

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.一位外星存有將促使人類團結 (20201224)
《2》.這就是世界所需要的 (20201225)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:一位外星存有將促使人類團結 .





One E.T. Being to Unite the Human Race ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been in communication with several groups of extra-terrestrial beings, and we have been discussing with them what their role could be, potentially, in helping to unite humanity. Certainly, if you all know that you are a part of one race, the human race, then there is the greater possibility that you will come together as one race. Knowing that there are other races out there in your skies and throughout the galaxy could go a long way in getting people to see that you are as different from one another as you are from an extra-terrestrial race.

Beings that were born and lived outside of your solar system, coming all the way to Earth to make themselves known, would certainly have an impact on how you feel about each other as human beings, sharing a common experience there on Earth. It is important for you all to realize that you have more in common than you think, and knowing for a fact that e.t.s exist could help you set aside your political differences, as well as your differing perspectives on the virus, wearing masks and taking vaccines.

And so, we deliberate amongst ourselves. We do not believe that the majority of humans would be shocked to know without a doubt that e.t.s exist, and for many, anything they would see that goes outside of their belief system would be considered a hoax; so there’s that. We feel that humankind is ready for a definitive moment. We do not see you as ready for a mass landing of ships at this particular, but we do see that the impact of an experience with even one extra-terrestrial being would be huge right now in uniting the human collective.

That’s all you really need is a distraction right now from how divided you feel to move past those differing perspectives. And even if only a slight majority of humans were in agreement that the e.t. being was real, that would be enough to bring you all together. We are, of course, going to continue to play around with this idea with the groups that we have been talking with until we can all agree on what is best for humanity at this time. In the meantime, continue to look up at your skies for more UFO activity, and continue to create a reality for yourself where your own personal e.t. contact is inevitable and is something that will happen sooner than later.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:這就是世界所需要的 .






This Is What the World Needs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have been struggling for quite some time in relationship to one another. We have seen how this has played out in your society to the point where people identify more with something about themselves that’s very temporary, rather than identifying with the truth of who they are as infinite and eternal beings of love and light. Now, it is easy to see why a person would identify themselves in a very limited way, because that person was born into a society that wants to put people in neat and tidy little boxes. This is the mental approach to relating to one another.

So the mind likes to be able to predict what you’re going to get, something that allows you as an egoic being to feel safer. That’s why these boxes are so comfortable. Because if you’re looking at a person and having expectations based on their race, gender, sexuality, nationality, political affiliation, and any of the other of the very temporary ways in which you know yourselves, then the ego can feel more secure because of the conclusions that the mind has come to about the individual, based on those very superficial aspects of self.

And so, what lies underneath all of this is fear, and until people recognize that there is a very negative emotion that needs to be dealt with, talked about, felt, expressed, and processed, you’re not going to get very far. You’re not going to make the progress you want to make in relating to one another by simply finger-pointing, by calling someone out on their behavior. Instead, as a society, you all need to look for what lies underneath the behavior, or the hate speech. You need to understand that people are coming from a place of vulnerability when they’re puffing out their chests, making signs, and chanting things. They don’t want you to know how scared they are.

And, of course, by vilifying an entire group of people, by creating a common enemy, there is a lot to be gained by those in power or by those seeking to have power. The best thing that you could ever do for the rest of humanity to help bring you to the next level of your consciousness evolution would be to talk about your feelings. Be honest. Tell the person sitting next to you or across from you what it is you’re feeling. If you own it and you’re willing to discuss it and where it comes from, then you can unite under the knowing that all humans are feeling beings. It’s what makes you human, and you can unite under that knowing that you all feel the same emotions.

This is what will break down the barriers, the walls that are placed in those boxes to keep people separate. What the world needs more than anything are the sensitive ones in the population being willing to express that sensitivity, to be vulnerable, and to share what it is you’re feeling in the moment. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


