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顯示具有 Christine Day 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


譯者:Nick Chan、pfcchina
《1》Ashian-醒來 (20210308)
《2》昴宿星人-自我賦權 (20210309)
#JENNIFERCROKAERT #ChristineDay #NickChan #pfcchina

譯者:Nick Chan

Wake up: Every Day! You are in a highly charged, transitional phase, embedding extremely refined vibrations that are transforming your bodies, your lives and your world, from the inside out. So your focus must be – first and foremost – on the inside.
See and surrender any thoughts that bring you down.
See and smile at any thoughts that lift you up.
As often as it is practical: Stop! Become aware of yourself, your breath, your thoughts, your love within.
When you do this, you are attracting the higher vibrations to you more strongly and you are grounding them.
Really, this energy is not new, it has always existed, but it has been beyond your experience, like a country you cannot imagine because you have not visited it. Now you are not just visiting, you are moving home!
This new energy will create more change, it will shake life dramatically, so that all that is not pure of heart will shake free. It is not pleasant, we understand this because we monitor your emotions minutely. However, we also see that the intensity of this experience is galvanising the commitment of lightworkers, of the pure of heart; it is focusing your love, your compassion, your forgiveness in unimaginable ways.
You are creating Alchemy. You are the Alchemists. You are coming home to your true home, your higher vibrational home.
Many, many miracles will occur – alongside the shaking loose of all that has decayed – and there is much to rejoice in these times.
Be strong, be weak… it matters not. Just notice the flow within.
Breathe! Smile a little smile, even if it is only to make yourself feel better – there is nothing more important.

傳導作者:Christine Day

Beloved ones we greet you,This sacred time is about you awakening to your own self-empowerment.Choosing to utilize the Conscious breath allows you to consciously rebirth yourself within your Heart.This is a returning.Each time you utilize the Conscious breath you actively realign yourself past the illusion of the Ego mind.You are actively aligning to your unlimited abundance within your Heart connection.


This is a time like no other when you are able to connect to the higher potential of yourself with ease.You have been given Grace where you can consciously choose to return to yourself.This is destiny in motion of your self-realization.This is your time to re-emerge beyond the illusion of time and to shift your perceptions beyond the 3rd dimensional limitations within your life through your Heart.


Remember we,the Pleiadians say,"YOU ARE WHO YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR."Only you can shift your awareness and take back your power through reclaiming your Heart connection.Through your Heart you realign yourself to the vast multidimensional potential and move into Truth,to Knowing.


An aspect of your awakening process is when you realize that your Ego mind needs to release its hold on controlling every decision in your life.When you choose to follow the guidance of your authentic Heart you link into a sacred flow,which takes you where you need to be.


Be willing to let go of the Ego mind's need for certainty,of its story of what is happening next.These illusions held by the Ego mind'of knowing what is going to happen'are fear based from past experience.Your Ego mind keeps you linked to a grid of illusion,that keeps you in a cycle of self-sabotage and has no connection to Truth.


Your Ego self-image derives its power and sense of reality from this Grid of illusion.When you choose to disengage from this Grid by aligning to your Heart,the Ego is momentarily discredited and the Grid becomes compromised.Each time you choose to align to your Heart space you break some of the old cycles,which are connected to this Grid of illusion.


Slowly you build your Heart connection and the Ego learns to operate differently,not running your life.You need your Ego mind to support you in your 3rd dimensional day-to-day living,supporting you in organizing your life.


This journey is about you returning to your authentic self through reconnection to your Heart.Step by step,one moment at a time,you choose to align into your Heart's sacred flow.This is the process of witnessing the dialogue of your Ego mind and not necessarily responding to your mind.As you spend moments aligning to your multidimensional Heart you develop realignment to your light to utilize in your daily life.Each one of you can choose change,to allow your Heart to lead you into your higher purpose within your life.


Your vast sacred light is here to be sourced by you.All beings of light are here to welcome you Home.Claim your heritage now through your Heart.




The Pleiadians


【昴宿星】即將到來:深刻的重新連接;關於 這個脈衝在三月誕生和被激活,發生在三月底的能量重置在按部就班地轉變你,創造了一個自然的讓你與真理重新對齊的進程

傳導作者:Christine Day
譯者:Nick Chan

Beloved ones, we greet you. Throughout the ages Earth has been entrenched to the full spectrum of illusion. This illusion has formed a powerful anchoring of restriction and limitation within you and your life. Humanity has been operating within these constraints within your Earth plane for eons. The majority of you have been playing within a very narrow base of reality through your lives within this illusion.


