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顯示具有 Ann-Marie Skordy 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


傳導:Ann Dahlberg、Ann-Marie Skordy、Galaxygirl
《1》.易受攻擊的和脆弱 (20180312)
《2》.選擇 (20180531)
《3》.把愛發送給人類 (20180602)
#AnnDahlberg #NickChan #Galaxygirl

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am BrMy from the Pleiades and I am here today to greet all peoples on Earth. I stand for the simple things in every day life. Wherever there is chaos, me and my like minded friends will untangle it. We see the possibilities and what is simple when you think most things look like a mess of yarn. We are here now to offer help to Earth in order for you to see the opportunities and not to blindly look at what looks impossible. Everything is possible and there is always a simple red string to follow. Some people would call it logic and we represent the higher logic, the intuition when it comes to seeing the opportunities in something that looks like chaos. This can apply to all fronts in your life – to clear up your inner as well as your outer worlds. It is like unraveling a yarn that has gotten entangled – you start in one end until you have untangled it all to an even nice ball. This starts within you. You clean up in the chaos, the worries and the fear until you have a calm harmonic feeling in yourselves. You start to work methodically with your homes or your work tasks until you have a good overview of what is important to do or preserve. You get more energy and everything goes easier and quicker. The surprise is often great when you see how much you have done and how fast it went. The higher intuition works with a higher heart and mostly it goes like a dance.

我是來自昴宿星的 BrMy ,我今天前來問候地球上的所有人。我支持著日常生活中的簡單。哪裡有混亂,我和我志同道合的朋友就會清理它。我們看到可能性以及什麼是簡單的,當你認為很多事情看起來像是一團紗。我們前來提供地球幫助,為了讓你看到機遇,而不盲目地看向看起來是不可能的東西。一切皆有可能,總是有著一條簡單的紅線可以去跟隨。一些人會稱它為邏輯,我們代表更高的邏輯,直覺,當談到在看似混亂的東西中去看到機遇。這可以應用到你生活的所有方面 --- 清理你的內在以及外在世界。這就像解開一個打結的毛線球 --- 你從一個頭開始直到整理成一個漂亮的球。這始於你之內。你在混亂,擔憂和恐懼中清理,直到你有一個良好的縱覽,關於什麼是很重要需要去做或保留。你會有更多的精力,一切會變得更加容易,快速。當你看到你完成了多少以及它是多麼地快速,驚喜往往是巨大的。更高的直覺與更高的心共事,通常它會像是一個舞蹈

There is logic in the whole universe and everything is perfectly arranged in perfect geometric patterns. Trust yourselves dear humans, you have it inside you. Just let it come out and take its place in your life. Follow your heart and let common sense have its place. It is not loud. It is calm and peaceful and follows its own paths. It chooses to do things at the right time and place. It prioritizes what is most important first and what is less important gets done without much problem. It slowly unravels the mess and the reward is great when it is completely unraveled.

在整個宇宙中有著邏輯,一切被完美地安排在完美的幾何模式中。相信自己,親愛的人類,你內在有著這個信任。讓它出來,在你的生活中佔據一席之地。 跟隨你的心,讓常識擁有一席之地。它不大聲。它很平靜與平和,遵循著自己的道路。它選擇在正確的時間和地點去做事情。它把最重要的東西放到第一位,不怎麼重要的不會有太多麻煩地完成。它慢慢地解決混亂,當它徹底解決,回報是巨大的

This can also be applied to the world you live in – you have slowly untangled the mess that came to be and the reward waiting you is grandiose. You are all a part of this each one of you in his way, whether you do it within or outside. That which is done within can also be seen on the outside – this has been talked about many times. This is where patience enters. It takes time to untangle that, which has taken time to get tangled up in the first place. The more entanglement the more difficult it is, but you are on your way dear friends. You have untangled a large part of the tangled up yarn and there is only a small bit left now. Take some deep breaths and sit calmly and peacefully and then you can surely untangle the worst of knots – The knot that you have tied hard around yourselves in order to protect you against that which is vulnerable and fragile. Now it is time to dissolve this last knot and open up for that which is vulnerable and fragile, which also can turn out to be that which is strong and courageous. An open heart is a courageous heart. It is also strong and strong willed. The gain is within your selves. It is time now to build the new Earth with love, trust and intuition

這也適用於你所生活的世界 --- 你緩慢地解決你陷入的混亂,等待你的回報是巨大的。你們都是其一部分,在你們自己的方式中,無論是從內在還是外在去做。在內在完成的可以在外在看到 --- 這被述說許多次了。這是耐心進入的點。整理纏在一起的東西是需要時間的。纏地越多就越困難,但你已經上路了,親愛的朋友們。你已經解開了很大一部分糾纏的線頭,只剩下一點了。深呼吸,靜靜地坐著,你肯定能解開最糟糕的結 --- 你在周身硬生生捆綁的結,為了保護自己對抗易受攻擊和脆弱。現在是時候去溶解最後的結,向易受攻擊的和脆弱敞開,其實可以變成強大和勇敢。一顆敞開的心是一顆勇敢的心。它強大且意志堅定。受益在你之內。是時候去伴隨著愛,信任和直覺建立新地球

My friends and I are the masters of logic and we walk with you now.


