

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff、Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan
《2》造物能量-你的目眩已經到來 (20210331)
#MarleneSwetlishoff #BrendaHoffman #NickChan

《1》關於 世界的步伐會在未來的日子裡越來越快速
傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff
譯者:Nick Chan

I come on the wings of love! All across the planet, change is occurring. The people of Earth are awakening in record numbers and taking up the banner of freedom, truth and sovereignty for the human race and their planet. As more truth is exposed and brought to the surface for humanity to realize, absorb and integrate, all that has been distorted and not true is being dissolved immediately by the brilliant White Light that is emanating from the heavens. In the brilliance of its purity, all is being recalibrated into wholeness and divine order. All that is of low vibration and dark energy and even those of high frequency darkness cannot escape this purification downpour. In order to rise to the higher levels, one must receive the seal of Source around the purity of their own being.
These times call for utmost discernment in what one reads, hears, watches and buys into. There are many schools or systems of thought that are now no longer resonant with the new positive Earth reality. They are simply ‘old energy’ and one needs to let them go with calmness and detachment and begin to look forward rather than backward. The way forward is one of going within and exploring one’s inner kingdom - one is now working with their multi-dimensional self rather than higher self. Their multi-dimensional self is excited to continue the process of embodiment of one’s higher aspects into the transforming human physical body system. As this process continues, each individual who has reached this state of spiritual growth on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level starts to function through their higher mind that sees more of the ‘whole picture’.
It is a new frontier for humanity to explore. As each shift into higher frequency takes place there is a lightness of being that is noticeable within the individual. There are more moments of the feelings of joy, happiness and laughter that wells up from within them for no reason whatsoever! These moments help to uplift one’s consciousness to a higher level of function and it becomes helpful to those who experience this to have the willingness and intent to allow this occurrence. As more people resonate on higher frequency levels, these energies gather together and coalesce into a unified field of resonance which permeates the atmosphere around the planet. As more of humanity take part in this activity, quantum change takes place in ways that can leave everyone breathless in amazement.
Suddenly, many seemingly separate events that have previously occurred begin to weave together into a clearer understanding of what takes place around one’s sphere of influence. The individuals comprehend that much has been taking place behind the scenes that have not been presented to the populace on the surface of the planet. There might be a feeling of overwhelm in many individuals and we advise more rest and times of relaxation to take place. As we have often stated, we recommend being outside in nature which is very grounding and balancing. Soaking in a tub of very warm water into which either sea salt or Epsom salt has been added clears all negativity in one’s auric energy field. The individual will know this is happening when the feeling of anxiety or tenseness leaves their physical body and they experience a more relaxed outlook on their life. Listening to music that uplifts and inspires one’s mind and heart is also recommended. It is important to be good to oneself.
The pace of world and planetary events will grow more rapid in the coming days. You, Dear Ones, have been prepared for these times by all the events that have taken place in your individual lives. You have everything you need within you, so it is appropriate to go within first before taking any other action. You it is who carries the ability to allow the greater Light to flow through you which in turn assists the planet and all of her kingdoms, as well as all of the human race, to rise to higher and higher bandwidth’s of consciousness. This greater Light is in harmony with Divine Will. Understand that all that you do and all that you are is a great blessing to all. We, your spiritual comrades, salute and honor each of you!
I AM Lady Portia.

《2》關於 你的目眩已經到來
傳導作者:Brenda Hoffman
譯者:Nick Chan

Dear Ones,
The current energies might surprise you, for they are different than any you have experienced to date.
These new energies will encourage you to jump, skip, and run. Maybe not literally, but most certainly internally. For it will be as if your joyous holidays are wrapped together in a package you cannot wait to open.
You will be more childlike than ever before. Think of your most joyous day of this life and multiple that by ten.
Many of you, including Brenda, question that a light switch of sorts could change your life that dramatically. Even so, your giddiness, your sunshine after eons of clouds, has finally arrived.
Some of you will display that giddiness outwardly, and others of you will contain it within until you test the validity of that feeling for days or weeks.
This new sensation will seem as if everything you wished for has fallen into place – and so it has. Not necessarily the way you anticipated when you first created that wish, but as is most appropriate for your new being, and therefore, the world.
How long will this giddiness/ joy last? You are now on the giddiness path.
You have cleared and humbled yourself. And by so doing, you found an internal love you did not realize existed when you were of 3D. You are ready to accept new you in a new world in ways you could not have just weeks ago.
You are approaching this new earth with new senses – something those remaining in 3D will not necessarily understand or care.
That 3D dismissal will be somewhat like a toddler waiting for their infant brother or sister to become their playmate. That toddler does not find the coos and cries of the their infant sibling entertaining, merely bothersome. So it will be for you and those of 3D.
Those of 3D will think you a bit “off,” silly, or not of this world. And, of course, all will be true of their vision of you.
Those who have gone beyond 3D will find you forerunners mesmerizingly joyful. They will wish to be with you, to catch the joy you found despite 3D world events.
You will not only be beacons, but you will shine so brightly and with so much fun that you will be a pied piper of joy.
Some of you find such a thought horrifying, for you do not wish to have others listening to or watching you. As is true for every aspect of your new being, you will create the path correct for you. You will easily switch your light, your joy from personal to worldly, whenever you wish.
No command insists you display your joy. The only difference between those who wish to display their joy and those who wish to remain in their private world is choice.
You have transitioned beyond guidance about utilizing your new giddiness/joy.
No longer do you need us, of the Universes, or anyone telling you how to apply the energies we are outlining – or any future energies. For you will do what you need to do at the appropriate time.
We merely wish to inform you that you are entering a new and exciting part of your transition.
You are like a newborn earth infant who is uncomfortable entering the earth plane only to discover the joys, smiles, and giggles the earth plane can provide. Multiple that infant joy ten times, and you will understand how dramatic your new energies will be for you and those around you.
Some of you question how you are to use those energies. And the answer is; however you want. Your path is generated from within.
Will you act silly or do something that might frighten or upset others? Maybe. But it is far more likely that your beaming joy will encourage others to determine how you discovered that joy. And so the waves following you who did not create a ‘new you’ path before birth, as did you forerunners and the three or so waves following, will wish to feel as joyful as you.
Your beacon is not about standing on a soapbox and proclaiming your rightness. It is about being you in whatever way feels most right for you.
Do not fret; your beacon of joy will present itself naturally. You do not need to do or be anything other than follow your joy. So be it. Amen.

背景音樂來源:[528Hz](Peace∞)1 hour meditation music kalimba|療愈音樂卡林巴琴|癒し音楽カリンバ.


