

傳導作者:John Smallman
譯者:Nick Chan、Amber
《1》.你無法想像的生活狀態 (20201126)
《2》.古代創傷的大規模釋放 (20201220)
#JohnSmallman #NickChan #Amber

傳導作者:John Smallman.
譯者:Nick Chan.

As governments worldwide are enforcing or attempting to enforce a new lock-down on their citizens, fear and anger is intensifying. This is a very natural result when people feel that the ways in which they live their lives are no longer allowed to be self-determined but will, instead, be decided by various government organizations that ‘claim’ to be doing so purely for the benefit of their citizens. These sensations are extremely unsettling because they disturb the “status quo” to which most people had become accustomed, the ‘relatively’ unchanging circumstances of their daily lives. Change is, of course, constant, nevertheless, people resist it unless the circumstances of their lives are experienced as unacceptable, but it often remains unseen because most people follow regular daily routines which confirm for them the sense that change is not occurring.
Now, in this time of confusion and apparent chaos that appears to be largely due to the pandemic, people feel very threatened and unsettled because their normal daily routines have been closed off by authoritarian decree, and there is no indication that this unhappy state of affairs is going to end any time soon. It is no wonder that people are feeling fear and anger, because they are totally unaccustomed to the uncertainty that has now been established, and is apparently intended in their own best interests, if they choose to believe the reasons that are being promulgated by all the mainstream media. And, of course, fear is very divisive, so trust in one’s neighbors is collapsing as negative judgments of one another arise, and confusion over the validity of the measures being imposed leads to disagreements, sometimes fierce disagreements within neighborhoods and within families over how serious and dangerous the situation has become. This is indeed a very confusing and unsettling time for you all, so I would, yet again, remind you how absolutely essential it is for all of you to take time out frequently during the day to go within and reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises.
That intent, consciously held and reset frequently, is extremely powerful and is greatly needed as the collective awakening process draws toward its conclusion. Your loving intentions help so many others to deal with their arising ‘stuff,’ while not being completely overwhelmed by the general sense of anxiety that is very widespread at present. You chose to be in human form at this time to do just this, because you knew that it would be extremely effective in driving your collective awakening process forward. However, due to the amnesiac process involved in becoming human, you have mostly lost your connection to your awareness of that knowing, and so intense doubts arise within you. Therefore engage regularly in conversation with your support teams in the non physical realms, ask them for reassurance that all truly is moving forward as divinely planned, and they will provide it because that is a major aspect of their work as your support teams. You will feel their love and support, and you will find that your doubts and anxieties have eased, further confirming for you the value of going within to your place of inner peace where Love resides awaiting your invitation to enter into your hearts so that you can joyfully accept Its warm embrace.
這個意圖,有意識地被保持,不斷地被重置,是非常強大的,被急需,隨著集體覺醒進程朝向結局。你有愛的意圖會幫助很多人處理他們升起的“東西”,同時不被 目前普遍的焦慮完全壓垮。你選擇在這個時刻化身為人就是來做這件事的,因為你知道這對推動集體覺醒進程來說是非常有效的。無論如何,出於遺忘,你很大程度上失去了與那個知曉的連接,所以強烈的疑惑從你之內升起。因此定期與非物理領域的支持團隊交流,請求他們的擔保(一切真的在按照神聖計畫進行),他們會提供它,因為這是他們作為你的支持團隊的一個主要工作方面。你會感到他們的愛和支持,你會發現你的疑慮和焦慮緩解了,進一步向你證實進入內在的平和之地的價值,愛在那等待著你的邀請去進入你的心,這樣你可以快樂地接納它溫暖的擁抱
Knowing, as you do, that you made a very positive and enthusiastic choice to be incarnate on Earth at this moment in humanity’s collective transition to a much higher level of spiritual evolution, you can relax with certainty into the radiant significance of this upcoming occasion. This is not business as usual, this is the time of Humanity’s Collective Awakening. It is a most wonderful occasion that was created for you by Mother/Father/God at the very moment in which you collectively chose to engage in an unreal drama, a game of separation from Source, so that when you changed your minds – as you inevitably would because Oneness with Source is Reality and embraces you in endless joy – and chose to return to rest in the divine Presence, from which you have never, not even for an instant, actually been separated, the path would appear, lovingly and enthusiastically inviting you to follow it Home!
Truly, words cannot even begin to suggest to you the joys that await your awakening, because it appears to you that joy is an ephemeral state that may only be briefly experienced and then lost, as the basic survival needs of your human living conditions once again demand your full attention. Nevertheless, deep within you there is a knowing that is now rising into your conscious awareness, a knowing that life is a most wonderful and amazing gift that is offering you a prodigious treasure of inconceivable magnificence. You just know that this is the case, although you don’t know why you know, and yet, in spite of this, you do have doubts. Doubting God’s infinite and unchanging Love for you, and doubting if you really are blessed with eternal life in that loving Presence is an aspect of the unreal drama that you experience during temporal life as a human.
This is indeed an amazing, confusing, unsettling, and inspiring time to be present in form on Earth, and all of you reading or listening to this, and other similar channeled messages, do feel this, and are filled with eager anticipation. I assure you that you will not be disappointed, because what awaits you when you awaken will completely dissolve any residual fears or anxieties that you may be clinging to while you wait expectantly to awaken.
Life is about to blossom into the most glorious and delicious state, a state that you presently cannot even conceive of, and yet you do know that this is true.
With so very much love, Saul.

