances in this field.
藍鳥人:謝謝。是的,我們有一則信息,謝謝你。我是Eir Ar和Aira還有Avalon,我們和一些來自光之銀河連幫的關鍵代表一同前來。這些代表監督並評估人類集體的頻率,他們有能力協調到任何的失調
What is of a huge disturbance at this time is that so many individuals are focusing on particular processes, on specific predictions that are very detailed and that are anchored in politics, and that are focused on high-ranking, high-powered individuals and the role that they have to play on Earth. It is very, very important that we take this opportunity to remind humanity not to hang their hopes, nor their personal Ascension journey, on specific occurrences and the unfolding of specific events that lies outside of themselves. They cannot control what happens to a specific individual whether they are of the light or not, when it will occur, or how things will unfold.
Focus Inwardly
What they need to do is to re-attune and focus on themselves. For it is the internal spiritual journey that will set you all free. Freedom must be found and unlocked at an individual level. It cannot be expected from situations that lie outside of any one individual. Once again, by focusing on these specific events, how and when they will unfold and specific outcomes, you are handing over your power. But you have all the power you need within you.
Do not focus on specific predictions. But focus on your own journey, which at this time for so many of you as you are in different stages of your own respective awakenings, for some of you the journey is about letting go of patterns, memories, and experiences that have kept your frequency and your emotions low and down. This is about breaking through and breaking free from what has for too long held you down.
What has held you down varies from one individual to the next. It is up to each of you to identify those chains and break free from them. As you awaken, you are also learning to access many innate abilities – abilities that all humans have but some of you, many of you, have very acute abilities that are in development or waiting to be discovered and developed. You must focus on your contribution to the world as opposed to the world’s contribution to you and your life. Do not allow your journey to be dictated by external circumstances and situations. And more importantly, if things don’t occur or unfold as you so desired, do not allow it to lower your vibration. For by doing so, you hand over your power to something or someone and to forces that do not serve you. You know those forces of which we speak of. They are those who are not of the light. They are those who wish to keep you down in a vibration of fear, helplessness, powerlessness, anger and frustration which so many of you have succumbed to.
There are Many Roads to Ascension
We understand that many of you had hoped for specific outcomes at this point in time. We will take this opportunity to remind you all of the importance of focusing inwardly at this time.
For the key to freedom is by learning to free yourselves before you can free others, and it is no one else who is going to come and free you until you learn to do this for yourself. You are all sovereign. You must rely less on the powers that be – that you have granted and attributed so much power to – and realize that you have all the power within yourselves.
So, you must let go of set expectations and detachments and trust that there are many, many different ways to ascension. It will be experienced differently from one person to the next. Do not worry about how humanity is getting to ascension. You will get there. It is already unfolding. It is written. But like many journeys, there are a number of different routes to which you can get there. And so perhaps route ‘A’ did not pan out as you had hoped. But there are a number of many other equally wonderful and hopeful routes that you must now shift your focus towards.
Rely on Yourself & Not on Predictions
And so again, this is about taking back your freedom, your power, doing your inner work, relying more on yourself and less on circumstances outside of yourselves. Focus less on specific predictions for they can be wrong and they change from day to day.
You must understand this. As many before us have said, this is a multi-dimensional chess game. And as such, it is very difficult for any one person or a number of higher-dimensional Beings to predict exactly how it will play out. What you must focus on is that we, the forces of the light, win the chess game. Do not focus on the next move or the next two moves. Focus where you stand at a spiritual level on the chessboard.
你必須明白這一點。 就像很多人已經說過的,這是一個多維度的象棋遊戲。因此,任何人或更高維度的存在很難預測它到底會如何上演。你必須專注的就是我們,光之力量,會贏得這場象棋遊戲。不要專注於下一步或下兩步。專注於你在精神層面處於哪裡
And do not allow yourselves to be distracted, and more importantly, for your vibration to be lowered. For there is much that you have to look forward to individually and collectively. You are on the path to ascension, you will not be derailed. We, your Beings who are of the light, who love you, who are guiding and assisting you in so many more ways than you understand, we will not let you down. We will not turn our backs. We are here to help you individually and collectively. But you must trust us. But you must trust yourselves first. And so this is about trusting that all is unfolding in accordance with the plan of the light.
Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged. For we are winning. We have won. How it will play out is still to be determined. But keep your eyes on the prize as you all like to say. We hope that this message brings you much reassurance, much hope, and much peace.
Interviewer [Kare Heywood]: Beautiful words of encouragement and much, much needed during this time. Thank you very, very much.
Blue Avians [channeled through Kate Woodley]: We will simply in closing say that we understand there are many in the lightworker community who are disheartened and discouraged. This is a temporary feeling. We encourage you not to dwell there, to pick yourselves up, to remember that you are all ascending and this is a journey of ups and downs, temporary ebbs and flows. The outcome is grand – and we are here to remind you of that. Remain hopeful, keep the peace. Do not focus on what you feel is a downfall. For there are many, many bright turns just around the corner.
So remain hopeful and focus on the big picture. Do not get lost in the weeds. We love you and we stand with you.

