

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .
譯者:iam66、GOOGLE (咕狗)
《1》.你是引路人 (20210122)
《2》.準備好迎接驚人的旅程 (20210123)
#DanielScranton #GOOGLE #咕狗 #iam66

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .





同時,你們可能會感到孤獨。你們可能會感到周圍沒有足夠的人分享你們的振動,當然也沒有足夠的人分享你們的信念和人生觀。這只是你們必須處理的事情,而不是你們自己陷入的永久局面。正如我們所說,人們意識正在成長和發展,每天都有越來越多的人覺醒來。因此,取決與你有更多的連結,繼續為人類其他人保有一顆充滿愛的心,帶著沒有批判的眼神,就默默地傳遞支持的能量,讓其餘人類沉醉在接納、安全、喜悅、和諧與愛之中時(holding space), 其他人也會跟著你(come along for the ride)。

You Are the Wayshowers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling the vibrations that you are offering as individuals, and we can also feel into the overall vibration being offered by the human collective. You are bringing in higher frequency energies, and as individuals, you are affecting the human collective’s overall vibration. You are also taking yourselves to higher levels within the fourth dimension, and in so doing, inviting the rest of humanity to come along for the ride.

Here is what gets in the way, however. When you look at someone else and their words, their actions, their beliefs, and you feel yourself moving into a space of judgment and condemnation, that is the moment when you rescind the invitation. You must let the rest of the collective, and all of the individuals within it, be where they are in order for them to evolve on their own. You cannot talk someone into being compassionate. You cannot make someone think the way that you think or believe what you believe, and even if you could, doing so would not affect that person’s vibration. You would not be expanding their consciousness in any sort of measurable way.

The best thing that you can do for the rest of humanity is to live your truth. In so doing, you are offering those invitations, you are setting an example, and most importantly, you are staying in that higher vibrational state. And that is what humanity needs more than anything else. People are changing. They are growing and evolving, and they don’t need to be convinced of anything in order to make those leaps forward. We want you to recognize what your role is there as changemakers and wayshowers. You are not there to poke and prod people into living in a higher vibrational state. You are there to gently offer that invitation so that they may make the choice for themselves to evolve and to join you in a better feeling place.

In the meantime, you may feel alone. You may feel that there aren’t enough people around you who share your vibration and certainly not enough people who share in your beliefs and your outlook on life. And that is simply something for you to have to handle, but it is not a permanent situation that you find yourselves in. As we said, people are growing and evolving, and more of them are waking up every single day. So it is up to you then to make the most of the connections that you do have while you continue to be the ones who are holding space for the rest of humanity to come along for the ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:準備好迎接驚人的旅程  .
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton) .
譯者:GOOGLE (咕狗).



我們為您保留該空間,以便您可以在其中振動。我們愛您到更高維度的生存層面。現在,這是我們的要求。自己做同樣的事情;彼此做相同的事情。看到你內在的光和愛,等待出來,成為你的真實自我。也要在其他人身上看到這一點, 而不是他們在向您展示什麼。大多數人向您展示他們的創傷,因為這是他們所知道的,而這也是任何人都向他們展示的。




Get Ready for an Amazing Ride ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been approaching humanity from the perspective that you are already fifth dimensional. We have been seeing you as such, feeling you in your light bodies, and we have been holding that knowing that you are already there in that higher-vibrational state. You could say that is daydreaming, wishful thinking, or fantasizing, but we know that it is a true reality, and we feel into that reality so that when you feel us coming through this channel, and in all the other ways that you can feel us, you are activated.

We hold that space for you so that you can vibrate on up into it. We love you into the higher-dimensional planes of existence. Now, here is our request. Do the same for yourselves; do the same for each other. See the light and love that is within you, waiting to come out and emerge as your true self. See that in others as well, rather than what they are showing you. Most people are showing you their trauma because that’s all they know, and that’s all anyone has ever shown them.

But the healing from the trauma already exists, and you are moving into it. It is easier to do so when you know it exists and you know that is what’s happening. That’s why we are so valuable to you as your friends, as your teachers, as the ones who believe in you more than you believe in yourselves. We know where you are going because we have been there ourselves. We have evolved, expanded, and ascended into the non-physical state we are in now. We remember ourselves as fifth-dimensional beings, and that also helps us to help you to find that vibration inside of you.

We know that we keep saying this, but we will say it again for emphasis. Stop looking for something or someone outside of you to bring you into the fifth-dimensional frequency range. Start looking within yourselves for that feeling of liberation, that feeling of excitement, that feeling of joy that is your fifth-dimensional higher self. It’s all inside of you, and you don’t have to wait, but you can continue to receive the encouragement and the invitations from collectives like ourselves and other high-frequency beings who see you for who you really are.

We are all in this together, and you, dear Earthlings, dear humans, are key components in this universal shift in consciousness. And that is one of many reasons why you have so many beings and collectives from all across the universe holding space for you right now. Just let go, and let yourselves be sucked up into it. We promise you that if you do, you will have quite an amazing ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


