

傳導:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》圓形的釘子放到圓形的洞裡 (20210310)
《2》你的平穩階段 (20210317)
#BrendaHoffman #NickChan

《1》關於 圓形的釘子放到圓形的洞裡
傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan 

Dear Ones,
Your difficult transition phases are complete. So you no longer need to worry about what might happen tomorrow, in a month, or next year. Of course, accepting that concept is a process. Something you will not accept without a few “What ifs” or “How?” rumbling through your thought processes.
Because you are eradicating eons of fear in a few years or months, you will likely process this shift in stages. First, you will believe you have hit a wall of some sort, as would have been true in 3D, only to discover that the wall is fairly flexible. And so it will go for several fear ‘walls’ until you internalize – a large part of self-love – that you and no one else is responsible for your fear exit.
You will leave your hibernation cave, slowly testing each step until you know, without a doubt, you are directing your life with self-love, and that love reigns.
Many of you are thinking, “I can’t. I won’t.” “I want to be in my home without the stresses of the outer world. I’ve adapted to the freedom of being me the past year, and I don’t want to test that freedom in the outer world.”
你們許多人心想“我不能。 我不會。
Such is so because the outer world has been an expression of fear, of doing what you should according to others’ rules. For the past year, you have created your own rules and activities, even though those activities seemed unappealing until the thought of re-entering the outer world was proposed – as is happening now.
It is as if you were sent on vacation kicking and screaming. And then realized what a joy that vacation was only to be required to return to the work-a-day world.
Such is not to negate the stresses many of you experienced this past year, but instead to allow you to realize that this isolation has likely provided you with more personal freedom than you have had since you were an infant. Maybe you accepted more or different responsibilities than was true before this quarantine phase. But you were likely not required to float those actions past emotional and physical social gatekeepers as you have most of your 3D lives.
Even though you might have had more or different responsibilities in 2020, the timing of those actions or responsibilities was yours. You likely did not need to follow the schedules of your work-a-day world, school system, church, or any outside social authority – unless you wanted to. But once you left the emotional safety of your home, social rules and actions were dictated or implied, ensuring that your home became your sanctuary.
Now that you have had a taste of that freedom, it is time to re-enter your outer-world. Your hesitancy is your 3D fear that the outer-world is stronger and more punitive than you are. That once you exit your home, social rules will upend your sense of safety and security. That you will need to say or complete the right activities according to the social rules of the day.
Instead, you will discover that the rules you now abhor are no longer applicable because most earth beings have discovered they wish to continue their self-love path instead of returning to 3D rules.
Those of 3D will no longer understand you, nor will you understand those of 3D. So there will be no reason for you to cater to their 3D needs or fears. It is as if a blanket has dropped between 3D and those deciding to transition beyond 3D. And as the number of those moving beyond 3D expands, the disharmonious 3D cries and demands will become less and less important.
You forerunners decided before entering the earth in this life that you were transitioning beyond 3D – as likely did those waves immediately following you. Beyond the first four or so waves, decisions will be made by those beyond the first few waves while they are of the earth. As you and those in waves immediately following begin flowing in peace and love, those not yet decided will find beyond 3D enticing.
Three-D is about fear and pain. Beyond 3D is peace, contentment, and joy. Given those two extremes, few will opt to remain fully of 3D. Those doing so will help others move beyond 3D – for 3D fear, angst, and rage will only increase as those of 3D realize they no longer hold ‘the keys to the kingdom.’ Once the beyond 3D movement starts expanding rapidly, as is starting to happen now, fewer and fewer beings will care about what was.
You can exit your current place of comfort because what was – fear of social pressure – is no more. Even though those of 3D will promote social pressure, their attempts will have little effect on you or any being committed to self-love. For you cannot serve two masters – society and yourself.
That is not to say you will be a renegade, but instead, you will be yourself creating, functioning, adapting, and building according to your inner needs instead of society’s shoulds. Inner needs that will mesh perfectly with the inner needs of others. Much as your common phrase of ‘putting a round peg n a square hole’ was a true statement of your 3D world.
There are no longer any places appropriate for such a miss-match except for the 3D world you are no longer part of. You have become a square peg in a square hole or a round peg in a round hole. For both round pegs in round holes and square pegs in square holes are required to rebuild earth into a Universal model.
Those fully of 3D are not rebuilding. But instead, are tasked with destroying or reminding others of what they no longer want. So be it. Amen.

