

#耶穌 #約書亞

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg

我是薩南達,我今天的寫作是為了提醒你要照顧好自己,去尋找你的內在之光。 你應該儘可能多地在現在的時間做這件事。這是一個重要的時刻,全然覺醒非常關鍵。那些已經覺醒的人應該儘可能經常地關照內心,因為在那裡你可以找到你問題的答案。在那裡你可以知道你需要知道的一切,以便你向前推進。地球的孩子們正在與他們的光一起進入到光的道路上。因為人類的很大一部分仍然沉睡著,一個新的強而有力的覺醒得一天已經開始了。我可以看到一個美麗的一天在地平線上浮現。

I am Sananda and I am writing today in order to remind you to take careof yourselves and to seek your inner light. This you ought to do as much aspossible in the time that is now. It is an important time and it is importantthat as many as possible now wake up. Those that are already awake should asoften as possible, preferably all the time, be in their hearts, as you can findthe answers to your questions there. Everything you need to know in order tomove forward you can find there. The children of Earth are on their way up intothe light together with their Earth, as a large part of humanity is stillasleep. It will become a powerful awakening and a new day has started. I cansee a beautiful day emerge on the horizon.


Assume your tasks now, my dear friends, and let the abundancepour over the Earth. Let the tears dry up in people’s eyes and give them theirhope and freedom back – A hope and a belief in humanity’s honorable sides andan understanding of the fact that we actually are One. It is high noon now dearchildren on Earth to share your gifts and your love. The time of waiting isover and the rebuilding of Earth has started. Water, Air and Land are the mostimportant components for a good life, and are to be prioritized. I think youhave an understanding of this my friends and I look forward to the restorationof our dear Mother Earth with a better and cleaner technology than what hasbeen used so far. It is an honor to be able to help and follow Earth today. Itis great honor that you should bring deeply to your hearts. It is not all givento be at the side of Mother Earth today. This point in time is so important inhistory that many are selected to come down and help Mother Earth. Yes, we cansay that everybody is selected in some fashion.


Enjoy your day, be in the now and be in your heart, as your heart isready to give you all the answers you need or ask for. The interaction isimportant now so that as many as people as possible can follow along with thetidal wave that is under way. It is a great tidal wave and it is an importantone in order to be able to wake up the population who are still sleeping. It istime to wake up now. The new dimension has started to make its entry on Earthand there is no more time to loose. We are here now and we wait lovingly forour reunion -The reunion with you dear Earthlings to meet again where you allwill understand that we are One and that we always have been with you and triedto help you as much as we could and were able to. The free will on Earth isholy and hard to fully understand, but now you are finally here and a reunionis in the waiting.


Yes, good people on Earth, we rejoice with you and we support you nowfully and follow you wherever you go now, as whichever path you take now youwalk towards the light. It is wonder full sight to behold and it feels as if myheart grows wings and flies to each and every one of you so that you willunderstand how loved and anticipated you are. My love has always been with youand I have always believed in your ability and your love for our dear MotherEarth. You are a part of me and I am part of you.



Go in peace now my dear children.We walk among you and help you now with everything that you want to do. It isthe time for reunions. I leave you know by saying: See you soon my dearfriends.

I love youso much.



I AM Sananda. I am son to Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, and I have

represented the Kumara Family in various places throughout the Universe, most notably on Planet Earth.


The Kumaras are from Planet Venus, and our mission has been to bring the messages and teachings of Love to all who call us forth. In the beginning of Planet Earth, my honored father, who is also known as Ancient of Days, volunteered to come here to hold the Light.


It was foreseen that Earth would otherwise become a planet of complete darkness

as its inhabitants experienced the lowering of the veil. I came from Venus to join him, along with the 144,000 members of my Family, and thus my mission became that of assisting Earth back into the higher dimensions of Light, where only Love exists.


When the star people came to found the Lemurian civilization, they made a sacred promise to experience all that they could create, so that they and Mother/Father could know humanity. Forgetting their divinity, they would eventually rise back into fully knowing Who They Really Are, through the process of Ascension.


"Approximately 2,000 years ago on your calendar, it was seen that the time might be ripe for this great Homecoming. Accordingly, a call was given for a son of Kumara to incarnate upon Planet Earth.


I answered the call and my spirit came into the fields of the one you know as Jeshua Ben Joseph - Jesus. We thus partnered in one of the most well-known stories of all time, although the story has been altered and embellished greatly by those who came after me.


Despite the many false interpretations which have been used throughout the years to promote everything from greed to fear to war, my basic teachings as Jesus have survived in the hearts and minds of those who are able to discern what is true and important.

儘管這些年來許多錯誤的理解已經促成了一切貪婪、恐懼和戰爭, 作為耶穌我的基本教導仍然在有些人的心和意識裡,他們能夠分辨出什麼是真理和關鍵所在。

I was indeed successful in planting many seeds of Love, even though at that time the world proved once again that it was not yet ready to give up the veil and make its Ascension.


Another call went out for Love and Peace, beginning in the 1960's, and the answer I gave in the mid-1970's was another spiritual book, written in a more contemporary manner than the bible.


I dictated The Course in Miracles to a woman who could not bring herself to believe it herself. Nevertheless, she allowed me to inspire in her the need to type it all, and she had a supportive friend who believed in it enough to get it published.


Thus The Course was presented without any alterations in its content, or false interpretations! I designed it to be life-changing, and so it has been for many people worldwide. It is quite long, taking a year for the fastest students, and longer for most, but that was entirely appropriate at that time.


"Now I am back, working through this channel (Susan) and others, with much more succinct teachings, as befit the now, faster-moving times of Planet Earth. My teachings and those of the other master teachers are often expressed as feelings, rather than actual words.


My mission in this moment is to literally help to lift up all who call upon me, and to support all who are in service of the Light. "I AM in charge of the spiritual aspects of the Ascension process of this Planet.


As part of that process, I'm working with those who have passion for joining with me in removing the fears and dogmas from all religions so that All may be reunited in spiritual Oneness. Namaste!"