The reset of energy that took place in late March has been transforming you systematically, creating a natural process of realigning you to Truth. Many of you are experiencing a profound readjustment period within your own consciousness, and simultaneously there is the reopening of a pathway to your multidimensional heart. The cells of your body are realigning to this new life force pulse that is now being transmitted through your heart. This pulse is creating a steady, flowing movement that is building in momentum and is designed to gradually reopen all of your multidimensional systems.


Step by step, you are being realigned and redefined to access your multidimensional nature. This pulse can be likened to a heartbeat that is ongoing and will continue to build in intensity. This pulse creates an action of pure light being manifested within, and carries the mission as the awakener to your own God light.


The pulse


The source of this pulse has arisen from the very central multidimensional point within your resident Universe. It sources directly from the collective God consciousness. Your Earth is being moved, transformed dimensionally by this God consciousness light, which has always been carried within this frequency pulse.


Your planet is slowly being repositioned energetically through this pulsing light. Earth is being reborn, taken beyond its original limited illusion framework setting to a higher multidimensional level reality of Truth.


You are each being currently held within the God light and simultaneously your hearts are being awakened through the pure integrity of your individual aspect of God light. This pulse was birthed and activated in March and is designed to gradually realign you to the true perceptions held within the Universe. This metamorphic process is to enable you to respond differently within your own heart through this frequency of Universal Truth.


The frequency from this pulse has been designed to speak to each one of you individually through the multidimensional chamber of your Heart. This interaction of the pulse will realign you to your authentic Higher Self pathway within your heart. You will return to that expanded aspect of your consciousness, which you have always been. Through this frequency pulse, your journey homeward will be able to accelerate.


This pulse has always been in existence throughout our resident Universe. For the very first time in the history of your plane, Earth is finally operating within the same frequency pulse as the rest of the Universe. The action of this multidimensional birthing on Earth is creating a new flow, a quickening to open within the consciousness of the entire Universe.


The same resonance


Your planet Earth has always been part of the physical Universe, however never before have you held the same resonance as the Collective Consciousness within the entire Universe. Through this elevation of Earth’s resonance, a Higher Realm doorway has been opened making it possible for the entire Universe to access and align to the “God Seat of Power.”


This opening will allow all “life force groups” within our Universe to expand into another multidimensional focus within the Collective Consciousness. We will anchor an expanded light force within the full arena of the Universe between us. This process of opening will allow us to hold the expanded expression of God Consciousness communion collectively between us. The resident Universe is able to move to another level of evolution because of this “happening” on Earth.


All life force groups within the Universe are holding a strong platform of support for those of you on Earth who are ready to consciously rejoin our Collective Communion. This is a beginning of a great shift of consciousness for those of you who are willing to begin to utilize your natural multidimensional reconnections within your heart.
The doorway of your heart has transformed for the sole purpose of your self-realization through the utilization of your heart as a multidimensional tool.


Rapid Reconnection


Each one of you has said “Yes” to being here at this juncture on Earth. This is your time for rapid reconnection, reunion and reawakening now. We see you as if you are in a dilemma while you are having your human experience, as you juggle with the dynamic of your ego mind’s assessment of the illusion of the drama that has been and is continually unfolding on your planet.

你們每個人都“同意”在這個節骨眼上處於地球。這是你快速地重新連接、重新團聚和再度甦醒的時刻。我們看到你好像進退兩難,在你擁有人類體驗的同時,隨著你與小我頭腦動態嬉戲 --- 評估一直在地球上發展的戲劇幻象

Remember, your ego mind does not understand anything beyond 3rd dimensional illusion. Your ego mind constantly misinterprets and misunderstands that which is in front of you within the drama. The ego cannot accurately assess what is taking place within the 3rd dimension and beyond, including your relationship to the Higher Realms within your Higher Self.


Here’s what is imperative for you to fully appreciate: Your need to witness all the illusion within the drama currently being played out on your planet. This drama is meaningless within the higher dimensional realms. It is important to understand that whatever dramas are unfolding on the planet and within your life right now will not impact and have no consequences within the Higher Realms. No ripples are created from the drama on your planet beyond the 3rd dimension. The sacred transitional process on your Earth plane continues to evolve, regardless of the drama and is insignificant within the big picture within the Higher Realms.


Fully on track


Our assessment of your awakening is that you are fully on track in your current evolutionary transition on Earth. We witness you in a different light from your own assessment of your self. We see your brilliance without the interference of illusion. We see your reconnections without the interference and misperceptions of your ego mind.


