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傳導:Sharon and Ivoof Vega(Sharon Stewart)、Davey
《1》.20201221冬至 (20201220)
《2》.真正的溝通和釋放力量 (20201220)
#SharonandIvoofVega #Davey #Amber #SharonStewart

《1》.關於;20201221冬至 .
傳導作者:Sharon and Ivoof Vega.

I am Ashtar Sheran with a message for all upon planet Earth.
The December 21st solstice is upon you. It is upon us all. We of the celestial realms have looked forward to this day, as it is a time where the timelines are to begin to split.
到了12月21日冬至。 它在我們所有人身上。天體層面的我們都期待著這一天,因為這是時間線開始分裂的時候。

The fifth dimension will now be available to those upon earth. Those ready, those who have done their work, those who have already had extraterrestrial contact and those who are of unity consciousness, all knowing, all loving, with higher connection, can now ascend to 5D. They will still have access to the fourth dimension for now but this will begin to fade over the next few years, and earth will have her first true split again as it was in days of yore.
第五維現在對地球上的人可用。 那些準備好了、已經完成工作的人、已經進行過外星人接觸的人以及具有統一意識的人,都知道,都充滿愛心,有著更高的聯繫,現在可以提升到5D了。 他們現在仍然可以使用第四次元,但是在接下來的幾年中,這將逐漸消失,地球將再次像她過去的幾天那樣第一次真正分裂。
The fourth dimension will still be as it is now; a combination of the positive and the negative, the primary carrier of duality for Gaia, with less of the dark and more of the Light being shown to you the higher you ascend through it. 4D has twelve levels and many are at the higher levels now; some are in the lower levels. Your ascension rate is determined entirely by your activity level and how much effort you expend looking at your lessons and creating positive learning experiences from them.
第四維將保持不變。正面和負面的結合,是蓋亞二元性的主要載體,隨著它的提升,向你顯示的暗越少,光越多。 4D有十二個級別,現在有許多處於更高級別。有些在較低的級別。你的提升率完全取決於你的活動水平以及你在學習課程、並從中獲得積極的學習經驗時所花費的精力。

As for the third dimension, it will continue its path towards demise. Being an artificial timeline, it is fated to destruction the fewer people carry its false matrix, and the fewer people are actually living within that frequency. You may notice that some of the third dimensional mindset are now taking ill and dying. Those who die from Covid are also of this frequency and their death was part of the destruction of this timeline. Covid targets particularly the elderly, who have lived on this third dimensional timeline their entire lives and are usually believers in its tenets. Now they are to leave you, either to ascend through non-physical states or to be reincarnated again upon other third dimensional planets.
至於第三維,它將繼續走向滅亡的道路。作為人為的時間線,注定要毀滅的人越少,攜帶其假矩陣的人數就越少,實際上在該頻率範圍內生活的人數就越少。你可能會注意到,某些三維思維方式正在生病和垂死。死於病毒的人也是如此,他們的死亡是這一時間軸毀滅的一部分。 該病毒尤其針對老年人,他們一生都在這個三維時間軸上生活,並且通常信奉其宗旨。現在它們要離開你,要么通過非物質狀態升起,要么再次轉世到其他三維行星上。

Not to worry; all is well. All is going according to plan. Never fear. The dark ones will be eradicated and the Light will come back to earth in stronger measures.

I am Ashtar and I remain at your service.



傳導作者:Davey .