Much love,BrMy

大量的愛, BrMy

傳導作者:Ann-Marie Skordy
譯者:Nick Chan

The world you know becomes confusing when you begin seeking answers. There is a great conflict between what you want to believe and what you “think” you believe. Your belief systems are at odds, causing a disturbance of the mind. The mind is attempting to sift through information. It struggles with the validity of all the information at its disposal–the new, the old and the long forgotten.

當你開始尋找答案,你所知的世界變得混亂不清。在你想要相信和你“認為”你相信之間有著巨大的衝突。 你們的信仰體系互相爭執,導致了一個頭腦的騷亂。頭腦在試圖篩選信息。它掙扎於可供它使用的所有信息的準確性---新的,舊的,長期被遺忘的

This process of self-awareness, the search for the buried aspects of your soul, is not easy. We have stated this over and over, but it seems a very difficult acceptance to make. It is a process requiring effort and dedication. We can only provide information for your assistance. We can not do the action.


The action is up to each of you. Your growth, your progression, depends on you. It is your own–each of you–your own individual program. It is up to you how hard you work to achieve the results you desire. Our support is unlimited. It is your choice how far you wish to aspire to.


There will always be critics, there will always be skeptics. Once again, it is up to you to filter out the noise of your orchestra. Your entire life is a choice. It is time for you to choose to listen to your own voice or not. We can not create faith if you choose to have none.


譯者:Nick Chan

We are the Pleiadian Collective, extending the hand of friendship and peaceful unity to our human friends and family, from across space time and from on board our friendly ships in your skies, that are cloaked, but aware and eager to serve once the time comes to be of tangible, evidenced physicality interfacing with your realm once again.


We have a long history with humanity, you see. We were there a part of your inception. Our worlds were long fraught with our own adventures and wars with the dark ones and it is through this grit that we found our way through ascension into the realms of love and light. We too could fill many vast libraries with our stories of our people’s victories, triumphs and struggles with the dark ones. And in this way the dark performed a great service to us in that it served our enlightenment expansion exponentially, to their great chagrin.

我們和人類有著悠久的歷史。我們是你造夢時的一部分。 我們的世界早已充滿我們自己的冒險和與黑暗存有的戰·爭,通過這個廢墟我們找到了揚升到愛與光領域的道路。我們也可以用我們人民的勝利,與黑暗存有鬥爭的故事填滿許多巨大的圖書館。在這樣的方式中,黑暗極大地服務了我們,讓我們的啟蒙以指數地擴張,這讓他們很是氣憤

We are all fellow journeyers. You human friends, humanity, galactics in human form, you are the treasures of the universe, for you have accepted to experience the greatest contrast of darkness while embodied on the most compassionate and gracious of planets who was willing to accept so many laggards to provide for them yet another opportunity to learn to love. Many chose love. Many did not. It is this reality that you are seeing now play out as the light and love overpowers the darkness in a fascinating victory manifold with waves of love light being felt into the far reaches of space resulting from this victory of the light.


Source Creator is all, everything, One, and we are but fractals of Source. Humanity chose to forget this greatest of truths and chose to experience the greatness of the depths of loss and loneliness and it is for this reason that we Pleiadians salute you as being the bravest of the brave, to choose to undertake such an illusion so that you could explode as a collective into light with great intention, force, and grace. It is grace that will be needed greatly as you all see each other anew with new eyes and fresh faces, as you look with your third eye and truly see and feel one’s essence with your heart minds, that have both been so closed off. It is time for this reopening of these portals of knowledge and personal communication. It is time that humanity have its blinders removed and ear plugs removed and to truly exist as was originally intended, as love light beings and land guardians of precious mother Gaia, who is ascending in her own right at this now moment.

源頭造物主是一切,萬物,一,我們只是源頭的碎片。人類選擇遺忘這個最偉大的真理,選擇體驗偉大的失去和孤獨深淵,出於這個原因,我們昴宿星人向你敬禮,因為你是勇者中的勇者,選擇來經受這樣的一個幻象,這樣你們可以作為集體伴隨著巨大的意圖、力量和優雅爆發到光中。優雅會被極大地需要,隨著你們用新的眼睛和面孔看待彼此,隨著你用第三眼去看,用你的心 - 頭腦(都被關閉了)真正地看和感受一個人的本質。是時候讓這些知識和個人交流的門戶重新開啟。是時候讓人類去移除眼罩和耳塞,真正地如最初意圖般地存在,作為愛與光的存在,作為寶貴的蓋亞母親的陸地守護者,她正在自身的權利中揚升

Send love to Hawaii. Send love to the hot spots of weather and geothermic changes. Send love to each other. When humans are enraged they leave an energy signature of rage on the mother. You transmuters are doing a mighty fine job with this (sending love) and we wish for you to add an infusion of peace into the collective of humanity to soothe humanity’s “hot spots” for there are many. We are most eager to continue to serve, but to do so now with a more open capacity. We are ready to share our technologies, our love, our compassion and our laughter and joy with you, our human friends and family. We are your Pleiadian brothers and sisters after all. We are one. It matters not what sector of the galaxy your soul spark originated; when you travel so far, you see God everywhere. And friends we see God in you. We love you and now take our leave. We are the Pleiadian collective, always in service to the All.