《2》關於 你的平穩階段
傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman 
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
Many of you are beginning to feel a new gentleness. As if you do not need anything more or different. This sense of rightness is your plateau before moving into your new world.
You have wrapped yourself in a cocoon of security, of discovering what lies within. So it is you began the unusual earth step of learning to love yourself. Even though you’ll soon feel the need to exit your security cocoon, for now, you feel content, secure, and a sense of wonderment that this peaceful being is the you of yesteryear’s constant action.
Even though some of you found this contentment long ago, the majority of forerunners required this exit from society to understand how self-contained they are.
New everything will be your new life. Not because what was needs to be eliminated, but that the thoughts and actions of those of you no longer of 3D are so different. As if you found your new home even though you never knew your former home was not right for you.
As a result of your new interests and actions, you will create new art, music, activities, and inventions.
And you are beginning to sense these actions in ways you did not anticipate when you initiated this hibernation/cocoon stage. Initially, you were upset with the need to be with yourself or in a more peaceful environment. You turned off many of your social activities and directed your energies to finding joy closer to home. That joy has compounded until, just as was true for your pre-cocoon stage, you do not wish to make any changes. But you will. Not because it is a should, but because you will grow tired of your self-isolation.
You likely assume you will return to what was before this self-isolation phase. Yet, thoughts of what was bring you little joy or interest. As if you should be interested in your prior life, but cannot seem to muster interest in what was.
At the same time, you have few outside interests other than simple thoughts or actions. “Tomorrow, I might do this.” And when tomorrow arrives, you put that action off for another day, week, or month. What was has little interest and what is has not yet arrived. So it is you relish your current state and cannot imagine what more you might wish to do or be.
You have reached a plateau – not your end state, merely a short rest phase.
Your new self-love will propel you to great heights. Once your cocoon state has ended, you will roar out of your cocoon with creativity and joy. You will function differently than 3D you thought possible through attire, interactions, thoughts, inventions, homes, and livelihoods.
For you will no longer have societies’ expectations to fulfill before your creativity blossoms.
In 3D, you needed to be outside the norm to be creative. For inventions, new thoughts, and actions were performed by brave souls with strong personalities needed to fight society, which was more disconcerting than most were willing to test. So many 3D creations and inventions were never brought to fruition because it was too psychologically or physically frightening to do so.
Such barriers are no more. Creative juices will be activated in ways you cannot yet imagine. Think of yourself as once having a 3D lid on your activities. Even though you might have worn colors that fit your senses for a day, you likely did not consider wearing socially outrageous clothes. It was safer to fit in than to stand out in every part of your life, including creating that which would be financially productive instead of for personal enjoyment. There were a few outliers, but very few among the millions of 3D humans. Fit in, do right, act, and dress appropriately. Something that was drummed into your 3D being by your family, community, schools, jobs, and even friends.
The new you rule is, be yourself – whatever that means. So it is that odd words or actions will no longer be odd, just different. And wrong will no longer be wrong, just different. The old rules have ended. Not every creation needs to be within a certain framework, including producing an end product of money. For the current 3D society is about the display of financial worth. That is not to say finances will no longer be part of your world, but instead, only a portion of your world as now is true for the colors blue and orange. Both blue and orange are available and displayed in various ways, but not every item in your world is either blue or orange.
Once you leave your cocoon, you will have freedom of thought and action that will almost make you feel drunk with power and joy. “You mean I can do this or this, and no one will notice or care unless they feel like creating something similar with me?” So it will be for you as you tap into this until you find it boring and then move onto that.
You are not who you were before you initiated your hibernation – neither is society nor the world in general. What was is no more. And who you will be, has yet to be discovered – by you and only you. So be it. Amen.
背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


