
【阿斯塔Ashtar】20210317新的真理;關於 黑衣人、GESARA、量子金融系統、情報

傳導作者:Sharon Stewart

Me:Okay,I've been following the Storm casually for a while,but on November 3rd,2020,I was as surprised as anybody else when I saw the election results.So I started paying more attention,following it every day.On January 6th,I anticipated that"something would happen other than what did happen,"and on January 21st,I anticipated that things would be rectified and that Mr T would take office again.He didn't.He seemed to be walking away,and we now know he isn't–the military is running the United States and reporting to him.My personal belief is that he's working in the background,in what way,I'm not sure.I heard he went to Switzerland,and I heard he didn't go to Switzerland.Nice country though.One of my favourites.

我:好吧,我隨意地關注風暴已經有一段時間了,但是在2020年11月3日,當我看到選舉結果時,我和其他人一樣驚訝。所以我開始更加關注它,每天都關注它。在1月6日,我預料到"除了已經發生的事情之外,還會有其他事情發生",在1月21日,我預料到事情會得到糾正,t 先生會再次就職。他沒有。他似乎要離開,而我們現在知道他不是——軍方正在統治美國,並向他報告。我個人認為他是在幕後工作,以什麼樣的方式,我不確定。我聽說他去了瑞士,聽說他沒去瑞士。不過這個國家不錯。我最喜歡的一個。

For those of you who are familiar with the concept of"the elephant in the living room,"I just want to point out one big huge oversight that many people are making.I believe that very few of us are actually interpreting this from the correct perspective.Some have a religious perspective:This is God's war and we are God's army.Some have a military perspective:the military is going to do this and that.Some are contemplating good versus evil and some are contemplating left versus right.


Do you realize that if you lived somewhere else,like maybe in Myanmar,that you would have a completely different perspective than you do as an American?If you lived in Russia,you'd be hearing different news and everything would have a different focus,or in any other country for example.Yes,we're all focused on what's going on in the U.S.,but the fact is we're looking at it from the standpoint of what's being played out politically and socially


The elephant in the living room is this:We're looking at it as an American issue,not a global issue,and not even an exo-political issue.It is actually a universal issue.Nothing less than that.As someone pointed out the other day,there are portals on this planet to what we call Heaven,and they are trying to use them to remove God as the creator of this universe.Nothing less than that level of evil.And of course,there is a fight on to regain or retain the portals for the Light.


Where are the ET's in all of this?That's your pink elephant.Ivo said that a galactic court was set up in the white house and people were tried there.There was confirmation to some degree when a draconian ship was sited at the white house within the same time frame.Yes,some have won their freedom,unfortunately.Kicked off the planet,I'm sure,but they are free.


Right now the action is on the ground and the main players are us.All of us are involved.So many have predicted a speedy return of Mr T and resumption of what most consider normal,but is that going to happen?

現在的行動是在地面上和主要的球員是我們。我們所有人都參與其中。所以許多人預測 t 先生將很快回歸,並恢復大多數人認為正常的狀態,但這會發生嗎?

Did anyone predict a masked actor playing the role of JB?Did anyone predict the roll out of the v's and people having to or willing to get it,and then now the large numbers of deaths?Everyone thought that it would all be stopped before it created havoc,but that hasn't been the case at all.What is going on?We're actually experiencing Agenda 2030 right in front of us.We're seeing it roll out first hand.Did anyone anticipate the v lasting over a year?I did.I knew it wasn't going to end at the end of the summer.Did anyone anticipate the return of Dr Anthony Jekyl and Mr Bill Hyde,showing up now and again to push the v agenda and then disappearing into the wind?Did anyone anticipate that they'd pop up now and again instead of being in our faces every day?Where are these two?Where did they go?Then there is the strange focus of persecution of one person only and the rest seems to go quiet.Right now it's on the NY governor.And to some degree the Texas governor.Did anyone anticipate the resignation of hundreds of corporate CEO's?Did anyone anticipate the resignation of the pope?