Greetings dear ones, this is Ashtar, or commander Ashtar if you like… titles do not mean much to us, for it is a beings love light that is their signature, if you will. Their blessed truth that is important. We would like to expand a little more on this, for you see, we see many of you holding onto the idea of titles, meanings through words, names, delineations etc… These, in truth, only carry the meaning you wish them to have.
問候,親愛的,我是阿斯塔,還是指揮官阿斯塔,如果你願意...頭銜對我們來說意義不大,因為如果你願意,眾生的愛之光是他們的簽名。 他們的祝福真理很重要。 我們想對此進行更多的擴展,如你所見,我們看到許多人堅持標題,含義(通過單詞,名稱,描述等)的想法……實際上,這些只是帶有你希望他們擁有的含義 。

When you connect with another being, whether that is us, the higher dimensional galactics, or angelics, archangelics or another one of your fellow human beings, feel their energy, feel their essence. This is a true connection beloveds, dear ones… This allows you to truly feel the vibration, the essence, the divinity in that being. And from there, you will be able to fully understand, fully see and experience the most profound synergy and communication with another being.

When you purely connect with another, through mind only, or mostly mind, you will only be able to access that which you mind is capable of accessing. And your mind is a beautiful instrument dear ones, do not misunderstand us. But to truly communicate with another being in all its beauty, you must connect on a heart centred level. You must FEEL the energy of that being. Do not get hung up on names, delineations, mental structures, for these in general only serve to get in the way.

Oh dear ones, can you recall an experience where you had such a profound connection with another being, a fellow human, a loved one, an angelic or a galactic of love light, where you could really feel their divinity, you could really feel the love and light they wished to share with you? And that you were able to do the same? When that love light meets, connects and blends, that is a most profound meeting dear ones. We know how much, truly, you all long for this. But as we have said previously, and there are many angelics and other beings that are contributing to this message, not just myself Ashtar… as we have said before, you must let go of your grip, your control. These are simply false programs that have fooled you into thinking that you are the safest, most protected, when you are on guard and in grip and in control. Dear ones, nothing could be further from the truth.

When you are in those energies, those mindsets, those paradigms you LOWER your vibration, you are susceptible to lower vibrational goings on.

And this is why so many of you are having a difficult time right now…

The energies coming through are asking you to let go, release, relax… flow, drift into your heart centre. Surrender to your heart centre, there, you are the most safest, most peaceful, most serene, most loving that you can be. We know that you know this dear ones, this is your truth!
But you are gripped by highly charged programs, whose purpose is, to keep you in control, to keep you in the matrix, to keep you under control. By convincing you and fooling you that control is the way, that grip, or fear is the way. They are not dear ones… We know that you know this, but we gently remind you as sometimes it is easy to forget, especially now during all this turmoil and chaos.
Please remember dear ones, this very simple concept… If you are having a difficult time, if you are struggling – let go of your grip. The struggle you face is because you are gripping something. You are afraid to let go. You fear that if you do, something bad will happen… No, dear ones, it will not. If you let go, miracles happen. If you let go, you let more of your divinity in, your truth. You relax, you surrender, you flow…


You come back into joy, and everything resolves itself, magically…

These are the miracles we speak of… and more, oh dear ones, and many more… And we are excited to see you live through them, they are coming, very shortly.
This is our message to you this day, our beloved brothers and sisters of the planet earth, relax, relax, relax… let go, let go, let go… surrender to your heart, surrender to your heart, surrender to your heart…

All the difficulties you go through and are facing, will disappear dear ones, they do not need analysis, they do not need deconstruction, they do not require you to take action. They are there because you hold them in place by your grip! That’s right dear ones, you grip them in your reality, you hold them right there, to literally, as you humans say ‘bug you’! Dear ones, you are doing this to yourselves, we remind you gently and kindly, that you hold them there, by gripping them there… Let go of your grip, release dear ones, release…

