

傳導:Linda Robinson 翻譯:Nick Chan
《1》你神聖的使命 (20210227)
《2》你內在的自我 (20210331)

傳導:Linda Robinson 
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss your Divine mission.
The higher dimensional energy that you are receiving is opening the way for greater expression of your Divine mission. It is allowing you to rise to higher levels and to carry out your mission at a higher vibratory level.
You are aware that you have a unique set of skills, abilities, and attributes that make you the special Being that you are. All Beings have their own special qualities, just as many patterns in all of Creation are unique. You came into this lifetime with what you would need to accomplish your mission. You were also given the opportunity to further develop the attributes that would allow you to rise to higher dimensional levels in carrying out your mission.
Before you came into this lifetime, you selected a mission that would allow you to have experiences that would be for your Soul development and would also give you the opportunity to be of service. You may have chosen to be in a leadership role, or you may have selected one that allowed you to work behind the scenes. Each type of role is necessary in the great Creation.
Just as removing a thread from a beautiful tapestry would change its appearance and energy, the same concept can be applied to your Divine mission. If you and your mission were not there, the setting would be incomplete. We want you to realize that your role is very important, no matter how large or small, or what form it takes.
Your unique attributes are what make your contribution special. Even though others may be performing a similar task, their attributes are different. It is your attributes combined with your skills and abilities that make you who you are and contribute to your part in the great Creation.
You may perform different roles during your incarnation. However, it is your attributes and how you use them that will carry you from one experience to another. This is what makes your Divine mission unique.
Your attributes can cover a wide range of possibilities, such as Love, compassion, caring, and courage.
The way you develop and express them contribute both to making you the special Being that you are and to the way you carry out your Divine mission.
These qualities are not static. They can be cultivated into a higher level of expression at any time.
For example, when you are assisting someone, your intention determines the frequency your assistance carries. Performing a task as a form of selfless service carries a higher vibration than one in which you are considering only personal gain.
Adding the consideration of highest good to any quality or task takes it to a higher level.
When you set the intention of wanting the highest good for all, your mission is elevated to a Divine level. Your overarching filter is highest good. This provides a guideline by which you can evaluate your intentions, thoughts, and actions.
It also allows you to understand that you are part of something much greater than yourself and what you see around you. You are part of the great Creation that is always evolving.
Not only is the great Creation expanding, you as a Being of Light are evolving to higher levels.
You are able to view your Divine mission from a multidimensional perspective. You can see it from a third dimensional perspective and expand this out to the higher dimensions and a universal level. You are working with both the seen and the unseen realms.
The key aspect is realizing that you have a Divine mission. The way in which you carry out your role is what makes it unique. When you set your intention for highest good, your mission is Divine.
Beloveds, we would encourage you to focus on the special ways you are using your skills and attributes for highest good as you carry out your Divine mission.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.

傳導:Linda Robinson 
譯者:Nick Chan

Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss your Inner Self.
Your Inner Self is the core of your Being. It is who you are at your innermost level. It is the part of you that transcends time and space and goes with you to other realms and incarnations.
It is that part of you where your thoughts, feelings, and intentions reside. They, in turn, influence the way in which your outer surroundings and circumstances manifest.
When your Inner Self matches what you show to others in your Outer Self, both aspects are moving forward together in harmony. The Self you show to others is the same Self you experience when you are by yourself. You move seamlessly from one aspect to another.
The vibrations of your thoughts and feelings help to determine the outer circumstances around you because like attracts like.
Each thought carries a unit of energy. Positive thoughts carry a higher frequency than less-than-positive ones. Usually, a corresponding feeling accompanies a thought, and this amplifies that particular frequency.
Even though these thoughts and feelings are invisible to the eye, they ripple out into the environment around you and attract circumstances of a similar vibration.
The higher the vibration of the thought or feeling, the higher the vibration of circumstances that may be around you.
Spending some time each day in meditation and focusing on higher spiritual ideals can help raise your vibration, and therefore, enhance the outer positive circumstances.
Another way to add to this process is to observe circumstances around you and consider how you can improve the situation. Many great leaders and sages throughout the ages have taught this principle, which still applies today.
For example, if you see someone being less than kind to others, look for ways you can increase your kindness to others. This can range from smiling to giving a compliment to expressing gratitude to someone who assists you.
The opportunities for this type of refinement of your energetic body are limitless. These small acts contribute greatly to the betterment for all. As you practice this on a regular basis, your own energetic signature will continue to rise to higher levels, and you will contribute to increasing the collective vibration of humanity.
As you progress on your spiritual path, if you find that certain people and circumstances begin to fade away, it is likely a sign that you have moved to a higher level of frequency. You will begin to notice new people and circumstances that are a good fit for where you are at that point.
When these changes occur, simply view them as a detached observer. There is no right or wrong. It is simply a changing of the form of energy that you are projecting and attracting. Give thanks to the previous energy for what you learned, and bless it on its way.
This will signal to the Universe that you are ready for your next level of increasing the vibration of your Inner Self and being of service for highest good.
When many Souls continue with this process, it contributes to the greater good. The combined higher resonance ripples throughout the planet and the cosmos. This invites others to choose to increase their vibration also.
As you continue to focus on your Inner Self, remember that each thought and feeling that you have and each action that you take can make a difference, especially when you focus on the greater good. Nothing is too large or too small. It is the ongoing process that lifts your vibration to a higher level and contributes to highest good.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on your Inner Self to increase your own vibration and for the highest good of all.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.


