

《1》蓮花 (20190107)
《2》為了獲取本我的智慧,大聲說出你的真理 (20190204)

《1》關於 蓮花
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings dearest ones, it is I, Quan Yin. Many of you Westerners may not know of me, but I am perhaps best known in your Eastern cultures as a representative of the feminine principle and embodiment of pure love.


As the last grains of sand pour down the hourglass, the silence begins. You are in the midst of the great silence, this change from dark to light, from hate to love, and you dear, sweet ones - you light warriors of old are holding the light for this space of peace to begin here in this now. You are extremely important. You are holding the breath, the space for all to begin anew. For truly the time of great change, of great awakening is right now, in your now, in this very breath.

隨著最後一粒沙子從沙漏中流下,寂靜開始。你處於偉大的寂靜之中,這個從黑暗到光、從仇恨到愛的改變,你,親愛的一們 --- 古老的光戰士,保持著光,為了這個平和的空間在這個時刻開始。你非常地重要。你為一切的重新開始保持著氣息、空間。因為確實,巨大改變、偉大覺醒的時刻就是現在,你的現在,就在這個呼吸中

We look at you from the ships above, guarding you, protecting you, and offering our services, always in love. We look upon you, dear humanity, in wonderment. Envision if you will please, the lotus flower, simple in its beauty and resplendent in its durability and ability to grow from mud and seemingly limited resources. And yet when it blooms it takes one’s breath away.


Spiritually through the ages of your time the lotus flower has beheld many mystical wonderments for many reasons. Meditate on this if you would please for awhile. You have grown into the resplendent light beings that you are now currently from the 3D mud and you have bloomed in the midst of it, in spite of it. Surrounded by all kinds of swamp creatures, water creatures that may try to nibble at your stem while swimming by and take a piece of you, you grew on, strong, sturdy. You gathered your nourishment from the water (Gaia’s sweet breath) and the sun (Sol, a portal to the greater light realms above) and you grew.

古往今來,靈性上,蓮花見證了許多神秘的驚奇,出於許多原因。沉思它一會兒,如果你願意。你已經從 3D 的淤泥中成長為你現在所是的華麗的光之存有,你已經在淤泥中綻放。被各種沼澤生物、水生物包圍著(可能會試圖啃咬你的根莖),你長地很壯實、強壯。你從水(蓋亞甜蜜的氣息)以及太陽(一個通往更大光之領域的門戶)中獲取營養並成長

Many lotus blossoms bloom alone. Solitary flowers many a time, seeking companionship from the unseen realms, just as you do and have dear sweet ones. It warms my heart. Did you know that it takes awhile for the lotus to bloom? It is true. But once it does the bloom just keeps going. Layer after beautiful resplendent delicate layer of light the petals keep unfurling such that the next day is even more beautiful than the previous. Such it is what you are doing - becoming. You are becoming more beautiful in the capacity of light that you are able to hold, moment by moment. As you open your heart spaces up more and more to the heavenly light that is bombarding (yet gently unfolding) your planet at this time, you allow in more light, more love to unfold and your blossom deepens. And so, do you see that by now the flower has become so strong, roots so deep that it is at peace with its surroundings, sturdy and strong against the elements and providing radiant joy to the passers by who catch a glimpse of its beauty.

許多的蓮花獨自綻放。孤獨的花兒常常從不可見的領域尋求陪伴,就和你一樣,親愛的一們。這溫暖了我的心。你是否知道需要很長時間蓮花才能盛開?這是真的。但它一旦綻放,它就不會停下來。 一層又一層美麗的、華麗的、精緻花瓣不斷展開,第二天會比前一天更加地漂亮。這就是你正在做的 --- 成為。你在你能夠保持的光中變得更加美麗。隨著你向正在轟炸(但又溫柔地)地球的天堂之光更多地敞開心,你讓更多的光進入,更多的愛展開,你的綻放更加深度。所以,你現在是否看到花兒變得如此強大,根扎地更深,與它的週遭處於平和,強壯、堅強地對抗惡劣的環境,把璀璨的喜悅提供給過路的人(能夠瞥見它的美麗的人)

Your light is catching, spreading, as you share it with the others surrounding you, in your communities, in your schools, churches, synagogues, mosques, temples. But please remember children your true temple is within you. Are you keeping it shiny and bright with the light of 1,000 suns or are you forgetful of this space? If you are seeing these words perhaps you are more motivated than the others who are not, but know that this may be a snare, for pride comes in all forms, and we would agree that it is best to meditate at all times, circumstances, even when you do not think that you need to, for perhaps that is when you need to the most. Open up the lotus blossoms of your sweet heart spaces and allow this 5D energy blast into the innermost heart of your blossom space. Allow my light, my love to drench you in light, in peace, in newness, so that your lotus blossoms of the heart never fade, never wither, constantly renewed by the grace, glory and pure joy of the sun. That is all. I am your Quan Yin. I am ever near should you desire to speak with me. I am your Quan Yin.

你的光具有傳染性,它正在傳播,隨著你與周圍的人分享它,在你的社區、學校、教堂、猶太集會、清真寺、廟宇中。但請記住,孩子們,你真正的聖殿在你之內。你在繼續讓它閃耀出 1000 個太陽光的亮度嗎還是你忘記了這個空間?如果你看到了這些話語,也許你比沒有看到的更加積極,但知曉,這可能是一個陷阱,因為自傲從所有形式中來,我們同意時刻去沉思情況是很好的,即使當你認為你不需要這麼做,因為也許那是你最需要去這麼做的時候。綻放你心之空間的蓮花,讓這個 5D 的能量爆發到你內心的核心空間。讓我的光、我的愛沐浴你,在光、平和、新穎中,這樣你心之蓮花永不會枯萎、凋零,不斷被太陽的恩典、輝煌和純粹的喜悅更新。就說這些。我是你的觀音。我總是在附近,當你渴望與我說話。我是你的觀音。

《2》關於 為了獲取本我的智慧,大聲說出你的真理
傳導作者:Suzanne de las Estrellas
譯者:Nick Chan

Dearest ones, as you are well aware your world is undergoing many tumultuous changes at this time. Whether you are fully aware of it or not, your body is registering these changes, for you are a part of and made up of the earth, and all of the elements are within you. Whatever Gaia undergoes, so, too, do you. Much of which you experience as catastrophes are deep clearings, realignments and what to call “upgrades.”


It is important for your evolution and ascension to clear your throat chakra, for it is an intermediary between the wisdom of your heart and that of the spirit. It is through your throat chakra that spiritual knowledge from the higher realms, and from your inner divinity, is made manifest your world.


You must be able to speak your truth aloud so as to access what it is you know fully. That which you cannot say, that which you cannot speak aloud, remains dormant, not fully realized, not fully accessible and activated. It is through the throat that truth the full power of the truth is activated, comes “online,” comes alive.


Move sound through your throat chakra: Use your voice to speak aloud, to sing, to make sounds, to tone. This is particularly helpful in clearing the throat chakra. Practice hearing the sound of your own voice and you will also discover what it is that you have to say, that only you can say, that is the needed, necessary piece of the puzzle, the wisdom of the ages that is the last being brought back to life through you.


And so it is with great blessings and much love. We look forward in great anticipation of all that is yet to come.



