

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
譯者:iam66、GOOGLE (咕狗)
《1》.如何對你們帶來重大改變 (20210110)
《2》.混沌與災難幫助創建新的時間表 (20210111)
#DanielScranton #GOOGLE #咕狗 #iam66

《1》.關於:如何對你們帶來重大改變 .
傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton).



我們仍然需要進入自己的內心,以充分理解和擁抱,充分了解自己是誰,作為源頭能量存有,他們仍然時刻記得我們是源頭。但這是一個過程。這需要時間。地球上的所有人也需要時間。這並非一夕之間發生。如果太陽閃焰(solar flash)改變了一切,或者讓外星人著陸的船隻將你們從自己為自己造成的所有混亂中解脫出來,你們將失去太多太多的經驗。



這將帶來你們希望在世界上看到的巨大變化,無論是物質上還是精神上。這將始於那種簡單的非行動導向的行為,即是進入內在,覺查,感受它並然後誠實面對自己。如果你不能承認你內心有些失控(amuck)東西,那麼你們將需要更長的旅程。對自己誠實,以便你們可以轉移這些能量(shift that energy),處理,釋放它,並用你們實際想要的感受替代它。然後,這將成為你們在生活和世界中實際體驗到的東西。

How to Bring About Great Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are looking within ourselves for new experiences that we can only have by going within. We have as much to entertain and distract ourselves from what’s going on inside of us as you all do. In fact, you could say that we have more channels to surf and series to binge watch because we can and do look in on the entire galaxy. We feel that it is more than just entertainment or a way to just pass the time. It is more than just a distraction from what’s going on within us, because we do want to help as many beings and collectives as we can.

We still need to go within ourselves to fully understand and embrace, to fully know all aspects of who we are as Source Energy Beings who are still remembering that we are Source in each and every moment. But it’s a process; it takes time. And it’s taking time for all of you there on Earth as well. It’s not meant to happen for you overnight. You would be robbing yourselves of so much and so many experiences if a solar flash just changed everything, or e.t.s landing their ships just bailed you out of all of the messes that you’ve created there for yourselves.

You are meant to look at the messes that you’ve created and then go within and see what needs cleaning up inside of you, but you have to take that time to let go of the twenty-four hour news cycle that now includes social media and so many other websites. You’ve got to let go long enough to be able to ask yourselves the question, ‘How am I feeling about this? What are my thoughts about this? How did I co-create this?’

And again, if you are not doing that, it’s going to take a lot longer for you to know yourselves as your higher selves, which is the next step in your spiritual evolution. Now, when we tell you to go within, some of you wonder what exactly that means. We are telling you to check in with your emotions. Check in with your chakras. Check in with your energy that is always vibrating, and see if you can put your finger on it. Once you do this long enough, you get so good at it that you don’t even have to try. It becomes second nature to you. You walk into a room and tell the person you are with that something just doesn’t feel right.

And that is what will bring about the great changes that you want to see on your world, physically and spiritually. It will start with that simple non-action-oriented act of going within, checking in, feeling around, and then being honest with yourself as well. If you cannot admit that there’s something amuck within your, then you are in for a longer journey. Be honest with yourselves so that you can shift that energy, process it, release it, and replace it with what you actually want to feel. And then that will become what you actually experience in your life and in the world.

Do these check-ins regularly, and you will be amazed at how quickly you can transform yourself and everything outside of you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton).
譯者:GOOGLE (咕狗).








Chaos & Calamity Helped Create New Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to bring you this transmission because it should serve as a beacon of hope to those of you who are struggling at this time. You all have been given an opportunity to get very creative at this time, and those of you who are creative and who do work with energy have been leading the collective of humanity, and most of them are unaware of the fact that you have been guiding them into newly created timelines. These timelines are about bringing humanity to a higher level of consciousness and to a more unified state.

And those of you who are a part of the awakened collective have seized the opportunity to bring this set of timelines into the physical realm. You have done it with the help of beings and collectives in the higher realms, but you had to be the ones to live through all of the chaos and all of the calamity, all of the heartbreak, all of the fear, and all of the sadness, as well as the rage and the anger that is present there on Earth in order to be inspired to create something new, something better, something more inclusive.

You know, as we do, that humanity’s ascension is going to be a group effort and that you are the ones who are going to be doing the majority of the creating, of the leading, of the offering of higher vibrational thoughts, ideas, and concepts. You have been inspired by the lack of leadership that you have gotten from those who have been in leadership positions, and you are getting better and better at creating and living the example of those who are awake. You are going to feel like a warm, comfortable blanket on a very cold day to those who have not been able to access the higher-frequency energies and do something positive with them.

You are going to find that the people around you who were never interested in anything spiritual will be coming to you and asking you for your thoughts, your assistance, and even your comfort as they go through their own awakening experiences. And you will be there not only to comfort them in their time of need, but you will also have these beautiful realities, that strung together, form wonderful new timelines. And you can invite your fellow humans to join you in the light, and that is how it is done, that is how you are doing it, and that is how you will continue to do it, because that’s why you are there on Earth at this time.

And when you have enough people looking for a purpose, looking for a mission, looking to be of service, eventually enough of those people find the way to help humankind that is perfect for them, and they light up to all who have any ability to sense that light.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