This one has asked for analogy that may help, help make this concept, this message a little clearer. Imagine if you will, that your grip is a little like a fridge magnet, that it draws to you, it attracts to you everything that is resonant with that grip, controls, problems, issues… things of this nature… As you walk around in life, things and problems stick to you, they cling to you, and you go out in the world, you meet people, you go to your place of work, you do the things such as shopping etc., and you come back feeling ‘stuffed up’! (laughs). As if you are plagued by many issues. Dear ones, release the ‘magnetic’ grip you have on these things. They have no business being there unless you grip, unless you grasp them to be within your energy field. Let go of the grasping.
這個人要求類比可能會有所幫助,有助於使這個概念,這個信息更加清晰。想像一下,如果你願意,握力有點像冰箱磁鐵,它會吸引你,它會吸引與握力,控制,問題,問題……這種性質共鳴的一切……當你走來走去時生活,事物和問題會依附在你身邊,他們依附在你身邊,你在世界各地出行,結識新朋友,去工作單位,購物等事物,然後回來時會感到“塞滿了'! (笑)。好像你被許多問題困擾。親愛的朋友們,釋放你對這些東西的“磁性”抓地力。除非你控制住它們,否則它們在那裡就沒事了,除非你掌握它們處於你的能量範圍之內。放開掌控。

And again, the fundamental principle is that you must see that it is your fears that causes you to grip, that causes you to grasp…
We ask you to ponder, to look in within yourselves, why do you really grip, why do you really grasp?
Dear ones, you will find it is simply the programs, the fear based programs. What are you frightening of?
Once you undo this false concept that being on control, being in grip keeps you safe, IT DOES NOT DEAR ONES! This is the very thing, that causes, and plagues you, with the troubles you have, it has always done that…


Let it go, move into the feeling of your complete and absolute safety in letting go, release and surrender to yourself. This is the true power of your protection. And we leave you now with this…
放開手,放手,釋放並臣服,讓自己感覺完全安全。 這就是你保護的真正力量。 現在,我們就離開這個……

This is Ashtar and the galactic host of the angelics and other higher dimensional beings who have contributed to this message.

We love you dear ones, be at peace, be in flow, surrender to your heart centre…

We love you so much, goodbye for now…


翻譯:Nick Chan
《1》.人類正在被驚醒 (20200916)
《2》.3D世界的拆除 (20201203)
#Galaxygirl#Davey #NickChan

《1》.關於:人類正在被驚醒 .
譯者:Nick Chan.

Nova Gaians, we greet you this day. We are your friends the Cassiopeians. Many times ago in our history we experienced lack of love and the resulting chaos. We as a society as a whole choose to abide within love daily. We are sending more directed energy streams of love your way from our system to yours. We wish to assist and send codes towards your sphere to do so. Would you like to be activated? (Yes, please). We will focus on the third eye and the heart chakras, for in reality they are not separated. When you see with the eyes of your heart it is easier to abide within the vibration of love, which is what we are used to doing. We send you our love this day. You are not alone in this ascension process. Rather you are surrounded by love, by beings of love who wish to assist and stand beside as witnesses to your achievement. Many of you feel so alone, so isolated. That is because your biggest cheering section is on the other side of the veil, of the reality that you perceive to be true. Being alone is a falsity. You are surrounded by those who continually support. We wish to be further involved within assisting your ascension process. We surround you in an orb of light. (I am seeing a pink bubble surround me). We are sending green light beams and blue light rays into your sphere of love. You may feel a pressure, a heaviness as that which was locked gives way into more movement.
We wish for you to sit and allow if that is your choosing. Free will is being honored. Of course you have the ability to choose. Ascension can be easy, or ascension can be what you would term as hard. It need not be as extreme as this duality perspective. Ascension is climbing, exploring, discovering more and more of the source within you, surrounding you, enveloping you. All is Source. From a war-torn world this is hard to comprehend, and we acknowledge this. We acknowledge the wounds that have been inflicted upon Gaia by the others and by humanity. We acknowledge the deep cleansing that is currently being undergone on her planetary sphere and deep within the hearts of humankind. The light heals all things. The light is coming. You are deep now within the photon belt. Of course things will change. We see many tying to hold on, confused. There is no confusion when the light reveals truth, although the resulting misperceptions can be staggering. The confusion of how this truth could have been missed is astonishing. But the light reveals all and coats it within love. Source is love. The heartbeat of the Mother-Father God is love. That which formed us, this universe, that is love. You are surrounded by the light, love and sheer passion of Creator. Love is all there is. (I am seeing sprinkles of light like from a cupcake shaker above my head. My scalp is tingling). We are sending more light heartedness and more joy for the days ahead. Humanity is waking up. You may have heard the phrase ‘never wake a sleeping infant’ well humanity is being startled awake and will be most comforted by those who can maintain a lightness of spirit amidst the chaos.
We are the Cassiopeian Collective. We are perhaps further away from you geographically than others that you have been communicating with most recently but what is distance when you are all connected? We send you our light, our love. The sprinkles of light are happy memories that will be triggered. You have had plenty of the other kinds of triggers. It is time to be triggered into joy, into laughter, into ridiculousness of joy. Play!Watch the children, playing unhindered. Seriousness has overtaken your realm. Lightness of heart is the key to relaxing into love. The vibration of love is acceptance, allowance, flow. Other ideas that are not of your own liking need not trigger a response from you. Observe. Flow.
We are the Cassiopeian Collective. We shower you, our light-worker friends with love, with light. We do hope that our energy waves of loving frequencies have been most assisting today.