The focus within our mission right now is to support you in the anchoring of the realignment to your multidimensional heart. Your reconnection to your heart naturally aligns you beyond the illusion, beyond the ego mind to your Higher Self. This anchoring allows you to open into moments of clarity enabling your Higher Self to bring enormous support to your human element.


Your human self has been immersed within the illusion of the drama, which has created fear, struggle and a sense of powerlessness. This reconnection to your sacred structure is designed to bring a new experience of stability to your human aspect. There can be relief within your human aspect, as a new sense of higher sustenance becomes part of your day-to-day living from your Higher Self reconnections.

你的人類自我一直沉浸於戲劇的幻象 --- 創造了恐懼,掙扎和無力感。這個與你神聖構造的重新連接意在於帶給你的人類面向一個新的穩定性。可以是你人類面向中的慰藉,隨著更高實質的感受成為你每日生活的一部分,來自你更高自我的重新連接

Lessening of fear


What you will experience in the moments of reconnection to your Higher Self will be an alleviation of the struggle and a lessening of fear held within the ego mind. As you open into experiencing the peace that is part of your Higher Self and move into a deepening clarity around your life, your ego mind will receive some of that serenity. The energy of this essence can release tension and anxiety within the ego mind. Each time you open into your heart, into that place beyond the drama, you align to a depth of stillness and your ego mind begins to register relief. This is accumulative within you, and your human aspect begins to feel nourished and supported through each moment of reconnection.


There is a necessity for you to comprehend your unique makeup and the full dynamic that takes place within: You have your human aspect and your Higher Self, which is your sacred aspect. Your sacred aspect is fully intact just beyond the veil. Up until recently you have only been consciously connected to your human self, through the ego mind. For lifetimes you have had incarnations of having to leave your physical body to reconnect to your Higher Self. In this lifetime, as you move into the third transition phase of the “new dawning” era on Earth, you are able to consciously realign to your Higher Self, while still in this physical body.


You will begin to appreciate aspects of your multidimensionality. This is a natural state of being for you, an aspect of your sacred makeup. You are, in Truth, a “multidimensional being” simultaneously having a human experience in this lifetime.


Align consciously


When you align consciously within your heart, you are choosing to move beyond the 3rd dimensional reality. Your heart is a multidimensional tool for you to utilize in any experience within a chosen moment. It is important to recognize and know that as you take this step to align within your heart, your ego mind is not able to comprehend an aspect of any experience you have outside the illusion of 3rd dimension.


So it is essential to realize ahead of time that your ego mind will not be able to identify any experience you have as authentic. Even while you are having an experience with your Higher Self, your ego mind will probably attempt to negate every aspect of your experience. Just because the mind is breaking down your experience within the very moment of reconnection within the heart does not mean you are having any less of an expanded experience. You will come to realize that because of your multidimensionality you can have more than one full experience at any one time. You can be listening to the ego mind’s constant dialogue and simultaneously have your full experience of reconnection with your Higher Self.


The one experience does not discount the other experience, and you can open into a deeper understanding of your self, your multidimensionality, and the play out with your ego mind. This will enable you to develop a working relationship between your human aspect and Higher Self. This knowledge of your Self will support you to ultimately be able to move forward beyond the sabotage of your human aspect. Creating new building blocks for a steady and deepening foundation with your Higher Self.


Another key factor to consider is there is nothing more you have to achieve or evolve within your human self before aligning to the sacred aspect of your Higher Self. You are ready now!


Let’s look at the simple process of reconnection to your multidimensional tool of your heart.




1. Always use the conscious breath to enter your heart (breathe in the mouth and out the mouth.)

1. 總是使用有意識的呼吸去進入你的心(用嘴巴呼吸)

2. Always have the palms of your hands flat on your chest. Know that the full chest area is your heart space.

2. 總是把手掌平放到胸口。知曉整個胸部是你心的空間。

3. Bring your awareness to your hands resting on your chest, and then use the conscious breath. Breathe into where your hands are physically connecting to your heart space. Do the process a number of times until you feel, sense or see a deeper connection opening up.

3. 把你的意識帶到放在胸口的手掌,然後使用有意識的呼吸。呼吸到你的手與你心之空間連接的地方。多做幾次,直到你感到或看到一個更深的連接開啟

4. Now bring in the sound, ESTE (pronounced ESTAY). Direct the sound within the opening of your heart. Keep using the sound while the heart continues to actively open to you. Use this sound until you feel, sense or see the full opening within your heart.