有沒有人預見到一個蒙面演員會扮演 JB 的角色?有沒有人預測 v 字型的出現,人們必須或者願意得到 v 字型,然後是大量的死亡?每個人都認為在造成破壞之前一切都會被阻止,但事實並非如此。這是怎麼回事?我們實際上正在經歷2030議程,就在我們面前。我們看到它正在第一時間推出。有沒有人預料到 v 會持續一年以上?是的。我知道這不會在夏天結束的時候結束。有沒有人預料到安東尼·傑基爾博士和比爾·海德先生會回來,不時出現推動 v 議程,然後消失在風中?有沒有人預料到他們會時不時出現而不是每天都出現在我們面前?這兩個人在哪裡?他們去哪兒了?然後是奇怪的焦點,只有一個人受到迫害,其餘的人似乎都安靜下來了。現在是紐約州長的問題。在某種程度上,德克薩斯州州長。有沒有人預料到數以百計的公司 CEO 會辭職?有人預料到教皇的辭職嗎?

And my personal favourite:Has JFK Jr shown up yet?Oh yes,he missed showing up on March 4th.Bully for him!Gee,he keeps disappointing us.Maybe it's because he's actually dead!


We've got our focus on whatever news we can obtain here on earth.But ETs are still around,working in the background.Or are they?Now that the negative ETs are being dealt with,what do you think those of the Light are going to do?They're going to step up.Anonymously,you won't necessarily know who they are,although I've picked off a few of them.They are"boots on the ground"now as well.That's why their ships are so close.Because they're here.They're here with us.


I've had a telepathic conversation with an Alliance member who goes by the initial"J".I don't have telepathic conversations with earthlings,so he's not from earth,obviously.


Ashtar,can you please give us some intel on what you are doing,what we can expect in the next few months and where all this is going?


Ashtar:Hello again Sharon.I can indeed.


Yes,we are on the ground.As a matter of fact,there are more embodied Pleiadians walking your streets than you would ever have expected.They are working in your governments,in your agencies,your councils,lobbying for the good and for change.They also work with incoming energies in order to strengthen the changes going on on your planet.They work at a physical level,but always at metaphysical levels.


There are others who are visiting your governments via their ships,and speaking with governmental leaders.Did you know that all countries on earth have signed on to GESARA law?This is our doing as well.We were the ones who sold it,if you will,to your world leaders.


Me:As well as what?A threat that if they didn't cooperate they'd go to jail?


Ashtar:We would prefer not to have to do so,but in some cases,yes,we had to resort to that.We would never harass or bully,but we simply made clear what the objective of our visits were,and if they didn't comply,we would find someone else who would and give them authority.We've had a lot of clout with your governments.These Illuminati leaders know who we are.We simply came in and said,"We're here.You know the future of this planet doesn't include your evil,so now this is what you must do."It was easy for your president to walk in and show all the evidence he had on these so-called leaders because we paved the way for his doing so.


We are boots on the ground,as you like to call it,Sharon.To exclude our benevolent contributions to your reports is actually foolhardy because you miss the hand of God aspect to our work here.Still so many don't like to speak of extraterrestrials because they're afraid of being ridiculed.They focus on what the people of earth are doing.Who do you think they're working with?We are the representatives that are bringing God back to your planet,we had connected to those few so long ago who wished to do the same on earth.We of the universe are the overseers of what is transpiring on planet earth right now.To dismiss our contribution is missing half the story.You are the ones who pray–we are the ones who make your prayers come true!So many of you still give your power away to the dark ones,so many so that intervention was necessary.


To focus on what is happening at ground level,at the mental level,is the imbalance you have been living by all along.You are not taking into account the entirety of reality.You are only seeing it from a results perspective,but all the work that is put into achieving any result is being ignored.And there is work being done at many universal levels,the physical result that you see is simply the result that earthlings must vote on:how do they choose to respond to what they see?Where do they align their frequency:high or low?How do they choose to view all that is happening?There are many of you who understand pieces of what has gone into making everything on the physical plane happen,and some who have been involved in making it so.Sharon,for example,worked with a small team in order to clear the DUMBs of negative ETs and to help these victims escape captivity.Clearing the DUMBs has gone on for much longer than you realize.It has been decades in the making.

