

傳導:Jennifer Crokaert、Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.Ashian-如果你感到迷失 (20210221)
《2》.猶大-當你變得完整 (20210221)
#JenniferCrokaert #NickChan #AnnDahlberg

《1》.關於 如果你感到迷失
傳導作者:Jennifer Crokaert
譯者:Nick Chan

My beloved brothers and sisters, if you are feeling lost in these times, it is a sign that you have awakened, that your journey between 3D and 5D is truly advancing at speed.
If you are feeling lost, it is a sign that you are a lightworker who has disconnected from the 3D world and is transitioning into 5D consciousness.
You have to unplug from the beliefs and the ‘stickiness’ of the 3D reality in order to move into 5D consciousness. This is not for the feint hearted! The transition requires that you let go of your routines, your belief in the 9-5 grind, your focus on money-means-success and a million other mini operating programmes that have been imposed upon you.
I’m not saying you are leaving behind your loved ones, your home, your work (unless you choose to) – you are letting go of a mental structure, a construct of thought processes that bind you into the 3D reality.
When you let go of this mental structure, this matrix, you may feel as though you are tumbling, as though you are being washed on a fast spin in one of your washing machines. It is as though all shreds of that former matrix are being washed out of you: because they are. You are being shook free of the old, limiting consciousness, so that you may evolve into 5D consciousness. This is what it takes to ascend.
Ascension is not a linear progression from 3D and 5D consciousness: it is a quantum leap. It is linear in so far as, when you evolve to a certain spiritual vibration within the 3D, you are ready to move, but that movement is not a step up – it is a completely different consciousness. It operates under completely different principles from your current structure; that is why you are feeling lost – you are letting go of the 3D so that new foundations may evolve, new mental and spiritual synapses.
You cannot create a 5D consciousness on a 3D foundation. The two consciousnesses are incompatible.
While 5D consciousness is here in your domaine, it is not yet sufficiently grounded in the majority – or even the minority – of the population to be sufficiently seen, lived and experienced by most lightworkers. This is a work in progress, this is your work, you soul mission. This is the ascension journey.
So, beloved sisters and brothers, if you feel that you are swimming in the dark, that you have no landmarks to guide you, no idea about your future direction, no sense of what you wish to do to serve humanity, no clue about how to make your day-to-day life as meaningful as the depth of your yearning… congratulate yourself! You are mastering transition.
You’ve got this. Keep going. You are doing far better than you and we had ever hoped and, although you may struggle to believe it, optimal timelines are in place.
Remember, we are with you, we love you all and we are assisting you all in every now moment.

《2》.關於 當你變得完整
傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Judas and I want you to seek the love that is in your hearts. The love that flows from your hearts also animates the universe, it is found in the smallest grain of life energy. Love vibrates everywhere, you can feel it anywhere, where your attention is directed. There is nothing that can disturb its energy, it rests on solid ground and is eternal and lasting. Everything is born and returns to the energy of love. This is where you become whole, this is where you get peace, this is where you become happy, and this is where your creativity flows. The most beautiful songs, images and works of art derive from the energy of love. It vibrates lovingly and unconditionally through all our creation. It is the basic tone of the universe and it can feel both still and intense at the same time. It is your goal, dear children on Earth. Obey the love of your life, pay attention to all that can be given in love, nor be afraid to receive the gift of love.
The unconditional love can be both given and received to the same extent. What is given unconditionally can be thrown back like a boomerang, but it can also give a response from the universe where your gifts are strengthened and you can become a servant of the Earth and humanity. Your gift is a gift of love, a gift that you always carry within you. In this gift there is everything you want and are passionate about. A flame of fire that has been lit and extinguished countless times. However, a spark has always remained and depending on your intention and your development and compassion for all living things, it can grow strong again. You can either gently blow on the spark to make it grow strong, or you can put the lid on and pretend it is not there. However, it is the intention that humanity should now lift the lid and let the spark get a greater scope again. With the help of the love and compassion that has begun to grow in people’s hearts, the little spark has become a flame of fire that grows bigger and bigger, when we now take each other’s hands and let our hearts unite in a growing compassion and love for each other and the earth on which we walk.
無條件的愛可以在相同的情況中被給予和接收。被無條件給予的可以像迴旋鏢一樣被扔回來,但它也可以是來自宇宙的一個回應,你的天賦被加強,你可以服務地球和人類。你的天賦是一個愛的禮物,你攜帶於內的禮物。在這個禮物中有著你想要的一切。一個火焰被點燃和熄滅了無數次。無論如何,一個火花總是存留著,取決於你的意圖、發展和對所有生物的同情心,它會再次成長。 你可以輕輕地吹它來讓它變得強加強大,或者你可以蓋上蓋子,假裝它不在那。無論如何,人類現在應該拿開蓋子,讓火花再次燃起。伴隨著已經開始在人們心中增長的愛與同情心的幫助,小小的火花已經成為了一個火焰,越來越猛,當我們牽起彼此的手,讓我們的心在不斷增長的同情心和愛中團結
It is a crucial time for humanity, it is a time for reunion, a time to awaken understanding and compassion for each other’s differences and shortcomings. See the genuine in every human being and see yourself in their eyes. Dare to see yourself and you dare to see others. In the love of yourself is the love of life, people, animals and nature, yes of everything you encounter on your way. With love in your heart, you pave a new path for humanity to walk.
A new era in human history has begun, and you are now passionate about shaping a completely different world than the one you have just left in the ashes behind you. It is shaped by a brighter and more loving energy, an energy that strives for wholeness and perfection. It heals and binds people together. A unity of consensus and harmony is formed in everything that is now being created. The energy of love has now grown so strong in people’s hearts that everything they think, say or do is controlled from that energy. The earth and humans have risen again into the light and are now surrounded by the vibrations of love.
人類歷史中一個新的時代已經開始,你現在熱衷於塑造一個完全不同的世界。它由更明亮、更有愛的能量塑造,一個力求完整和完美的能量。它療愈、團結人們。一個共識、和諧的統一正在被創造的 一切之中形成。愛的能量已經在人們的心中變得非常強大,他們所想、所說或所做的一切都被那個能量指揮。地球和人類再次上升到光中,現在被愛的振動包裹
That’s where you’re headed, dear Earthlings.
Great loveJudas!


