

#Metatron #麥達昶 #梅塔特隆

傳導作者: James McConnell

Greetings!This is Archangel Metatron.


And in my realm, which is the realm of Sacred Geometry, which isthe realm of the infrastructure of this universe which is what I mostly dealwith as far as the structure and how this universe operates from anenergetic level, I’m here to say that there is much celebration today!


There hasbeen a fundamental change in your local universe which has allowed us toinstall the first level of this energetic change that is now permanent and whatis now happening on this planet and you have no doubt been feeling a certaindifference in energy that you’re feeling. It can come across as more bliss butit can also come across as a certain emptiness. And what is now changed is thatthe ability for one to gain energy from controlling others or gaining energyfrom having this sense of self-righteousness through judgment is now missing.


So thereare still people who out of habit will try to control. There are still peopleout of the habit will try to judge. But they’re not going to feel that energythat charge of emotion, that satisfaction that comes from this. It will feellike an empty gesture because there is no energy available anymore for thistype of activity. And this is cause for great celebration in the Heavenlyrealms. We have been waiting for quite some time to start this first layer ofchange.


So whatdoes that mean for you? Well you’ll feel this within you. If you have fear orif you have bouts of judgment or if you have bouts of wanting to control youwill start feeling somewhat of an emptiness when it comes to this activities.So the challenge here today is to think of the habits that you have which onlyyou can change. We can change the energetics underneath this but it is stillyour free will to choose to do these things or not to do these things. So asyou go about your daily life and you find yourself in a place of just out ofhabit wanting to judge, think about what you’re doing. Do you want to continuethis because it’s really not benefiting you or anyone else in this universe forthat matter.


So thinkabout what you do throughout the day. And I tell you that the benefits ofdropping these particular behaviors and patterns is a new sense of love, and anew sense of oneness, and a new sense of joy will start to overcome you andcome into your life in those areas that you are now vacating these habits. Soit is very similar to cleaning out your house. If you have a house that is fullof old stuff if you have a house that is full of old habits now is the time toclean it out. Clean it out to allow this new energy to come in. And what isthis new energy? This is an energy of letting others be. This is the energy ofhonoring their free will. This is an energy of letting them experience theirpath. This is the energy of honoring yourself and honoring your path. This isthe energy of forgiveness.


This isnow what is been put into play. This is the first level of scaffolding of thenew Golden Age. So take advantage of this; enjoy it. But first clean out yourhouse so that you have room to bring this energy in..


I AMArchangel Metatron and I am so very delighted to give you this good news. Thankyou.


《2》.關於: 恐懼是你永不需要再體驗的東西
傳導作者: Sanangel
譯者:Nick Chan

Do not be afraid my dearest. Fear is something you never again will need to experience – not the fear that you are used to. Everything is well, you are protected, guided and your contact with us is clear and strong.


You are already back home beautiful you.


What you experience are symptoms one could say, of the transformation of lower vibrating energies that you unawares have collected. Continue your work and you will soon be free from the heaviest energies that make your frequency sink.


Do not forget your heart chakra. Focus on listening and feeling. Thoughts are superfluous, but good pointers of what energies that are circulating in and around you.


Feel yourself worthy our help – you help humanity and Mother Gaia in a way that you not yet have the capacity to understand. You are worthy all the love that God can offer. Let go of yourself and trust the divine will, your power and the universal essence of total unconditional love.


Find your strength in your weakest moments, in the lowest and most heavy energies. Embrace the darkness and love yourself, forgive yourself and stand strong in yourself. A flower does not disappear from the surface of the Earth just because night falls and it no longer can be seen. Learn to shine through the heaviest vibrations and accept that they exist. Become friends with them, welcome them, laugh at them, all is well, all is well, ALL IS WELL!


Remember who you are. You have a force to be found in the darkness just because of your fearlessness, your curiosity and purity. Play with the darkness, gather it, take it to you, push it away from you and let it go and see were it goes.


Nothing can be lost, nothing can become lost, you and All are one and All is One. There is no fear and this is your strength, your greatest…..find it and cultivate it, love it, love yourself. Dear to let go of all people. You will soon see more clearly than ever, beautiful you.


We protect you, guide you, love you in eternity – God’s unconditional and divine eternity.


You are back home forever, eternally, loved and save.


Light and Love,


Your friend // Metatron