關注在底層發生的事情,在精神層面,是你一直生活在其中的不平衡。你沒有考慮到現實的全部。你只是從結果的角度來看待它,但是所有為了達到結果而付出的努力都被忽略了。在宇宙的許多層面上都有工作在進行,你所看到的物理結果僅僅是地球人必須投票決定的結果:他們如何選擇回應他們所看到的?它們的頻率排列在哪裡:高還是低?他們如何看待正在發生的一切?你們中有許多人瞭解是什麼促使物質層上的一切發生,有些人參與了使之發生。例如,莎倫與一個小組一起工作,以清除負面外星人的DUMBs,並幫助這些受害者逃離囚禁。清除 DUMBs的工作已經進行了很長時間,比你意識到的要長得多。經過幾十年的醞釀。

Me:What's interesting to note is that Hitler's daughter is coming up for re-election.Apparently she's not doing well in the polls.Folks,you have to realize that when non-Illuminati candidates step up,and when people wake up,the right people are going to get voted in.


Ashtar:Exactly.You are here to do the work as well.It's not entirely up to anyone but you on earth have the final say.


Me:Don't worry,Ashtar,when that TV station goes up,everybody will get on board.They'll all be reporting from our station because it'll finally be the whole picture.


Ashtar:I see you're chomping at the bit,Sharon.


Me:Are you kidding?I'm frustrated at the constant delays.I want to get this truth out there.


Ashtar:And so you shall.


Me:I think you are playing out a protective role as well,because how is it so many of these white hats haven't been knocked off yet?




Me:I know some of them have been threatened but they're still going.With the number of"suicides"we're used to seeing apparently having stopped,and the white hats not being affected by this strange phenomenon,why are they able to take on the DS and still stay safe?There has to be something extraterrestrial playing out because this world is extraterrestrial.

我:我知道他們中的一些人受到了威脅,但是他們還在繼續。我們已經習慣看到"自殺"的數量明顯停止了,白帽子們也沒有受到這種奇怪現象的影響,為什麼他們能夠對付 DS 而仍然保持安全呢?肯定有什麼外星生物在活動,因為這個世界是外星生物。

What happened to the Men in Black,by the way?


Ashtar:They're all taken off the planet.


Me:Oh gee,I was missing their 4 a.m.visits.


Ashtar:We are speaking to both sides.And we have arranged to get your world to be GESARA compliant.The Quantum financial system is now up and running along the Fiat system,which is going to implode at some point.Who do you think kept it from going under a couple weeks ago?Your white hats are working alongside us.Some of them,too,are starseeds and lightworkers and are aware of their origins.They work with us because we have been in contact with them for a long time.

阿斯塔:我們正在和雙方對話。我們已經安排讓你們的世界符合 GESARA 的要求。量子金融系統現在正沿著菲亞特系統運行,該系統將在某一時刻內爆。你認為幾週前是誰阻止了它的破產?你們的白帽子正在和我們並肩作戰。它們中的一些也是星際種子和光之工作者,並且意識到它們的起源。他們和我們一起工作,因為我們和他們保持聯繫已經很長時間了。

You know you are protected,Sharon,by ships and other safety devices we use.We watch you constantly,you are always being monitored.You are always safe.We do the same for these white hats.Nobody is expendable right now.We need all hands on deck.And we have that.They are safe.


The beings of Light that have come to this earth are very involved in what is currently happening.Counseling,protecting,adjudicating agreements,warning on taking the wrong action,we have warned so many of them what will happen to them if they align with the DS any longer.They are turning now.You see this.They are turning to the Light.Why?It is our influence.There are many upon earth who have had extraterrestrial visitations and continue to right now.

光之存有們已經來到這個地球,他們非常參與到當前正在發生的事情中。諮詢,保護,裁定協議,警告採取錯誤的行動,我們已經警告了他們中的許多人,如果他們再與 DS 結盟,將會發生什麼。他們正在轉向。你看這個。他們正轉向光明。為什麼?這是我們的影響。地球上有許多人曾經有過外星人的訪問,並且現在還在繼續。

In the same way that you are being mind controlled into believing the narrative,we of the Light can remove that mind control to allow you to wake up.We tend to do it locally in order to achieve localized results.


Me:Like by state maybe?Is that why there are blackouts?Because the electricity is turned off in the bases?And then you put forth your energies in order to help people wake up in that area?


