

譯者:Nick Chan
#WendyAnnZellea #JamesMcConnell #NickChan

傳導作者:Wendy Ann Zellea
譯者:Nick Chan 

You are on a spiritual path towards enlightenment. Along the way, you have become aware you are a powerful being. The more you embrace your power, the more it increases. Over time it can build up inside of you, until you determine how you are meant to use it.
There are many ways you may be enhancing your personal power already, without even being consciously aware you are doing so. Consider your spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, working with crystals, Reiki, and other energy work. All these modalities are raising you to augmented energetic levels. This allows you to transmit higher vibrations out into the world.
You may not be able to see the effects of your efforts, for they are not something to be measured, but rest assured, you are making a difference, with your conscious choice to do so.
Your power is expressed through your actions. You can have an effect on individuals or even large groups of people, depending on your activities. Perhaps you write a book that inspires others and may even change someone’s life for the better.
On a smaller, but not less important scale, you can smile at someone or do something kind, which will lift their spirits. It may encourage them to do the same for someone else. All because you took the time to make an effort. You did not have to, but you chose to, and that is using your power.
You have a voice. Your voice is a conscious physical expression of your thoughts, into the world. You have a message that the world is waiting to hear. Using your voice is the manifestation of your power. As your voice transmits truth, it can raise the vibration of those who hear it. You can enable others who are listening to be empowered by you.
你有著一個聲音。你的聲音是你思想的一個有意識的物理表達。你有著一個世界已經準備好聆聽的信息。使用你的 聲音就是你力量的體現。當你的聲音傳輸真理,它會提升聆聽之人的振動。你可以使聆聽的人被你授全
What if I only speak to one person at a time, you may ask? One person matters. Each person matters. And when you speak your truth to that one person, your words take on a physical form, adding another dimension to your thoughts. Those words become woven into the fabric of the collective consciousness, thereby raising its vibration.
Speaking truth is not the same as speaking your opinion or even your belief. Truth is for the highest good of everyone.
Oh, but how can that make a difference, you ask, it’s only a few words? When you speak true wisdom, or utter words of kindness, you are creating a higher dimensional vibration that is much more powerful than other mundane expressions. It has an effect, and it matters, more than can be understood on a third dimensional scale.
Stepping out of the realm of trying to be powerful, and instead, having the belief and confidence that by contributing to the expansion of the higher consciousness that is evolving, you are powerful.
The spaces between your breaths connect you to the divine undefined essence of creation. Therefore, with every breath you take, you are inhaling the limitless possibilities of the universe. That is what fuels your power. It is life, it is sacred, and it is yours. Use it wisely and powerfully.

傳導作者:James McConnell
譯者:Nick Chan 

am Ashtar. I come at this time to continue to assist you and help you in understanding the perspective that we have. Perspective that we want all of you to have as well.
As we look down and we see the Earth, we see life here on the planet. But we see it as it is meant to be. Not necessarily how it is now. We see the higher consciousness all across the planet, not those pockets of lower consciousness. Yes, of course, we are aware of the darkness. We are aware of those dark ones that continue to do everything they can to hold back the ascension process, as they have known about this ascension process for thousands and thousands of years of this coming. And they have done everything they can to hold it back. But hold it back, no longer are they able to do.
For they are fighting against a rising tide, a rising tide of awakening, as this wave of awakening moves across the planet. This is what they feared the most, that the population would awaken, and no longer need them. They have felt like they were needed. And their biggest fear is that no one will want or need them any longer. That is the way it must be.
For as the population of this planet awakens more and more, it is doing so as a result of all these waves of energy that have been coming in–wave. after wave, after wave. With each continuing wave becoming stronger and stronger. And those on the planet being able to raise their vibrations and receive these higher vibrational frequencies coming in. And in so doing, the awakening is happening now. The ascension process is in full swing.
And you, those of you, the Lightworkers and Warriors, you are the ones that are awakening faster. You are the ones that are fully in the ascension now, in which you have heard as the first wave of ascension. No, you have not ascended fully yet, but are in that process now.
As you have heard many times, this is a process. It is not an overnight sensation, not at this point, anyway. It can become that with the Solar Flash. The Solar Flash, the Great Event, will only happen in the divine timing that recognizes the consciousness of this planet that has risen enough to be able to handle this energy coming in. For if the energy were to happen now, if the Solar Flash were to happen now, many across the planet would not survive. Even those of you, many of you would likely not survive it. So it cannot happen yet at this point. But because of the continuing waves of energy that have been coming in, you are moving closer and closer to being able to not only withstand the energies from the Solar Flash, but be able to move fully into your ascension as a result of those energies, a higher light, if you will.
So again, as you look out, and you look at everything that is happening, and you become aware of what is occurring outside of yourself, but it is always the same: be aware, but not a part of. Do not let yourself become emotionally involved or attached to what is happening. Because as you have heard many times, it is an illusion. It is part of the third-dimensional illusion. And it is happening now more and more.
But, more and more people are realizing that it is an illusion as well. And those that have not yet realized it are thinking that something is awry. Something is not right. Something needs to shift or change. And as they become aware, just as you became aware, then they begin to question things just as you are, and have been. And as they now begin to question, the masks will fall off. The distancing from your brother and sister will become a thing of the past.
For you, as the collective you, will realize the full level of consciousness that is in the one consciousness that you are all a part of, you’ll feel that unity once again as you felt long ago in your Lemurian and Atlantean time. All of that is returning.
You have heard that Atlantis and Lemuria will rise again. But it will rise again within each and every one of you. For you carry the memories and the remnants of those long ago in much ways forgotten civilizations. But forgotten for not much longer. For they are indeed arising again. And you, each and every one of you that listen to these words and resonate to these words: you are those Lemurians come back again. Come back again to remember the old ways. To remember the ancient ways. Be able to utilize those tools that you had at that time. Just as many of you are becoming aware of the crystals again, and the connection with the consciousness within the crystals. And how crystals can hold consciousness and hold remembrances. All of that is returning.
So be of good cheer, my friends, my brothers and sisters. For all is certainly not lost. It is exactly the opposite if you look at it in that way. Everything is exactly happening in divine timing and moving for the full resolution of the end of this old age of illusion and the beginning of this new sense of oneness.
Continue to be yourselves. No matter what happens, be who you are. Be true to yourselves. That is all you need to do at this time. And everything will continue to take its course just as it is meant to. For you all are in that divine timing right now.
I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and a full oneness of who each and every one of you are, and that connection to your Higher God Selves that is bringing you back toward level of ascension that you so long for.