4. 現在把聲音帶入, ESTE (發音 ESTAY )。在你心的開啟中引導聲音。繼續使用聲音,同時心繼續積極地向你敞開。使用這個聲音直到你感到或看到心中的完全敞開

5. Then stop. Bring your awareness into where you find your self. This may be an unfamiliar place. Use the conscious breath into the space, and feel how your breath aligns you deeper within the multidimensional space of your heart.

5. 然後停下來。把你的意識帶到你發現自己的地方。這可能是一個陌生的地方。將你有意識的呼吸帶到那個空間,感受你的呼吸如何將你與心的多維度空間更深地對齊

6. Simply open into the experience of your Self, use the breath and let go.

6. 敞開進入你自我的體驗,使用呼吸,然後放下

The more you do this process, the more you will unfold within your Higher Self. This is your time to liberate your human self.


Celebrate your humanness, your imperfections and your idiosyncrasies. We remind you once more that you have come to have your human experience while consciously aligning back to your sacred nature. This is your mission in this lifetime!


The third transitional phase has just begun on planet Earth, and you can expect a further series of profound reconnections to activate over the coming months.


We, the Pleiadians, are part of a Universal team assisting Earth. Know that there are many life force groups supporting your transition at this time. The spiritual realms are playing pivotal roles within your transition. You can call any one of us forward to support you. Blessings, The Pleiadians.



傳導作者:Christine Day、Natalie Glasson
《1》.昴宿星-光的鏡子 (2021106)
《2》.太陽理則-起始的太陽光線 (2021121)
#ChristineDay #NatalieGlasson #NickChan 

傳導作者:Christine Day.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Beloved ones we greet you, At this juncture on your Earth there is an energetic diversity building between the play out of illusion and Truth. The 3rd dimensional illusion, this drama is explosive. Simultaneously the Light is expanding, growing daily. Your planet is undergoing a rapid rebirth, and you are moving into a complete metamorphic shift within your physical, energetic and emotional bodies.
This time heralds in ‘the big shift’ as you approach the end of your calendar year. Waves of light are being set in motion throughout the earth plane creating new energetic forms being made manifest on your planet. These higher vibrational forms are being established in order to support the birthing and then the stabilization of a higher order of multidimensional Grids. These Grids hold the sacred design for this time.
You are being made energetically ready to play an essential role within your Heart in forming an alliance to these Grids. You, your Heart, are actually to play a transformed role by becoming a natural energetic extension of the multidimensional frequency Network.
Your natural heritage is one of being electric in nature. As you become a link within the Network vibration you are being returned, recalibrated back into your natural state of being multidimensional.
All of your systems, which include your Pineal, Brain synapses, Spinal fluid, Sacrum and physical cells within your body is being upgraded electrically. Your energetic field is undergoing a magnetic upgrade; you are being made ready for this monumental shift that will become fully manifest by your New Year timeline.
You are requiring balance within your life to support this rapid change. This stability through balance can only be achieved through a conscious choice process of building a deeper link within your Heart.
Only you can achieve this ongoing building of reconnection within your Heart through conscious choice. Your conscious action of ‘choosing’ is incredibly powerful and is an essential component to your awakening process.
The Heart is your central access point to the Universal God consciousness. You hold a unique design sacred imprint within your Heart, and you are received and recognized through this imprint.
The Magnetic Core within your planet will shift its role in the last few weeks of the calendar year. The Magnetic Core will act as a centerpiece, transmitting a higher vibrational form of illumination outwards across the planet.
The Magnetic Core will radiate outwards this higher order of light, which is destined to bathe the Earth, and infuse through all life force energy existing on the planet.
The Magnetic Core can be likened to being like a central wheel with spokes. Shards of light will radiate outwards. These spirals of light will be drawn into the individual frequency of the divine presence of your Heart. You will be part of the creation energy of Earth through this reconnection.
Through the multidimensional reconnection of your Heart’s sacred chamber you become an initiator to establish a telepathic communion between yourself and others. This is a design for forming communities of light to hold this mirror of light steady on Earth. This is your purpose, an essential aspect of your mission at this juncture.
Be still and let go within your Heart.
Love and blessings,
the Pleiadians