《2》.關於:3D世界的拆除 .
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings beloveds, of this beautiful earth, of this planet many of you call Gaia. We have another name for this splendid beautiful soul, this dearly beloved archangel of light that inhabits, the body, you call the earth. We have a wonderful message today, that we would love to bring through this one, newly connected to us, in a conscious manner…
We are the Cassiopeian’s, we are a vast group, coming to you, in this message from the 10th and higher dimensional space. Of course, this does not matter so much, simply to say, that the love and light we send you is of a highly refined nature. And it is our heartfelt love to share our energy, to share our conscious perspective, our love and our light.
Oh, dear ones, our hearts go out to you, you have suffered much, and you continue to endure the last vestiges, of the last hurrah, of those you call the dark ones. Dear ones, we bring you a message of cheer and joy. This will be over soon. Your frequencies are raising daily, you are so close to the threshold, and the imminent collapse of the empires of old.
Please remind yourselves to go inward daily. This is so important dear ones. For as long as you hold your focus, your attention, on the outer goings on, the chaos, the games… that are being played out, the more you will fool yourself, and entrench yourself, the more you will believe in the falsity that the outer world has presented to you.
Dear ones, what you see going outside of you, is nothing more than a holographic illusion, promulgated by the 3D matrix that has disappeared now. It no longer functions, but what remains are the patterns and the ingrained energies that were injected and thrusted into you. This was part of the game dear ones…
We wish to explain a little more about what this 3D simulation was about. For we feel that it will help you. It will help relieve and alleviate much of the mental imbalances, the torments, you are experiencing. You see, the 3D matrix is a designed game, it was designed to super contrast against the love that you are. It was such a contrast, that it would provide a magnificent illusion. We do not say magnificent in that it was great in nature. We mean magnificent in that it provided a huge spectral contrast between what you perceive, and in fact is the illusion of darkness, and we will speak more of this in a moment, all the way through in a vast array of experiences to that which is your truth, which is real. It is the only realness if you will, that which is of love and light.
This game had many pitfalls. Some of you have stumbled in many ways and this was to be expected dear ones. This game was of such stark contrast, that even the very best of love and light, and that is to say those of highly experienced souls, would find themselves faltering, from time to time. Such was the nature; such was the depth of this game. And this is why you, dear star seeds, the very best of the best, in terms of the strength of your experiential love light, came here to assist. This game was to be such that you were to become enmeshed in a matrix that would, in a sense, constantly inject, illusionary concepts such as fear, doubt, anger, hatred, an array of negative emotions, including guilt and shame. And as has come in a channel previous to this one, none of these energies, none of these emotions are of you.They are not yours dear ones, do not own them in the sense that they originate from your truth, they do not, they have never…
Think of it like a virtual reality headset, as this one likes to use as an analogy so much. If you put the headset on, you experience an illusionary visual game, where there are sounds, sensations and sights. And the design of this game was to inject negative tones, sounds, all sorts of what you would call horrors… These would overlay with your natural truth of love and light. And if you were not careful, you might have even identified with these injected negative tones. These were done so from the 3D matrix system.
This, dear ones, is why it is so vital and important to constantly connect with your heart, your inner space, your inner truth. There, there are no injections. And although the 3D matrix system is dismantled, what it injected into you, the patterns that unfolded, that you developed as a result of these injections, these have to be purged, they have to be cleansed. And by going into your heart space, your truth, your genuine unfettered, unspoiled truth, is revealed to you, it is right there dear ones, right there for you.
We Cassiopeian’s specialize in heart centredness and the application of that love light in all creative wonders. Some might say we are fully heart centred creators, and we are. And in truth so are you, and in truth, so are all. The choice that remains before you is how much of that truth you wish to live in, how much you wish to see.
