

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.走完最後的路 (20170615)
#AnnDahlberg #NickChan

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mother Mary and I have come to you today to calm many worried souls. Everything written is true, each of it at its level. You will have to you use discernment as it relates to you. We are all at different levels, and what is true for one is not so for another. You build your own reality of truth, dear children. Some are still in the old matrix others have started to move to a new matrix containing more love and light. This is where you find your truth.


Our dear Earth strives for the higher energies and is now more and more in resonance with them. The Earth is now awash with light and more are switching from on reality to another. They move from a lower dimension into a higher dimension. This cannot happen overnight dear children, but you have been working on this for a while now. Thus many have started to discern the light in the higher dimension of light. When I speak about work I mean the inner work that you do with yourselves. It is a grand and important work that then manifests in your outer reality. This happens all the time now. There are many people’s work and dreams that now are in the process of manifesting in your outer reality.


Big things are in the making my dear children on Earth and they are things you have yourselves caused. Thank yourself and Father/Mother God who have assisted you the whole time during this long journey. It has come to a point in history where everything can turn very quickly and your new reality suddenly is here. Yes, and then I mean for everybody who lives on this Earth and not only for a select few. More and more are drawn into the light. It has become a magnet for many thirsty hearts – hearts that just wish for light, peace and love. Now this wish can be fulfilled and they place their belief and hope in this. This is all that is needed my dear – put your trust in the light and your Father/Mother God who only want your best and who assist you and the Earth to transform up into the higher spheres of light. Our Father/Mother God has many who help him. There are hordes of beings that work for the light and there are hordes of beings that help you now to convert the Earth from darkness to light. This is your fate and it is already written in the stars. Do not hesitate dear children on Earth. You time has come and it is the light that has taken over on Earth today. There is no other way for our Earth to go than into the Light. She has already seen these first lights and her fate is sealed. She returns to the light regions that she once left. All of you who in your heart want to follow her will be allowed to do so. Nobody will be left behind that does not want to stay in the lower regions of light. There are not many souls who have chosen this, so it is the light that is awaits you dear children on Earth.


Keep the light in your heart alive and deliver yourselves in the care of the Father/Mother, as all our Father/Mother will take good care of you. He/She has many helpers at his/her side, so you have many around you, dear children. You have lots of beings around you now so feel secure and at peace. They just the best for you and help you on the last part of the road home – Home to the light regions that you so long have waited for. We are all standing there to greet you. Our arms are open and welcoming. See inside you how this wonderful reunion happens and understand that this will also manifest in your outer reality.

在心中保持光,把自己交付給父神母神照料,因為父神母神會照顧好你。他/她有著許多的助手,你也一樣,親愛的孩子們。你有著大量的存在圍繞著你,所以感到安全與平和。他們最適合你,會幫助你走完最後一段路---回歸光的路。 我們都在那邊迎接你。我們敞開雙臂歡迎你。向內看這個奇妙的團聚會如何發生,明白這也會在外在現實顯化

I leave you now with a feeling of a reunion happening soon and in love.


I love you so much,


Mother Mary


傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mother Mary and I thank your for all your work that you have done on Earth. You cannot be thanked enough, as it is large job that you have taken on. It now prepares the way for a new dawn, which means a new phase in Earth’s history. The new dawn brings with it its light and love and brings you together in one unit again. The higher heart and the higher mind stand ready to work with you now. You have it all within you. The higher intuition work with a higher spiritual wisdom and everything becomes calm within you. You feel whole and reverential for all that is. All exist in the stillness. In your own stillness you are everything. Sit still and feel how heart and mind are tied together and you become one with all that is around you. This is where you find your strength, your power and your inspiration. This is where you manifest the visions that are for your best and that of Earth. It is for this reason important to enter your heart daily and feel the stillness and quietness that exist there. It is in this quietness and silence that new ideas are being born, and visions that later can bubble up in your heart and mind.


The connection with Earth is important. Everybody needs to be grounded so that the speed is reduced and the heart has a chance to catch up with the mind, which has a habit of flittering off. It usually does not work out well if the heart is not that which leads with its ancient wisdom. Take one step at a time dear children on Earth and enter often into your heart to get it confirmed that you are on the right path. Ask for help and you will receive. It will come to you in one way or another. Do not worry. Everything that is done with good intentions will work well and you will get the help you need along the way.


The body is clearing out much now and many are tired, but it will feel much better afterwards. Some of the ailments you have will disappear and you will receive a higher energy. Eventually all ailments will disappear depending on how much and how strong blockages you have. You might have assembled much during the years past, but much can be cured today from both old and new medicines. Look around you. The answers are not so far away from you. Ask yourselves if there is a path that you can follow in order to feel well. Seek and you will find – do not stay stubbornly in the old, as it will bring you nowhere. It is possible to combine, but be open for new possibilities.

身體已經進行了大量的清理,許多人很累,但之後感覺會好很多。你的一些小疾病會消失,你會收到更高的能量。最終所有的疾病會消失,取決於你所持有的堵塞是如何地強大。你也許在過去的幾年整合了許多,但今天很多可以從舊的新的藥品中療愈。看看周圍。答案並不遙遠。問問自己是否有著一條可以跟隨的道路,以便感覺良好。尋求,你會找到 --- 不要固執地處於舊地,因為這無法讓你前往任何地方。結合是可行的,但為新的可能性敞開

There are many possibilities on Earth today. The climate is becoming ever more open for different kinds of both alternative cures and technologies different from what you have used during hundreds of years. The future looks bright my dear friends on Earth and we are very proud of you. We are most grateful that you keep the light alive in your hearts and that you give it the sustenance so that it grows larger and larger.


Let us now take each other by the hand and form a unit in love and light.


I love you so much,


Mother Mary