傳導作者:Natalie Glasson.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Greetings, we are Helios and Vesta. We are one soul and yet we express ourselves as a masculine energy and a feminine energy. We are the overseers of the Solar Level of the Creator’s Universe; we work very closely with the Earth and the Planetary Level. It is our purpose to bring forth the wholeness and completeness of the Creator to support the emerging, blending and unification of the divine masculine and the divine feminine, to create a balanced, to create a grounding of the Creator's light.
Many souls come to us to understand the unification process, especially understanding unification with the Creator. They are therefore more easily able to move forth in their ascension process understanding their purpose, their embodiment of the Creator and how to express the Creator’s vibrations and wisdom through their being. We are present to be of service to you, we bring our light to you and invite you to absorb our light. The solar Level is of a copper golden colour, imagine, sense, or acknowledge you are breathing in the copper golden colour of the Creator's light. You may imagine us like a sun beaming down upon you warming, comforting, and supportive.
We wish to share with you that the Solar Rays of Light are anchoring into the Earth and in your being now. Some of these are flowing through the sun, others are simply flowing into your being through the energy planes. The energy we are expressing from the Solar Level as Solar Rays is known as the beginning energy, or the birth energy. The energy we are sharing now was transmitted during the birth of Mother Earth and the beginning of the Earth's ascension process. These energies are immensely ancient, pure, sacred, activating and awakening for you, and for all upon the Earth, Mother Earth as well. For Mother Earth, it will bring back remembrance and maybe for you as well, bringing forth new energies, new understandings, wisdom, and knowledge. The beginning energy from the Solar Rays and Solar Level has been programmed to support new beginnings. The energy being delivered supports new beginnings within your ascension, your physical reality, your perspectives, and your emotions within all aspects of your being. This is appropriate as it is also the purpose of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint to create a new canvas, a clean canvas where expansive possibilities and opportunities are available to experience. The Solar Rays not only promote the activation of a beginning, they support a new beginning in your reality or being, whatever is appropriate to aid and advance your ascension process. The Solar Rays of the beginning also bringing forth remembrance and the returning of skills, abilities and understanding connected to the beginning of the Earth and the beginning of the Earth's ascension. It is like a merging, a synthesis of two beginnings, thus there are ancient sacred energies being brought forth into new transitions, new awakenings, new activations and transformations within your being and your reality.
我們希望與你分享正在錨定於地球和你存在的光之太陽光線。其中一些流經太陽,其它的會通過能量平面流入你的存在。我們從太陽層面表達為太陽光線的能量被稱為起始能量,或者誕生能量。我們正在分享的能量在地球母親的誕生以及地球揚升進程的起始期間被傳輸。這些能量非常古老、純淨、神聖,為了你、地球上的一切和地球被激活與喚醒。對於地球母親而言,它會帶來記憶,也許你也會憶起,帶來新能量、新的理解、智慧和知識。來自太陽光線和太陽層面的起始能量被編程來支持新的開始。被傳輸的能量支持你揚升、物理現實、視角、情感(存在所有面向)中的新開始。這是恰當的 ,因為這也是新地球揚升藍圖的目標,去創造一塊新的畫布,乾淨的畫布,廣闊的可能性和機遇就能被體驗。太陽光線不僅會促進一個新開始的激活,它們支持你現實或存在中的一個新開始,以及任何恰當的東西來協助和促進你的揚升進程。起始的太陽光線也會帶來記憶和能力的返回以及與地球的開始和地球揚升的開始有關的理解。這就像兩個開始的一個融合,因此有著古老神聖的能量被帶入你存在和現實中新的轉變,新的覺醒,新的激活和轉變
Absorbing the Solar Rays of Beginning
We do not know the new beginnings that will be created because the new beginnings will be personal to each soul. We do invite you to absorb the Solar Rays of Beginning that are flowing from the Solar Level and from us, Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logos, to your being.
During meditation you can ask to receive the Solar Rays of Beginning. Imagine a sun either beaming down upon you, a copper golden sun flowing over and through you. You may even imagine you exist within the centre of this copper golden sun, breathing in its light, receiving its activations.
The new beginning brings hope, excitement, a feeling of freedom or liberation, a feeling that anything and everything is possible.
Recognise these energies within your being as they build, as you breathe in, receiving and absorbing the Solar Rays.
Send the Solar Rays into Mother Earth and invite all upon the Earth to receive the Solar Rays of Beginning.
As you work with these Solar Rays be open to insights, ideas of where a new beginning may take place, like a birth of new energies through your being, new creations, new circumstances, and new understandings. Contemplate the Solar Rays allowing the inspiration to come to you.
You may wish to call upon us, Helios and Vesta, to be present with you, to work with you bringing illumination and enlightenment into your awareness.
You may not gain any understanding, please know that the activation and the new beginning will have taken place. The insights and understandings may dawn as you experience new beginnings in your reality or within your being.
Please use this affirmation if you wish to.
‘I opened myself fully to receive new beginnings.’
We are present to serve you,
We thank you,
Helios and Vesta, Solar Logos