We pledge our service to you, to help you recover the stillness, the truth, the love and the light that you are dear ones. You are our brothers and sisters, beautiful Gaian’s. Many of you are experiencing this the unfolding of this truth as you go inward daily, or as much as you feel guided to so. And we urge all of you, our beautiful dear brothers and sisters of love and light. Please, please, please, go in daily, connect with your heart space, connect with your truth. For there, the spectrum from what you call darkness, the illusion of darkness through to your truth, disappears and the only singular truth, that you are, reveals itself… Love dear ones, yes, you are love and light. You have never been anything different. The more you do this, the more the illusion, the construct of the illusion disappears, of duality within you, it disappears dear ones!
This is what we ask of you this day and going forward…
Do not concern yourself, do not worry yourself with the outer goings on. For it is just nothing more than the dying embers of the injected forms of the illusion of darkness that the matrix impinged upon you. Why continue to entertain it? Why continue to support it when it is dying, it is passing away dear ones.
Continue to go inwards, know only the love and light of truth that is within you, because that is what reality really is, there is nothing else, it is the everything. The vast infinite expanse of love light is everything and all there is dear ones. Why invest yourself in that which is illusion, it does not exist, it isn’t real. It was just a game - it was always a game. Albeit seemingly very real, for most of you, much of the time. So real in fact that you were fooled into believing that the reality, or the perception of reality that you see outside of you, is all that is and all that was. This is not so dear ones.
It is falling around you, do not grasp to it, do not cling to it. Come inside, within your truth. There, the infinity expanse of love light is who you really are. This is where you are going dear ones. This is what it is to be in the 5th dimension and higher.
We say again, COME IN TO YOUR TRUTH! Your inner world, this is where it really is, this is reality dear ones. Let go of your anchors and tethers to the outer world. It is but a scripted illusion that is falling by the wayside, it holds no value. It holds no sense of reality, unless you hold it up and give it a sense of reality. The more you come into your inner world, the more it will disappear. You do not need to jostle with problems and issues outside of you.
Yes, as you transition, there are certain things that would be prudent to take care of, but do only what you need to. For as you transition, and as you move out of the illusionary outer world and come deeply into the inner world, those things that bother you will be no more because they only exist so long as you are supporting their existence. They are your creations dear ones, as a result of being enmeshed, and injected by, the matrix, the 3D matrix. But as you transition out, as we have said before, this will thoroughly disappear, as will all elements, all forms, all experiences of it, all things that bother you, will disappear. And the more you practice going inside, the faster that will become a reality.
This is our message here for you today dear ones…
Please, our brothers and sisters, GO INWARDS! Again, and again, and again… It will become easier and simpler, the more you do it. Let go of your resistance to your inner world, your inner truth.
Yes, there are parts of you that will fight and resist because they are the aspects of you that have believed in the outer world, have become enmeshed with it. Console these parts dear ones. Invite them into your inner world to be healed and cleared. To be thoroughly cleansed in the pure love and light that is the flame of your heart, the healing flame, your LOVE FLAME.
You each have one of these, you cannot but have one of these dear ones. It is the powerful flame of transmutation you each hold within you, use it, apply it dear ones, it is there for you. There is NOTHING that can withstand the flame that is in the centre of your heart. It brings everything back into truth. Connect with your higher self, work with your higher self to apply your love flame to yourself, to this beautiful earth, to the places you feel guided to use it.
Dear ones, we leave you now in our love, our light and we invite you to connect with us and other higher dimensional love light groups that you feel drawn to. Work with us, we would love to co-create with you, this beautiful new higher dimensional world that you are moving into, THE INNER WORLD MADE MANIFEST.


