
【大角星】《1》2021年新年,新的協助者;《2》念力,時間旅行,飄浮和心靈感應 (近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.2021年新年,新的協助者 (20210101)
《2》.念力,時間旅行,飄浮和心靈感應 (20210102)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:2021年新年,新的協助者 .




因此,當你們進入圍繞美麗的太陽進入新的周期時,請考慮在新的一年中要放棄的東西。你想放掉負面的想法,自卑(low self-esteem)、侷限嗎?這是一個更新和重生的時期,是一個完美時機放掉讓你們感受到沉重的能量,因為周圍有那麼多能量可以為其他人類吸收,紮根錨定於它們。

記住,你不能回去也無法回去。你不可能退縮。如果順其自然(go with the flow),那麼你們絕對可以享受新的一年的創造。你們還可以肯定的事實是,你們周圍比以往任何時候都擁有更多的幫助者,因為人類一直在尋求這種幫助,而宇宙一直在以前所未有的速度做出回應。你很堅強,而當你團結起來時,你仍然更堅強,所以請為這些新幫助者的能量感到自豪,因為他們將帶動你走向更大的一體,更合一,更多地將自己視為一個集體。
2021 – New Year, New Helpers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for all of you there on Earth, because we knew that you would come to this point in your time as humans where you would be able to create a sort of dividing line between the year 2020 and the year 2021. And we knew how you would feel about bringing in the new year. You can feel within the human collective consciousness that there is a sense of hope, as you breathe a sigh of relief for having made it through such a challenging year.

You also tend to do this even when the year you are leaving behind is just an average one, and that tells you something about the human spirit. It shows you that you do expect things to get better; you do tend to be optimists at heart. And we also want to say that you do benefit from going through trials and tribulations. You do grow, you do heal, and you do release what is no longer serving you.

And so, as you enter into a new cycle around your beautiful sun, consider what you want to let go of in the new year. Do you want to let go of negative thinking? Do you want to let go of low self-esteem? Do you want to let go of limitations? It is a time of renewal and rebirth, and it is the perfect time to leave behind that which feels heavy to you, because there are so many energies around that you can receive, that you can anchor in, and that you can make available to the rest of humankind.

You are there to lead, not to follow. You are there to create, not to live out someone else’s predictions. And you are there to define what 2021 is going to be about for you, not to be defined by who you have been and what has happened in your life. We want you to discover just how powerful you are in this new year, and we want you to feel more of Source Energy flowing to you and through you, as you get closer to knowing yourselves as your fifth-dimensional higher selves.

Remember that you cannot go back; you cannot possibly regress. And if you go with the flow, you absolutely can enjoy this creation of yours that is the new year. And you can also be quite certain of the fact that you have more helpers around you than ever before, as humanity has been asking for that assistance, and the universe has been responding like never before. You are strong, and you are stronger still when you are united, so feel for the energies of these new helpers because they will be nudging you towards more unity, more oneness, and more of seeing yourselves as a collective.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:念力,時間旅行,飄浮和心靈感應 .






你們應該先了解技術的可能性,然後再決定沒有該技術的可能性。這樣做吧;激發你的靈感。走進內在,感受一下你們在新的一年中進入(stepped into)的可能性。證明你已經準備與外星人進行充分的接觸,通過展現當你專注於大多數人認為至少無法說出的渴望時,人類意識可以走多遠時。你們是向人類展示一切可能性的人,我們只是想提醒你們擁有這一切。
Telekinesis, Time Travel, Levitation & Telepathy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling the impact of the shift in the human collective consciousness since you have left the very challenging year of 2020 behind you. Now you can focus on moving forward, on moving into a new realm of possibilities for humankind. You have for a very long time been flirting with the idea that you could access certain abilities that you once believed were something out of science fiction or something to be reserved for after the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension.

We are talking about accessing your ability to communicate through telepathy, your ability to move objects with your will, and your ability to teleport, levitate, and even time travel without any help from technological devices. You who are awake have undoubtedly become aware of the fact that certain technologies are in the hands of a small number of human beings and that those devices are not being made available to the masses as a way of keeping you down, keeping you feeling less empowered. And you have also heard that these individuals are making billions off of oil, coal, and other means of fueling your vehicles and providing electricity to your homes.

But we are not talking about any of that right now. We are talking about your ability to access powers that you already possess, and we want to assure you that you don’t need any fancy technological gadgets to access abilities that are inside of you. In fact, these are abilities that you’ve already had in previous lifetimes. But of course, you don’t remember having them, unless you’ve had a dream or a vision of using your telekinetic abilities, your telepathy, your ability to jump to a different point in space/time. But then many of those individuals have dismissed those dreams as creations of the mind, rather than as past life bleed-throughs, which is what they are.

You all get to decide how and when you access your fifth-dimensional abilities, and those who are wanting the technology that is in the hands of the few are disempowering themselves by continuing to play the role of the victim, but you are not victims. You are meant to be inspired by information; you are meant to access your abilities in defiance of being denied these gadgets, these devices.

You are meant to see what is possible with technology, and then decide that for you it’s possible without that piece of technology. So do that; be inspired. Go within and feel for the possibilities that you have stepped into in this new year. Prove that you are ready for full e.t. contact by demonstrating how far human consciousness can go when you are focused on a desire that most people consider to be unattainable to say the least. You are the ones to demonstrate to humankind what is possible, and we just wanted to remind you of all of that.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


