

傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.時時刻刻宣稱你的力量 (20210103)
《2》.站起來 (20210206)
#MarleneSwetlishoff #NickChan

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff

I come on the wings of love! From the higher perspective, the current events upon the planet seem to indicate that humanity is lost, that they and their planet is taken over by external forces on a world-wide basis and that the majority of humanity is unaware that it is happening in the time of now. We say to you, Dear Ones, that this is changing rapidly and that millions of humanity is being awakened to the true circumstances of what is happening at quantum speed levels. It is not a time to wait and see what happens – it is now or never! One must move when it is time and then rest until the next instance that shows itself that will require your action.
Humanity throughout the entire planet is stepping up and taking back their own power and sovereignty and are understanding that they must personally exert themselves minute by minute in this current drama, in order to turn this dark plan around and destroy it for all time. The human race is even now speaking their truths and their choices, knowing that they did not agree or were willing to be taken over by outside forces in order to be servants of the external force planned agendas that do harm to so many of humanity, the planet Earth and all of her inhabitants – agendas that span decades into the future of this planet.
The human race is beginning to understand that those they have elected to serve them have been corrupted. They are seeing the extent of the betrayal of their trust by these leaders who are proving by their collusion, the extent to which these individuals are willing to go to remain in control. Some of our beloved Lightworkers are astounded by the seeming insanity taking place world-wide, not just in their little corner of the world. Have faith that the intensity of the Cosmic Light comes and is bringing all of this formerly hidden activity into the awareness of each world citizen! There is no place that they can run and hide, for such activity is no longer supported by the higher frequencies coming in! Nothing can stay hidden and is daily being exposed.
人類正在開始明白他們挑選來服務他們的人已經墮落。他們看到這些領秀令他們失去信任的程度以及這些人想要處於掌控的意願程度。我們一些親愛的光之工做者被看似全球發生的瘋狂震驚到。 要有信心,正在進入的宇宙之光強度在把之前隱藏的一切活動帶到人類的意識中!沒有地方可以躲藏,因為這樣的活動不再被正在進入的更高頻率支持!沒什麼可以保持隱藏,每天都在被報光
These individuals are witnessing the antics of the desperate attempts to re-establish the power of the corrupt ones and are seeing that they, the humans, must hold fast and assert their own sovereign right to make free will choice and not have that stolen from them by devious and dishonest methods of mind control and technological powers of persuasion. They are awakening on a massive scale to the knowledge that their world has been systematically taken over for many decades and they know they are in a battle for their freedom in these very times. They are also understanding that there are several factions of off-world beings and that these factions compete with each other for control of the planet and its resources.
How to fight this battle? By becoming fully and completely aware of what is happening in the world. By declaring each and every day that they and the rest of the world citizens are free and sovereign beings living on a free will planet and they alone have the authority to choose the kind of world they desire to live on. By stating each day that they are aligned with the positive future new Earth reality timeline coming into the horizon. By diligently working to clear and purify all the conditioning that they still hold within their own Being that is not in alignment with the new high frequency timeline of new Earth. By realizing that they are the ones who hold the power and authority and must reclaim it in each moment in the here and now!
This is a groundswell movement that has only just (in the nick of time hopefully) being implemented. Our planets galactic friends from the higher dimensional realms cannot land upon the shores of our beautiful planet and fight humanity’s battles for them. Humanity must take this action for themselves – it is YOU that must seize back your planet and your freedom by saying NO! Call upon them to assist with their etheric energies and technology as you take action through intention during your Lightwork in order to magnify your efforts. In this way they can help during these times. We are all available…all you have to do is call.
這是一個才剛剛開始的海嘯運動 (希望是在恰當的時間)。我們來自更高維度現實的銀河朋友們無法降落在我們美麗的地球上,為人類進行這場戰鬥。人類必須自己去做---你們必須拿回地球和自己的自由,通過說不!呼喚他們伴隨著他們以太的能量和技術來協助你,隨著你進行你的光之工作,以便放大你的努力。如此他們可以在這些時期提供幫助。我們都可供你差遣,你所需要做的就是呼喚
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion.

傳導作者:Marlene Swetlishoff

I come on the wings of love! There is a tremendous effort worldwide to suppress the truths of the takeover of the planet that is now being attempted more overtly by negative beings who are trying to convince humanity that what is taking place is not really happening. Most everything that is still shown on social media and mainstream media is only that which they want humanity to believe so that they stay in fear and ignorance and do not rise up to stand in their freedom and sovereignty of person and exercise their God given authority to maintain control of their own being and their own self sufficiency in life. The days of trusting those in positions of power are over! It is clearly being shown by their actions that this trust is totally misplaced.
We advise the brave people of light to focus on what you want to manifest in your lives, individually and collectively. No matter what gets shut down and when, you all have spiritual tools at your disposal. Use them with discretion and wrap yourselves in the armour of God. Be determined to see the victory of the light prevail and never give up! You have the Family of Light working in tandem with you and you never walk alone. That is our promise to you from the unseen realms…all you have to do is call upon your trusted guides to join your endeavors before you begin. As your energetic intentions permeate the atmosphere of Earth, it creates a powerful force for good to occur.
There are great miracles taking place within each human soul as they are being filled with the cosmic love from the higher spiritual dimensions. Humanity as a whole is realizing the power for positive change that they carry and are doing everything they can to create the changes that benefit the higher good of all instead of just for the very few. Throughout the world those who have been oppressed are now rising up and finding their voices of God sanctioned authority and speaking their truth unafraid. As they believe in their own ability to create the changes they desire to see in the world, they are unswerving in their peace-filled intentions. They treat other humans with the greatest kindness and respect.
It is a time to use your wisdom and experience to make a difference in the lives and challenges of the people around you. Take time every day to be still and go within and follow your inner promptings, be in trust that within you lies the greatest knowledge and wisdom, that this has always lain hidden within the inner depths of your being for just these times. Allow your brilliant light to shine! Your ability to remain focused upon what needs to be done will see a marked improvement. Hold your ground and remain centered in your own truth. There is much that will continue to unfold in the coming days. Many new ways come into being which will ultimately result in a better way for everyone on the planet.
As the changes continue to occur, we counsel each of you to follow your own unique path, do what works for you in a way that is best for you. You have been prepared and it just requires that you continue in everything that works best for you. Follow your own guidance and rhythm. Within you that which you have worked towards in the mastering of your life is still there within you – the core essence of your being is always there. Just allow it to expand and unfold, for that is the part of you that does not change and this is the part when taken into the collective consciousness helps to maintain the stability of the energies of these times. This is a time of being conscious, aware and awake in every moment. Arise, Dear Ones, and make your intentions for a better world known throughout the cosmos.
Until next month…
I AM Hilarion.


