

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:荷光*凱、Nick Chan
《1》.轉變到第五維度 (20170715)
#AnnDahlberg #NickChan

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg


I am Mother Mary and I have a few things to tell you today. First of all you are now on the way to change your surface to a fifth dimensional surface. Think big now and remember that this will benefit many people. The more people that are involved in the higher energy the better the results you will have. All people must now get a chance to grow and all information and charity must reach all groups of people. Do not close yourself in in a box, but open up the box so that all can enter it. Open doors are better than closed ones. An open heart is allowing and forgiving. An open heart exists in the fifth dimension. A closed heart has a lower energy. Can you now understand why we talk so much about going into your heart and find your energy and insights there? You provide the most help with an open heart. An open heart is listening, insightful and understanding. It acts according to its higher intuition and has only everybody’s best in sight. It is this energy that will manifest on Earth today. Earth has chosen the higher energy so lower energies will fall flat on the ground.


Be in your heart dear children on Earth and your path will be light and clear. You will get all the help you need in order to carry out the good deeds that you intent to do. You are the Masters. You are the creators of this new reality. Do not doubt yourself, your heart or your path. We have different paths to follow, somebody’s path is not necessarily the same as somebody else’s path, feel in your heart which path that is yours. Do not hesitate to follow it, as it is the one that will give you the most joy and be most fruitful. It does not need to be so big on Earth, but it is just the same big in Heaven. You came down with one task each, large or small, but equally highly regarded by our Father/Mother God. Together you become a large unit with each having one piece of the puzzle to put down. Nothing can be too small or too large for our Father/Mother God. Everything is counted as equally valuable. You are all equally valuable and carry the codes inside you. These are the codes that now will be dissolved more and more as you take in more of the higher energy that is now surrounding Earth. Yes, Earth is now surrounded by a higher protective energy. Nothing can any more disturb its journey up into the higher regions of light.


The dark on Earth are in the process of dissolving and disappearing. There are now more and more who turn inside when they seek answers to their questions. It is the era of love and openness that is now entering Earth. You will all find that which you seek, as it is that close. We no longer need a long journey to find our self and the meaning of our life. The door is now open and you just need to enter. We receive you with open hearts and help you across the threshold if you need it.


We are so proud of and happy over your progress on Earth and thank you most humbly for your large effort to change Earth to a light and loving place to live on.



I love you so much,

Mother Mary

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg


我們正將我們的精神和身體得到解放。我們的心智與靈魂結合之後二元性就不復存在了 – 你與你的本我合一併融入你的生命。新的生活好比是你正在習慣的一個全新的日程的開始。現在可以更輕鬆地完成一切,而且困難似乎一路上消失。所有的問題都可以找到輕鬆的方式解決。一切都在流動,因為能量在你的身體中沒有遇到任何阻力。它完全存在於地球母親與你的創造主之間的流動中。你是一,你是一切。




I am Mother Mary and greet you here today. I am here to talka bit of the higher energies that have arrived to Earth. They affect both yourbody and your soul. It is a transforming energy and many of you can feel ittoday. It might settle in here and there in your body and work with theblockages that exist there. Afterwards you will feel lighter in your body andprimarily in those areas where the energy has been applied. The heavy energyhas been forced to give way to the light energy. Do not worry, all of this willbe passing and you will become more healthy than you every have been. Some ofyou feel a bit nauseous, others headaches, buzz in your ears and dizziness canalso appear. Some might have more of these symptoms depending on how sensitiveyou are to these energies. It is important to rest and to take it easy. Let theenergies take its course. Listen within to what the body needs so that theprocess will become as painless as possible. We will help you. Ask for help sothat we can ease the process for you. The process has its path, but it can bemade easier. Call on me and I will help you through the process in thesmoothest way possible in relation to the blockages that you have.

We march towards our liberation and this goes for both themind and the body. The mind is integrated with its soul and duality ceases to exist– you become One with yourselves and the life you are in. The new life canstart with a whole new agenda compared to what you are used to. Everything cannow be done with greater ease and the difficulties seem to disappear along theway. Everything finds a solution in a less problematic way. Everything flows,since the flow in your body does not meet any resistance. It lives completelyin the flow between Mother Earth and your Creator. You are One with everything.

