
顯示具有 大天使聖德芬Archangel Sandalphon 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 大天使聖德芬Archangel Sandalphon 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


傳導:Galaxygirl、Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.昴宿星米拉和阿斯塔-煎餅在被翻面 (20210203)
《2》.米拉-你正在進入狂喜 (202106)
《3》.大天使聖德芬-是時候了 (20210213)
#Galaxygirl #ValerieDonner #NickChan 

譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mira, working full time on behalf of humanity. Our technologies are quite advanced which will be beneficial for your world systems in many ways. The AI web has been manipulated against humanity. Humanity is to be returned unto itself so that war and division are no longer the norm.
I am Mira. I serve in my fullest capacity. We are aware of the challenges that many of you are facing in this now. Know that we are working full time. The dark does not give up its prize easily, but this does not matter for the light is transmuting, always in the process of transmuting it. You have been busy transmuting on multidimensional points, as many realities converge to heighten and hone the energies. Gaia is being cleansed of the darkness that has permeated. This is a multidimensional war involving energies from this universe. It is no easy fight but Creator has decreed that the light has won and so it will. And so it has. It is not apparent yet upon your physical reality that you are temporarily immersed within as you are awake. It is apparent when you are in the higher dimensional realms when you sleep or when you meditate. We encourage you to tap into the vast network of Pleiadian healing energies that we are streaming through your skies, your ionosphere to assist with transmuting the AI web of lower dimensional control frequencies. We encourage you to breathe fresh air and to feel the sun on your face and to ground to your planetary mother, who is full of joy and healing frequencies for you.
I am Mira. I offer to you today encouragement that you can keep going, and you will, for we need you to and you are more than well qualified. And hope because it is written in the stars and on the spoken breath of Creator that this victory is for the light. Our Pleiadian technology, our love, our hearts are ever in service to the ascending ones of humanity, and to healing Gaia. It is with the greatest of joys that I send you this message of love and light today. I am Mira.
Greetings, friends of the light! I am Ashtar. Your planet is well loved from every corner of the galaxy. Emissaries from other realms and worlds are present to offer their assistance and service to the light. Your skies and underground are brimming with higher dimensional beings. I tell you this because you are not going to hear it in your news media, that is still propaganda for the dark in many ways. I tell you this so that you can feel the support that is quite literally all around you, just a dimension or two up. Also it is imperative that you continue to keep holding the higher frequencies of light as it is assisting us with our missions to serve you further, as well as greatly enhancing the speed of your ascension. You should know, ground team, how breathtakingly beautiful you are to us. Your stamina and tenacity is tip-top and we salute you. You are not alone! We are here side you, serving and soon we shall meet. Soon, in fact, your world will change.
(I am seeing pancakes sizzling on a frying pan and the pancake being flipped). I am showing you this, galaxygirl , not because you are hungry but for an illustration. The sizzling batter in the pan is aware it is being cooked. The flipping over of the pancake determines how good it will taste. If you flip it too fast and under cook it, the batter is runny, isn’t it? And it kind of falls apart in the pan. But if you wait just until the right moment and flip it, both sides will be golden brown. Timing is everything, to pancakes and to this mission. The batter, the dark, is being cooked by the light. All that is not right shall become right and pure and good. Hold on to this knowing and feel the truth. The celebrations will be worthy of the wait. You are grounding the heat of these light frequencies. The light workers are much like the frying pan itself. You are providing a grounding platform for the heat to cook the batter. And so you feel the heat. You feel the sizzle, and you are exhausted. But without you, we couldn’t cook the pancake. It would run over the stove, it would not have a framework for change. You are creating this framework for change and in so doing your bodies are receiving an upgrade and you are providing a tremendous service to the universe. Tremendous service! Thank you! The pancake flipping, the great unveiling, the timing, is all coming down to the moment. Thank you for holding the light, and in this case, the heat. Feel our energies soothe and comfort, and bring a gentle breeze of joy. I am Ashtar. I have not talked about pancakes before, this was quite exciting. Perhaps humorous too but I hope I have made my point. Pancakes all around!
(I am seeing light workers all over the globe unite, we are strategically energetically placed. I see dark, sludgy grids in the atmosphere and beneath the ground. I am seeing plasma light being honed and beamed down from the Pleiadian ships in the skies, increasing the frequencies. We ground these frequencies, allowing the energies above and below us to be transmuted. I am seeing astral levels melting, smoky cities and mist being transmuted into light. We are doing so much more than we know. Continue on, my friends. Continue on.)