《2》.關於:古代創傷的大規模釋放 .
傳導作者:John Smallman.

As the year end approaches the human collective is experiencing considerable fear and anxiety, because the increasingly authoritarian restrictions on your freedom of movement and freedom to interact socially have been having a very negative impact on family gatherings, especially during the nationwide holiday at Thanksgiving, and now it seems likely that these restrictions will continue through Christmas and the New Year as well. People are very sensibly and naturally questioning the need for these restrictions as it becomes ever clearer that there are no practical plans in place to bring these restrictions to an end, and as it also becomes very clear that the number of people dying from all causes has remained just about normal throughout the year in spite of the dire warnings that were made when the virus was first identified. It can be seen that the damage caused by these restrictions far exceeds any that the virus has actually caused.

Nevertheless, humanity is awakening . . . NOW! The confusion and chaos that have been ongoing, and experienced by everyone since early in the year, have vastly intensified humanity’s collective awareness that change of a major order is essential in your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors if you are going to move away from the threat of major conflict to a state of peace and freedom for all.

You all want peace, but due to the way in which humans have engaged with each other over a very long time period, and because of the experiences that have resulted from those engagements, people feel and believe that life is unsafe, and that therefore defenses have to be built and maintained to ensure your survival. Over the last few months these defenses have been strengthened, causing you to feel even more separate from one another, and even more threatened by one another. This is insane!

You are divine beings, your nature is divine, and that nature is Love. The restrictions imposed upon you over the last few months have tended to shut out Love by encouraging fear, suspicion, mistrust, and wariness of others – even within families – to arise within you. The upside of this is that you are questioning all of your ingrained beliefs and fears, and as you do so it becomes increasingly difficult for you to justify them. Life has not become more dangerous. In fact over the last few decades there has been proportionally more peace on Earth than at any time in your recorded history. It is time to acknowledge, thank, and release the ingrained trauma that you have all experienced – the ‘stuff’ that is arising within you all. Doing this opens an enormous amount of space within each one of you – space that has been almost totally preoccupied with unhealthy and fearful “what if” thoughts that cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety – that Love will fill if you will allow It to do so.

As all the channeled messages from loving ones in the spiritual realms, and also the ones offered by those among you who are very well established on the path of spiritual evolution continually reiterate: Love is the life force, the energy field which flows constantly, abundantly, and without interruption, through all of creation eternally. Nothing that has been created is ever lost, ever ceases to exist, because the divine Creation is God eternally extending and sharing Itself in infinite peace and joy with all that It has created for all eternity. There is nothing to fear because there is only and eternally Love, Mother/Father/God, the divine field in which all that exists is eternally present, and beyond or outside of Which there is nothing. There is no beyond or outside, there is only God from Whom no conscious entity or field of awareness can ever be separated, because whatever has been, is being, or will be created is, by its very nature, One with Source.