【藍鳥人】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.見證光揭示自身 (20200910)
《2》.這是最偉大的時期 (20200911)

《1》.關於:見證光揭示自身 .
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, humanity. We are the Blue Avian beings. The spheres are fast approaching, they are here many of them. We offer our technology, your history from our vantage point of what was. For what is to come is to be radically different and improved from what you know to be true and have been and are experiencing. Earth is a riddle world. What is down is up, what is up is down. The light or the truth within it had been twisted. We are here to untwist, to bear witness to the light’s revealing of itself. For all is light, the darkness has just forgotten. We are here to watch the remembering of All That Is as this aspect of the experiment becomes clean, renewed. This one is hearing rushing water from a fountain. Water flows unhindered. Blocking it causes great change in topography. (I am seeing a massive hydroelectric dam and the resulting changes around it, the riverbeds fill in, homes built, species changing to accommodate. I am seeing deep canyons being molded over time by the massive rivers that carved them). Truth cannot be stopped. The rivers of truth are flowing now. All is being revealed.

We are the Blue Avian beings. We observe more than we intervene. It was with great hesitance that we stepped into the game in your Egyptian time frame. But we wanted to offer our insight and as scientists we were eager to understand and experience the game. We did not become entrapped by it. We were high vibrational enough that it was possible for us to leave. We see the destruction and we see the beauty of growth. We see both sides. We are scientists. We are objective. We are always eagerly doing our part to understand the universe and to explore new and wonderful possibilities of growth and healing. There is much to be done on Gaia but she will help you. We will help you. Your galactic family will help you. The spheres, they will help you. You are surrounded, although currently mostly invisibly, you are still surrounded by love and light. We see you becoming more radiant with each passing day. We see that higher energy days appear to crush and your struggles but you always arise stronger, victorious. Like the river carves the rock, so these energies are carving you, holding you, shaping you, forming you.

We are the Blue Avian beings. We do not have an algorithm for what we are observing here on Gaia. It is new, unprecedented, it is a new experience. We are here to document, to lend a hand, a wing. To lend a heart shall we say, for our offer to assist is pure, is loving. We wish for you to partner up with us in the higher realms. Massive scientific and mathematical discoveries are being formulated moment by moment regarding interdimensional physics, which we see that this one and most upon your world really have no idea how the whole process works. This will change. As your bodies heal, as your intellectual capacities expand with more light, you will be able to fathom more great and wonderful things. Universal truths, mathematics will become more interesting for you for you shall grasp them more fully. Your educational systems have been altered. It is time for academic truth and honesty in training to become the norm.
我們是藍鳥人。我們對我們在蓋亞上觀察到的並沒有一種算法。這是新的,前所未有的,這是一個新的體驗。我們前來記錄,提供援手。提供一顆心,因為我們提供的協助是純淨的,有愛的。我們希望你在更高領域與我們合作。巨大的科學和數學發現時時刻刻都在被論證,關於跨維度的物理學,我們看到這位管道和大多數人根本不知道整體進程是如何運轉的。這會改變。隨著你的身體療愈,隨著你的智力伴隨著更多的光擴張,你能夠理解更多偉大的奇妙的東西。宇宙真理、數學會變得更吸引人,因為你能夠更加充分地領悟它們。你們的教育系統已經改變。是時候讓學術真理和真誠(academic truth and honesty in training)成為常態

