

傳導:Ann Albers、Shanta Gabriel 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.敢於想像一個更美好的世界 (20201214)
《2》.微妙的指引力 (20201215)
#AnnAlbers #ShantaGabriel #NickChan 

傳導:Ann Albers .
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You are all so very precious and so important to this world. You are the lights on the tree, the candle in the menorah, and the rays of hope that shine brightly in a world where so many beautiful souls are frozen in fear. Your light, your hope, your love, the present of your Presence, and the gift of your positive expectations are the most important things you can share with humanity during your holiday season.
Give yourself a little gift right now. Take a moment, and look deeply at your immediate surroundings to center yourself in this present moment. Breathe as if you could breathe your spirit into your body, just as a hand would slip perfectly into a glove. Now, no matter what your life looks like, no matter what the world looks like, imagine yourself in a life and a world that you love. What would your life look like? Where would you live? What would you do? What would be different upon your earth? Take time to immerse yourself in this fantasy – in a possible future that you, in this moment, are empowering with your focused attention.
Anytime you have a few moments, pause. Center yourself in the moment. Breathe your spirit all the way into your body, slipping in all the way down to your fingers and toes. Then, fully anchored in the present, dream up a beautiful future. Dream of a reality in which your life is filled with love. Dream of a world where there is respect for all beliefs and opinions. Dream of a human race that cares about your Mother Earth. Imagine people hugging, celebrating, holding hands, working on cooperative projects, glowing with health, and honoring one another's differences. Dream about the most amazing life you could be living.
Every time you allow yourself to focus with love on this wonderful future, you give yourself and the world the gift of empowering the essence of that reality. Every time you allow yourself to dream with joy – without reservation, and without worrying about the how or the why or the when – in those moments, you are giving the gift of a beautiful future to yourself and your world.
Allow yourself this year, to experience your holidays through the eyes of a child. Allow yourself to dream of the best possible future, as a child dreams of the presents they will receive during the holidays. Allow yourself to look beyond your pandemic, your vaccines, your politics, your disagreements, your fears and frustrations, and dream of the things that you share as human beings. You all want love. You all want a sense of purpose. You all want health. You all want to feel safe. You all want freedom. You all want mother earth to share her resources for generations to come. Empower that future with your anticipation. Empower your present with your joy. Right here and now you have the power to create a better world. You have the power to empower love.
The rest of the world may take a while to catch up with your visions, nonetheless, the more of you that dare to imagine a kinder world, the quicker that reality will manifest around you. Even sooner, you will manifest a kinder life for yourself, and a life that you love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.-- The Angels

《1》.關於:微妙的指引力 .
傳導:Shanta Gabriel .
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones,
You may not perceive subtle guidance as a Force to be reckoned with …YET, but know that powerful guiding energies are working very surely in your life.
The spiritual practices and time you take to refine your energy system brings you access that you have never experienced before this pivotal time.
Life has expanded in many ways that are new to your nervous system and ability to mentally compute the situations facing your life now.
Your accurate awareness of the guidance working for you is reliant on your feelings. Follow your interests, passion and curiosity then notice how you feel. There will be a sense of inspiration and an accompanying uplift of energy within you. These excited feelings are the guiding links from Source to you.
When your heart softens with compassion, you feel compelled to be in nature, or suddenly you feel the need to stop and slow down in order to breathe more deeply and take in the environment, these are also guiding impulses from your inner Spirit.
Maybe you have been noticing synchronicities. A book may fall off the shelf open to a page that answers a question you have contemplated; you are driving and hear on the radio the subject that you are most curious about; or an idea for new work comes to you and suddenly you find people discussing these ideas wherever you go.
These are the guiding achievements that encourage you to pay attention.
You are always being encouraged by your soul in directions that empower your life.
Change is another way God speaks to you. Ask to see the gifts in swift and sudden change. Sometimes when you will not act in your benefit, the Universe steps in to bring the changes necessary for your life’s new trajectory into your awareness.
This is a time to pay careful attention to your signs, signals and synchronicities. When you do, you will never doubt that you are being guided, blessed and truly loved by the Universal Forces of Good working in your life. And so it is.