傳導:Valerie Donner
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with arms open wide and hearts filled with love. We are here to reassure you that we are with you during these challenging times.
From our vantage point on the Earth Council, which oversees your planet, there is a great awakening occurring with humanity. In speaking with this audience, we know that you are fully aware of this battle between the light in the dark. We want you to realize your power and strength as a collective of light. The light that you bring is sifting out the darkness.
從我們的角度,地球委員會,監督著地球,有著一個巨大的覺醒在發生 。我們知道你知道這場光與黑暗的戰鬥。我們希望你意識到你們作為一個光之集體所擁有的力量。你帶來的光在過濾掉黑暗
Other members of humanity are awakening increasingly on a daily basis. It is almost as if they are waking up from a deep slumber. This is shocking to many and it will become even more so, as the truth is being revealed.
Please stay grounded, balanced and selective in what you let into your consciousness and who you have around you. These energies that you find yourselves in now are chaotic. When you are not balanced you can be swept up into the current of fear, doubt, anger, depression, confusion, and other dis-empowering feelings. This is when the light ones must breathe and go back to center.
I caution you not to worry about how everything will work out. The divine plan is in action. Your job is to trust the plan. Things are changing rapidly now. Humanity is feeling bantered about. This is part of the chaos, as well as, a function of ascension. If everything was smooth and easy you would not appreciate your arrival in the Golden Age. So do not allow yourself to be caught off guard. Play the awakening game just a little bit longer for miracles await you. We await you!
The earth and humanity are beginning to feel lighter and it is becoming easier to breathe. There has been a massive amount of clearing and divine intervention on the earth and inside of the earth. We have all been participating in the rescue and recovery process. A large part of the dark forces have been removed from the planet.
A whole New World is awaiting you. There is glorious beauty, abundance, harmony, joy, freedom and peace on the New Earth. You will be able to relax from your earthly ordeals and heal with new forms of technology that will extend your lives. You will be living as the Creator intended you to live. These are the end times of the old matrix that enslaved you and made your lives so challenging.
You are moving into the rapture and soon we will all be celebrating together. Pay attention to everything occurring around you. Help each other and know that all is proceeding well.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We love you!

譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings beloveds. I am Archangel Sandalphon, twin brother of Archangel Metatron. I come through this one today for many reasons. First, it is time. It is time for the prayers that have been reverently uttered by the lightworker community to be fulfilled. Secondly, she is worthy. She struggles with typing this. You are all worthy. You all seem to also struggle with this feeling of worthiness. Beloved ones of the heart of God, of the great and wonderful All That Is, you are worthy. Gaia is worthy to ascend and you are worthy to ascend upon her and within her auric field. (I am seeing rainbow hues envelop Gaia like a huge prism bubble and all upon her are filled with this rainbow as well.) This feeling of unworthiness and inadequacies is false. It is part of the indoctrination training program into the lower realms and you have learned these well. Now you must unlearn them for you are ready to lead and in order to lead you must know in your heart of hearts that you are indeed worthy to do so.
問候,親愛的。我是大天使聖德芬,大天使梅塔特隆的孿生兄弟。今天我通過這個管道前來有著許多原因。首先,是時候了。是時候讓光之工做者社區最近做出的祈禱被實現了。 其次,她值得。你們都值得。你們都看似掙扎於這個價值感。親愛的神、偉大的奇妙的一切萬有的心們,你值得。蓋亞值得楊升,你值得在她之上和她的金場中楊升。(我看到彩虹色調包裹蓋亞,就像一個巨大的三棱鏡泡泡,她之上的一切都充滿了這個彩虹色)。這個無價值和不足感是虛假的。這是較低領域的教育培訓項目,你很好地學會了。現在你必須忘卻它們,因為你已經準備好引領或者為了引領你必須在心中知曉你確實是有價值的
You have earned your stripes, every one. These energetic weeks, and the push and pull of the lower energies and densities within them have been exhausting. Much like a taffy pull are these energies stretching further and further apart until the one will no longer be able to remain in contact with the other and a breaking will occur. A stretching of realms, as the dimensions shift and pull ever upward. There are infinite points within dimensional taffy pulls. Infinite points of perspective. When one feels Source within the feelings of worthiness are not questioned. When one allows doubt, it can be more challenging. Now is not the time to doubt your mission. The prayers of all people are in process of the great fulfillment. The great awakening is nigh. It is upon your world now. (I am hearing angelic trumpets blowing. I am seeing ancient sealed documents being opened and huge brass bowls being poured over the earth.) Those with eyes to see and ears to hear are awakening to the inner calling of the higher dimensional love that is within them. This love is all around them but has felt suppressed within this holographic framework that they have been experiencing for eons.
I am Sandalphon. I answer prayers, strengthen intentions, and assist in the realization of outcomes. I work with the music of the spheres, the vibrations of tones. You may work with me. Musicians already know me, they just may not be aware of this within their human density. The density is lifting. Gaia is shedding the layer of the lower ways. So too must you shed that which no longer serves you and brings you down. Now is the time for serving yourself with inner love and nourishment from Source. Allow yourselves to be loved, to feel this love all around you. Allow yourself to feel the worthiness of this task at hand. You were chosen to lead. Lightworkers were chosen for a specific task and you all have enough talent and experience to do so. Some of you lead in the quiet moments. (I am seeing parents with their children, quietly teaching them.) Some of you will be a great voice to many. (I am seeing well known lecturers with large social media platforms.) All are important. All are equal in the eyes of God. You must do your task whatever it is with the deep inner knowing that you are not alone, that you are worthy, and that you are infinity heard and loved.
I am Archangel Sandalphon. I am sending you frequencies of angelic music and codes of worthiness, wrapped in light. (I am feeling and seeing a beautiful shawl filled with prism light and colors that are vibrating with sound. I feel the fears of unworthiness melt away. Something inside me cracks open a little more. I am in a cocoon of sound and light.) How can a child of God be unworthy – there is no separation. You are the same light and love that formed the stars, and it took tremendous power to do this. You have this same power of intention within you. Intend out loud for your path to be made clear and for your will to remain strong. I Sandalphon will assist you. Your world is in need of great change. Your peoples are weary of the burden. This burden is lifting. The light fills the darkness. There is no room for the absence of it.
I am Sandalphon. I activate your third eye and your inner hearing of the ancient wisdom to allow further internal discernment. You are loved beyond measure and you are not alone. Peace.