As humans your awareness of this divine Truth is limited by your own individual choices to experience separation from Source as part of the human collective. There is no one who is in form who has not personally chosen to be in form. You are in form to learn lessons that can only be learnt while experiencing life in form, and those of you who are reading this, or other loving channeled messages, also chose to be in form in this moment to assist in the awakening process for the collective of which, of course, you are all individual and essential parts, while at the same time being inseparably and uninterruptedly at One with Source.

It can therefore be seen that there are no accidents. All are in form by by their own personal choice, and the consequence of that is that all will awaken from the illusion or game of existence in form to know themselves once again as divine beings forever in the Presence of the One with Whom they are One when they choose to do so. That is the nature of free will. And everyone will make that choice because it is impossible to remain forever in a dream or illusory state that is unreal. The unreal does not exist, therefore it is impossible to remain there!

To know yourselves as One is your divine destiny, and it is inevitable. However, as already made clear, you each make choices totally freely about how you wish to experience the complete unreality of separation, and you are always totally free to change those choices. Your egos would have you believe that your existence as a human in form was imposed upon you either by God, or by the circumstances of chemical evolution that occurred following the “Big Bang.” The Big Bang, that modern science believes was the moment in which the Universe as you experience it started to form, is just an aspect of the experience of separation from Source in which, both collectively and individually, you chose to participate.

Now, humanity has collectively chosen to awaken, and the first signs of that are clearly visible as increasing numbers of you make contact, physically, psychically, or electronically with others who, like you, have chosen to awaken and are doing so. The Tsunami of Love continues to intensify, and there is no one presently in form who is not being nudged toward their own personal awakening. This can be unsettling for those who were not consciously seeking or following a spiritual meaning in their lives, as it arouses a sense that maybe they have been wasting their lives as the realization dawns on them that life is far, far more than it appears to be when the focus is solely on its material aspects in form.

The task you chose, with great wisdom and foresight, to undertake before you incarnated for this present human lifetime, is now being presented to you in your daily lives and is unmistakable. It is to be only loving whatever arises and whosoever you are interacting with. Deep in your hearts you do know this, but due to the egoic defenses that you have established within yourselves, you also feel that to be only loving will lay you open to betrayal, pain, and suffering. And, yes, you will encounter those who would tell you that it is insane to be only loving, as well as others who will take advantage of your loving kindness. Nevertheless, you made the decision to be loving at all times before you incarnated, and as you now continue to set that intent daily, you will find your determination strengthening, and you will find yourselves being met with Love more and more frequently because humanity is awakening, and the nature of humanity is Love.

So, in spite of any seeming setbacks you may encounter, continue to set the intent daily, and any time during the day that you experience doubts, and make a point of celebrating every occasion on which you encounter loving intent or purpose in another, because it will also be a loving reminder, a drawing to your attention of the fact that humanity is indeed awakening.
In this season of festivity, during which giving gifts and giving thanks is widespread, intensify even further your intent to demonstrate love in action by doing so, and by refusing to allow yourselves to react defensively or in anger to some unexpected, unwarranted slight or offense. Remind yourselves that ‘STUFF’ is still arising into the consciousness of many who have previously managed to deny, ignore, or bury the pain and anger of old trauma, and silently send them love, knowing, as you do from your own experiences, that stuff arising can be intensely unsettling as long buried emotions escape, seemingly uncontrollably, driving people to act out of extremes of fear or anger.
在這個喜慶的季節中,送禮和感謝的日子很普遍,通過這樣做,並拒絕讓自己對某些意想不到的,毫無根據的輕率或冒犯做出防禦或激怒,進一步增強了你在行動中表現愛的意圖。 提醒自己,“ 事物”仍然是由於許多以前已經設法否認、忽略或掩埋舊創傷的痛苦和憤怒而意識到的東西,並像在親身經歷中一樣默默地向他們發送愛意,隨著長時間被掩埋的情緒逃逸,看似不可控制,驅使人們採取極端恐懼或憤怒的態度,所產生的東西可能會非常令人不安。
Love is All that exists, and is always and only unconditional. Therefore forgive everyone without exception – with yourselves most definitely included – for whatever arises that is out of alignment with love, because you know that it is leading you forward to your awakening as massive releases of ancient trauma clear the space to allow Love to enter and embrace all.

With so very much love, Saul.


