

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
譯者:iam66、GOOGLE (咕狗)
《1》.接收來自昴宿星、天狼星、仙女座和天琴座的能量 (20210108)
《2》.令人興奮的新聯盟即將誕生 (20210109)
#DanielScranton #iam66 #GOOGLE

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton).



大多數人沒有花時間開啟自己(open themselves up)。大多數人沒有意識到這樣做對他們有好處。因此,你們是少數光工,而你們正在幫助大多數人類。我們也想認識到你們所有人都收到了我們發送的這麼多觸發信號,因為在接收觸發信號時,你們確實願意接受來自各種高維存有的更多觸發號。你正在尋求進入第五維度並待了一段時間。





Receiving Pleiadian, Sirian, Lyran & Andromedan Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in appreciation of those of you who have been so open to receiving us and our energies. You have made it more possible for us to connect to a larger segment of the population on Earth because of the grounding of our energy that you do on such a regular basis. Of course, you are not just grounding our energies. You are also grounding Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Lyran, and many other energies from all across the galaxy, making it all available to you fellow humans who are for the most part closed off.

Most people are not taking the time to open themselves up. Most people do not realize that it is beneficial to them to do so. And so, you are the minority, and you are helping the majority. We also want to recognize all of you for having received so many of the activations that we have sent, because in receiving them, you do open yourselves up to receiving more from all sorts of higher-dimensional beings. You also become walking examples of the fifth dimension that you are seeking to enter and remain in for quite some time.

You are doing so much to create an environment where the rest of humanity can awaken and become their fifth-dimensional selves. And so, we want to extend our appreciation to all of you and to let you know that there is, of course, more to come. There is more that you are being sent, and there is more for you to receive and assimilate, and you can expect things to get better and better there on Earth as a result.

You can expect things to get better because of what you are doing, not because of what others are doing behind the scenes, not because any of the negatively-oriented beings are going down. It is because you are rising up to receive the higher frequency energies that things are getting better and will continue to get better, and you will continue to invite your fellow humans to these higher frequency energies, and they will start to take more notice of how good you feel and what energy you give off.

And we will continue to work with all of you, as will the other high frequency beings in the higher realms. We are all here looking for more of you to help bring about the right atmosphere, the right environment for ascension. And so, we are very pleased to see how well you are handling the responsibility, and we just want you to know that even more help is on the way.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:令人興奮的新聯盟即將誕生 .
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton).
譯者:GOOGLE (咕狗).



您對自然成長和發展的干擾是如此之大,跨越了數百萬年。現在,地球上存在著太多不同的能量,以至於我們覺得人類是時候向其他星系展示在獲得正確能量且不受錯誤能量干擾的情況下可以做什麼。 。現在,我們知道你們中的許多人都採取了保護自己,清理能量場並與那些高頻能量協調的步驟,但是您屬於少數。







An Exciting New Alliance is Coming to Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are looking for assistance from other collectives in the non-physical realm, collectives who want to form an alliance to create a new energetic field that would be able to modulate all of the energies there on Earth so that you can have a purer experience of yourselves, of your thoughts, and of your emotions. This is a Herculean task, which is why we are looking for allies, those who are as interested as we are in helping all of you.

You have had so much interference in your natural growth and development, interference that spans millions of years. And now, there are so many different kinds of energies present there on Earth that we just feel it is time for humankind to show the rest of the galaxy what you can do when you have access to the right energies and no interference from the wrong ones. Now, we know many of you take steps to protect yourselves, to clear your energy fields, and to harmonize with those higher-frequency energies, but you are in the minority.

Most of the humans there on Earth are being influenced by something that is detrimental to the development of their consciousness. And right now, one thing we know for certain is true about humanity and life on Earth, and that is the truth that you need a higher level of consciousness up, to bring all of you together so that you can become the harmonious collective that you are destined to be. We would just like to see you get there without interference. We would like to see you be able to receive more of the help that is coming your way all of the time, and we would like to see what you can do when there are no energies present that are there with the intention of disrupting your natural evolution.

We want to see you free, because we know that you are capable of so much more, and those of you who are taking care of your energy fields are demonstrating that by holding so much light and so much love that you are providing the necessary balance that will allow humanity to continue to rise up and ascend. But life on your world doesn’t have to be like this; you don’t have to be divided. You don’t have to be living in fear or defiant to such an extent that you lack compassion for others.

You can find that center point, that balance point that allows you to encourage others to raise their level of consciousness without beating them over the head with a bunch of dogma, links, and propaganda that supports your beliefs. You help others to awaken by raising your consciousness, and we want everyone else to have the opportunity to see you and to benefit from what you are doing there as the ground crew. And that’s why we know that this alliance will be formed, and you will see more from your fellow humans, even those who are asleep, than it is possible for you right now to imagine they could be.

But trust us when we say that we are coming together to create this new energy field and that everyone there on Earth is going to benefit from it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