This is a big step my dear children and the moment of reunionis close. The family out there in the Universe is large and the circles offriends as well. It will be a fantastic reunion that will last a long time, asthere are many that want to see you again. Youhave lived many lives and not all of them on Earth. Everything is endless, yourlives are endless, there is much that you will see and understand when that dayis here. We see that it is already here, but we can understand that you feel itis still too far away. Go within dear children and understand that it isalready here. Everything is revealed within you. Feel the joy, the peace and quite there. It is part of all that is.The part that you now are fully developing towards, as long as you yourselfdare to let go of the old and gratefully receive the new, in spite of the factthat it might slightly turn upside down the world that you live in today.Understand that all is an illusion and that everything is changeable. The worldyou see today will look completely different tomorrow. Accept all changes thatbring you closer to yourself. You are a completely unique being and there areonly one who is like you and that is yourself.

Think about that, dear children. You are unique and lovedjust as you are and nothing can change that.

I loveyou so much. Mother Mary

傳導作者:Ann Dahlberg
譯者:Nick Chan

I am Mother Mary and I want to thank all the people on Earth today. You have shown the way with your courage and your patience – The path that takes you out of the darkness and back into the Light. The shadows are beginning to fall my dear children on Earth. The large dark shadows have started to fall and dusk goes into darkness and into the Light again. You are the children of the Light dear children on Earth and the Light has now called you back to the light beings that you really are. Your whole being now absorbs more light and awakens you to your long forgotten identity – The one you originally were and the one you came down to reawaken.


It is a blessed time now and now it rains down a shimmering light of gold and silver on Earth. It is picked up by your bodies and awakens that which shines deep inside you. The new world is awakening first within you before it is manifested in the outer world. Many people have woken up and their longings and dreams are now in the process of manifesting in their outer world. These energies impact many more souls that drowsily look up and start to pursue their dreams. Your new world start at your feet and spread slowly out in your outer world. Now, it is so dear children on Earth that thousands of people have woken up and their dreams have started to manifest in their outer world and more are attracted as magnets to this paradise, which they have just started to create – An Earth with peace and love to those that inhabit it.


In the Kingdom of Peace one can create much that is good for all people, animals and nature. Everything you create is created by love to one self and others that share the same Earth and who understand that all belongs together in order for us to feel good – yes, in order for all who are a part of Earth to feel good. You see dear children on Earth everything is inside you. You have all within you to create what you want as long as you create out of love. I, Mother Mary, love you so much and know and understand how hard it can be to find the love and the strength within one self. You just need to understand that you are not alone. You have and always will have a light within you. We, your guides and leaders, can help you to fan the light so that the flame gets bigger and eventually fills yourself with light from top to toe. You are surrounded by light. Feel and experience the light within and around yourself and you will understand that you are more than you have become in this heavy density that you have chosen to experience. The Light is here now, dear children on Earth. It is time to become one with the light again and to embrace its rays that want to wake up your own rays of light. You are the children of the light and it is the path of the light that you now will walk.


It is the voice of love that now will be heard all over Earth today. It is the acts of love that will come from your hands. It is the message of love that again will sound all over the Earth. You are love and you are loved beyond all understanding. We can see your attempts to reinsert the Light on Earth and we help you with each step that you take in that direction now. Your thoughts and acts are important now so think and act in the service of love. Understand that it was in the service of love that you chose to come down to Earth – The love for Mother Earth and all her creations that are here together with you. All these creations are now sending you all the energy they can in order to help you to anchor the light on Earth and in all the hearts of people today, yes, all beings that live and move on Earth.


Your love and your light will now shine all over Earth and we shine together with you, dear children on Earth. Be steadfast in your light and be sure that we stand as steadfast at your side.


I now shine with my light down to you and when I see your star-eyes being lit up, then my heart is filled with love for the small stars that you now carry within you.


God’s love now shines down to the children of Earth and pull them home again to the abode that they always have belonged to, embraced by God’s love and wisdom.


I leave you now and let the light in my heart fall in front of your feet so that it will lead you home again.


Mother Mary