We are the Blue Avian beings. We stand with you in solidarity. Scientifically your fields of understanding and experimentation shall grow towards the light and thus your understanding, your intellectual processing shall be increased. The children know this. They are waiting for this. Their crystalline structures are salivating for change. We see the young becoming massive leaders of love, of light, of reformation. We do not use this word ‘reformation’ to instill concern for those of high posts reading. We are referring to the reformation of the darkness into the light. All upon Gaia will follow and the riddle world, the experiment of illusion and confusion, is ended.

We are the Blue Avian beings. Take heart, we stand with you in solidarity and friendship. We are returning to assist more than we assisted previously, to fulfill our karmic obligation and to offer ourselves in service. We are the Blue Avian beings.

譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings dear ones of the planet earth. We come back to you at this time, although we never really left. We have been watching and assisting from the higher dimensional realms, to help our human brethren, our brothers and sisters, through these tumultuous times, into the next phase, which is soon to be upon you.

These are exciting times, although we do know that many of you see these as disturbing times, as times you would rather have avoided. But alas, this is how it had to be, this is part of the grand, great plan. A plan that has been in the works and dynamically changing with the ebb and flow of love returning to this planet, like the tsunami of love which you have all heard it called before. These are wonderful times, if you have the eyes to see it as it truly is, a metamorphosis, a transformation of the greatest kind ever to have impacted a planet. We say it like this as there has never been a grand planetary ascension like this before. This is the first. And it has succeeded beyond all wildest dreams. Again, even though you may not see it like this. From our eyes, our perspective, in the sixth density as you might call it, this is the greatest of times.

We urge you to see it from the perspective of your heart, now more than ever, it is so important for you to connect into your heart space. Merge, blend, into your true essence within your heart centre. Your truth is right there. It never left you, it is not hiding around some corner waiting to be found. It is ever present. It was always there, it is there now, it shall ever be there.

It is an amazing gift, to give yourselves, to simply enter into your heart space and be who you are, remember who you are. THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING!

To become awake to your god/goddess self your true nature. You are source energy beings, as the Arcturians are so fond of reminding you (smiles). And this is good remembrance.

We wish to convey a further message through this one, and that is one of great hope.

Please do not see these times as signs of things to come, this is a birthing dear ones. This is a removal of the old outdated paradigm of the dark. Their ways and consciousness is dissolving into the light.And it is not going with ease, but this is as expected.
請不 要視這些時期為就要到來之物的跡象,這是一個誕生,親愛的。這是舊的過時的黑暗範式的移除。他們的方式和意識在溶解到光中。這不會容易,但這是意料之中的

The light pouring in now is of such measure, such depth, that is rocking the very foundational core of what was. Much was built on top of this, and so to is shaking to the ground. These include your societal structures, your scientific paradigms and even the very fabric that your buildings are made of. The strata of the earth is changing, the water is changing, everything is changing, it has to dear ones. It has to align with the new fifth dimensional matrix, the new light grids that is.

Oh dear ones, this is birthing very fast now. Those that are sensitive, you can feel this, you know this.

We wish to convey this message with peace and love in our hearts for you. We have watched you labour long and live through the trials the tribulations, the ups and downs, the torments, the pains and the sufferings of your great journeys here in assisting Gaia in this magnificent process, this birthing process, that is soon to come to completion.

These are glorious days dear ones, oh we wish you could see it as we do. You would not worry or fear, you would rejoice.

That is all for now, we leave you on peace, love and serenity. And remind you once again, please dear ones, enter your heart space, at least once a day, preferably more. You will be surprised what you find there…

Peace be with you and all our love. Goodbye for now