

傳導者:遇見雪莉·楊(SHELLEY YOUNG)
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》不要拒絕幫助 (20210501)
《2》放寬鬆你的界限 (220210505)

傳導作者:遇見雪莉·楊(SHELLEY YOUNG)
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, we understand so many of you have been through challenging times. You may have felt that the world has been a very harsh place for you, and because of that you think you have lost your innocence. What we want you to understand is that your innocence is never lost, it has just receded in order to keep itself safe, and it has just been waiting for you to reassure it that it is now safe for it to come back up into the light.
Connect with that inner child aspect of you that has felt it was best for it to hide. Recognize it has been there all along! Let it know you are an adult now and you will absolutely provide it everything it needs to it can get back to the business of being a kid and enjoying all the wonder and innocence that comes from that.
This is exactly how you incorporate more play, fun, and magic into your life. Acknowledge that aspect of yourself still exists and encourage it to come forward. This is moving back into the wholeness that has always been there just waiting for you to reclaim it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, we have been getting asked about our viewpoint on the covid vaccines. We understand that this is a major point of interest for many of you and we wish to offer this message to help you find your clarity on this topic.
親愛的,我們一直在被詢問關於 一瞄的看法。我們知道這是你們許多人一個主要的興趣點,我們希望提供這則信息來幫助你找到你的明晰
With this or any other important decision you must make in your life, the best way to find the right choice for you is to explore the following question – what brings me the most freedom, expansion, and ease?
For some people getting the vaccine will bring an experience of more freedom, expansion, and ease. For others, not getting the vaccine will create an experience within them of more freedom, expansion, and ease. And some of you don’t know yet what will create the most freedom, expansion, and ease, and if that is the case we encourage you to wait until you have that clarity for yourselves.
There is no one size fits all answer, it is about using that question to discover what best matches you and your life expression. What might be a fearful choice for one might be an empowered choice for another based on their own unique energetics and soul path. As your soul is always seeking freedom, expansion, and ease, if you choose what you feel will best provide those elements for yourself you cannot make a wrong choice. If you can look at this issue through this lens, you will be able to see the different choices of others as simply honouring what feels best to their souls as the leaders of their own life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have trouble receiving. This is often due to other life expressions where help was offered but later came at a terrible cost. You have learned not to beholden to others. Or perhaps during this lifetime you have learned not to ask for or receive help for fear of rejection.
We understand why you might feel this way, but we wish for you to understand that you are not on the planet to hold yourself separate or to go it alone. Our wish for you is that you will shift into being willing to receive as much as you as you so willingly give. This will allow you to fully harness the many benefits of the flow.
When others offer to help you, it is the universe serving you by working through them. There are so many loving human beings, just like you, whose greatest desire is to serve. Allow others the joy of being an answer to a prayer.
Can you feel how denying help is attempting to micro-manage the universe? Allowing yourself to receive in whatever ways show up for you opens you up to the wonder of experiencing just how loved and supported you always are. Say yes and let it in, Dear Ones. It is safe for you to receive love and support from all directions because you are the love and you will always draw to you more of the energy you embody. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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傳導作者:遇見雪莉·楊(SHELLEY YOUNG)
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones, your soul is always looking for expansion and presence. The easiest way to experience expansion and presence is to do something different. Get out of your routine. Take an alternate route rather than the same old familiar one when you drive. Explore. Connect with nature. Try something new. Commit to consciously engaging instead of rushing through things. If you shift yourself out of autopilot and allow yourself to have the full experience, you are much more likely to find the wonder you’ve been seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
There’s a tendency in energetically sensitive human beings to not want to be fully in their bodies. This can be due to a desire to connect with the higher realms and also due to a fear of being overwhelmed by feeling or some of the denser energies that exist on the planet.
But what we wish to point out here is that you are in the process of embodiment. That means anchoring more and more of your soul self into your physical body and using that as both your gift and your experience on earth.
The more you allow that energy to be integrated into your physical beingness, the more you will find it easier to not be affected by lower energies. You will be a bringer of energy, not a catcher of energy. You will be honouring your soul mission to have a spiritual experience in human form.
Your body is the most remarkable tool. It is your ascension vehicle! Make friends with your body. Get into your body with all your senses, not just your psychic senses. Breathe in and feel the oxygen sustain your body. Smell the air. Feel the sun on your skin. Use your eyes to find the beauty and wonder that exists all around you. Hear the birds and the whispers of the wind. Take the time to really taste your food and water and to feel how they sustain you. Feel the joy of movement.
You cannot reject being in the body and support your embodiment process at the same time, Dear Ones. Your bodies are working tirelessly to support you and your success. It is safe for you to allow yourselves to have the full experience of being in your body, for that is exactly what you are on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Are you choosing or resisting? Choosing is a flow, using your focus and intention to move in the direction of what you prefer. Resisting is pushing against, arguing, fighting, and actively engaging in what is not wanted. The most powerful act you can make is to consciously disengage from what is not a match for you and to flow towards what is.
If you do not know exactly what is your match, that is actually a good thing! It simply means that you are in a space of open acceptance that can allow miraculous discoveries to occur. Broad intention can be much more effective than a highly specific intention because it opens you up to so much more, which allows you to connect with solutions and experience that exist just beyond what you can see but are so perfectly tailored to you and your life expression.
You might think of it as the difference between shopping at the corner store that has limited stock and shopping online where you have unlimited options available to you from all over the world.
A broad intention can be choosing to move towards more peace, more love, more fun, your highest life expression, or joyful service. It is simply the essence of what your soul would like to experience more of. So loosen up your parameters and be willing to see what the universe would like to deliver to you instead of what you think is possible. That is exactly what creates movement and expansion in the most delightful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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