【光之銀河聯邦】2021這是你的一年;關於 大家好,我是阿斯塔,我和一些光之銀河連幫的關鍵成員一同前來引導人類,如何引導你踏上這些可能的時間線

傳導作者:Kate Woodley.
譯者:Nick Chan.於20210109.
#KateWoodley #NickChan

Hello, this is Ashtar and I’m joined by a few key members of the Galactic Federation of Light. And these members are what we refer to as ‘foreseers’, or ‘seers’, of the next realm of light that is coming across your Earth. They are members of a higher Council that we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, frequently confer with particularly when we’re looking at likely timelines. We seek their counsel and their advice as to how to steer humanity, how to guide you all along these probable timelines in order to yield the most positive outcome for humanity. For this is always our primary focus, goal, and objective. For your well being is our mission. Your ascension is our grand mission. And we stand with you side by side.
As these timelines shift, change and evolve, you are all aware of the degree to which change takes hold on your planet. And we wish to take this opportunity to remind you that in many ways you are the champions of this change. You are the navigators of these timelines. For it is your very collective thoughts, beliefs, desires, and focus that take you along one timeline or another. This is why we take every opportunity to remind you of the powerful creator Beings that you are, and more importantly, of why it is so important for you to focus on the future that you wish and desire for yourself and for humanity.
More will Awaken to the Truth
Let us now shift to 2021. This year ahead will in some ways mirror 2020 in that there will be many changes. Much will be brought to the surface at an individual level as well as collectively at a societal level. Many are awakening and waking up to the truth and the hard reality that exists on the Earthly plane. And by hard reality, we are referring to the forces that shape humanity, that control humanity.
As you open your eyes, as more of your fellow humans begin to understand more fully and clearly the true forces at play and what is truly at hand, we see that the collective will begin to move forward in lockstep. As has been the case in 2020, that there will be some ongoing division among humanity, we see that slowly and gradually, humanity and opposing groups will slowly begin to unite. As you awaken, you understand that you are more powerful when you stand side by side and shoulder to shoulder than when you stand apart. For the dark forces wish to keep you separate, and they will do and create any situation they can to keep you divided. It is important that you stand together and that you stand up for the truth.
More truths will be revealed to you throughout 2021. These truths will serve to gradually and slowly awaken more of you. And it is important to those of you who are light warriors and light workers that you come together and that you help those who are awakening. For you must understand, they are awakening in a much harsher reality than you awoke to.
For the reality of 2021 in some ways will feel far more raw. The hard truth, as we’ve mentioned, will begin to surface. Humanity will unite and will become far, far more powerful of a voice than ever before. You must use your voice more than you ever have. This is the voice of calm and peace. But it is also the voice that demands truth and that will demand far greater justice for all. For there will be those who will seek to take away even more of your freedoms and more of your rights through the guise of this virus or an offshoot of this virus.
Hold the Light & the Peace
Many of you will be compelled and called to begin to reveal the truth to those around you who are still asleep. Our advice to you, our dear ones, is to do this while holding them in light and peace. And when you speak the truth, it is not ever to be done with any fear, but rather with calm reason. For you must understand that those who are awakened, while they may have escaped one fear, they are perhaps awakening to a new fear.
And so I ask you, my lightworker friends, my brothers and sisters of the light, to hold those who are awakening in a place of calm and peace. Help them understand the power they have within them and how this power can be united. For humanity is unstoppable and you will continue to be unstoppable as you begin to unite in 2021. There will be situations that will be presented to you that will cause you to stand up and unite more so than ever. You can unite behind a common purpose and cause, but this must all be done peacefully.
Lightworkers must stand UNITED
We will take this opportunity to remind you that as lightworkers you must stand together and united before you can be the teachers and the ralliers for the rest of humanity. It is important that you support your fellow lightworkers even if their opinions or ideas may be somewhat different than your own.
You must remember the grand cause and mission at hand, and that is the ascension of humanity through the most light-filled timeline that you desire. How you get there is up to you, we will hold your hand, we will guide you, we will always shine the light and show you the way. But it is up to you to walk together and walk the path of the light. It is the only way for true unity is a unity of hearts at an energetic and spiritual level.
你必須牢記宏偉的事業和使命,那就是 人類楊升到你渴望的最充滿光的時間線。你如何到達取決於你,我們會握住你的手,我們會指引你,我們總是會閃耀光,指引你道路。但取決於你要不要團結在一起,行走光的道路。這是唯一的道路,因為真正的團結是心的團結,在能量和精神層面
2021 is the Year of Lightworkers
For the first half of 2021 we do see that there will be more restrictions, but these will gradually lighten. But it is you, our lightworkers, who can accelerate this opening up, this justice, this freeing of humanity that is at hand. So 2021 is your year. It is the year of your voice, of your truth. It is time for you not only to stand in the light but to move forward in the light.
And as we’ve mentioned, you will be called to move forward in many different ways. And some of you may be called to move forward for a different cause. But it will all be for the benefit of humanity. The cause that you will stand behind will be that which resonates in your hearts. You must do and act as your heart compels you to do. Know and trust that you are being ushered into the movement and the cause that needs you, your energy, your knowledge, and your leadership at that time. And as you are all compelled to begin to more fully carry out your mission, your life purpose, the puzzle pieces that comprise Ascension will come together far more easily.
So this is the year of rising up. It is the year of opening your eyes, of demanding truth, of letting the truth be known. But prior to your ascension, the road will be wrought with the need for freedom and justice. These must be achieved before Ascension can occur. It is not the other way around. But you are the ones that will bring about this freedom and justice, and it is together where you will find the greatest strength and the greatest momentum forward.
Do not allow others to divide you my dear lightworkers for they are trying very, very hard. We have seen some cracks in the lightworker community. But these can be patched up and sealed if you all learn to see through any minor differences and stand and walk and speak in UNITY.
We will be coming to you again with more messages about 2021. As the year progresses, as events unfold, we will guide you.
Know that we always hold you in light. We watch over you with love, with pride, and know that you are all honored and cherished. We thank you all for your work.
The Galactic Federation of Light