Ashtar:For example,yes.Unfortunately,the earthling is basically a disempowered apathetic being who has allowed itself to be controlled.This is due to mind control.The feeling that nothing can be done to help yourselves is so prevalent so there were people we worked with specifically,usually lightworkers,who we groomed to step up and take action.Phil Schneider was one of them,by the way.He paid the ultimate price for his actions but he made his mark on your psyches.He started the P movement.He told people to stand up for themselves,and eventually people came to hear his lectures because they were more awake than the average.This is how we achieve results at the physical level.

阿斯塔:例如,是的。不幸的是,地球人基本上是一個被控制的無權無勢的存在。這是由於精神控制。沒有什麼可以幫助你自己的感覺是如此普遍,所以有人我們特別合作,通常是光之工作者,我們培養誰站出來採取行動。順便說一句,菲爾·施耐德就是其中之一。他為自己的行為付出了最終的代價,但他在你的心靈上留下了印記。他發起了 p 運動。他告訴人們要為自己挺身而出,最終人們來聽他的演講,因為他們比一般人更清醒。這就是我們如何在物理層面上取得成果。

Me:Yes,learned helplessness.Ivo and I need to take a shot at that subject one of these days.


Ashtar:We will explain,some day,our role in this in more detail.But know we are here,in large numbers,and we are helping to turn the tide for planet Earth.And yes,this is a universal issue.


As for the timing of events,first of all,all will happen at the best time to create optimal results.As for the events you believe will happen,it will not happen the way you expect.Mr T will resume his presidency but not in the way you expect.The fact that little has happened to date the way you expected gives proof of this.The reason your expectations are not accurate is because you do not have the whole picture,nor can you.To tell the people of earth is to inform the enemy.You are still as much a part of them as they are in control of you.

至於時間的事件,首先,所有將發生在最好的時間創造最佳的結果。至於那些你認為會發生的事情,它們不會以你所期望的方式發生。T 先生將恢復他的總統職位,但不是以你所期望的方式。事實上,很少發生的日期方式,你預期的證明這一點。你的期望不準確的原因是因為你不瞭解整個情況,你也不能。告訴地球上的人民就是告訴敵人。你仍然是他們的一部分,就像他們控制著你一樣。

There has been no food shortages,martial law,internet blackouts,etc.Only in small,localized cases,and this was easier to deal with.Take each day as it comes and give thanks for the marvels you see before you.Your world is changing,for the good.


Me:I had an intuition,Ashtar.It told me that the vote had to be stolen and Mr T had to walk away because without this conflict to strengthen our minds,we would have remained more or less indifferent to those in power and many would have continued to go along with whatever they had decided for them.Mr T walked away so that people would become indignant,angry and even mortified at their treatment of them,is that correct?They had to be shown and they will continue to be shown.

我:我有直覺,阿斯塔。它告訴我,選票必須被偷走,t 先生必須離開,因為如果沒有這場衝突來加強我們的思想,我們或多或少會對當權者無動於衷,許多人會繼續支持他們為他們做出的任何決定。T 先生走開了,這樣人們就會對他們所受到的待遇感到憤慨、生氣甚至羞愧,對嗎?它們必須被展示出來,而且它們將繼續被展示出來。

Ashtar:Yes.It was necessary.The whole process will shake many out of their slumber and teach them to take back responsibility for their own lives.They will stop working for the government,and start working with the government.As we've told you,your participation is required in this.This is why events don't transpire the way you anticipate:because you're not fully responsible yet and you still expect things to be done for you.This is your transition period.


Me:Thank you for that.So that's probably what Gen F and the Kraken lady mean when they say,"Get involved."This is what they're asking of people,because future governments will require the people be more active in decision making.This is about empowering the people again.Halleluah.


This isn't about rescuing you.This isn't about victimizing you.This isn't about doing things for you.This is about re-empowering you.Yes,a Blue Ray would get that and I did.How you choose to stand in your power every day determines a lot right now.God is trying to tell you,"Stand up for yourselves!"


Ashtar:Events will unfold that will require your attention.Choose wisely and do not fear.


Thank you Sharon.We will speak again soon.






