

傳導作者:Beth Stormont 譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.通過新的眼睛去看 (20201223)
《2》.以太的生活 (20201224)
#BethStormont  #NickChan

《1》.關於:通過新的眼睛去看 .

Dear Ones, greetings from your friends in the skies who are here to aid you as you transition into the Light. Even though we have been with you as long as Ashtar Command has existed, we have been primarily hidden from your awareness until recent times.
We understand how difficult these times are for you, especially during this Christmas season. Although for some of you Christmas has been a difficult time because of memories of past experiences and/or losses of loved ones – or the frenzy of expected gift giving – but for many it is a very special time for family gatherings, special events, and spiritual worship through music and pageantry.
We members of Fleet Command are from a variety of planets. We have left our homes, families, and the familiar way of life on our planets by volunteering to aid planet Earth in her transition out of duality and darkness into the Light of the New Earth. We therefore understand your sadness at the loss of experiencing all that has been meaningfully good in the past.
May we suggest that you relive the meaningful aspects of past Christmases by going within and experiencing Christmas by means of the indwelling Christ Consciousness that resides in the heart of every human being, whether you have had this awareness before or not. This is the true birthing of the Christ that is at the core of the original Christmas story.
You have already read many wonderful channeled messages that speak of the Light replacing the darkness that seems so prevalent on your Earth planet at this time. Even though there are patches of 5D at this very moment, you are basically on the transitional 4D path toward the true 5D planet that is called the New Earth. (Of course we are speaking here of those who have chosen the way of the Light.)
We wish primarily to emphasize – for your ability to believe through understanding – that life may continue to appear the same as always in all respects; but for those who are on the Ascension path, life will be perceived differently. It may look the same, but it will feel different… as viewed through different eyes. This difference will not be able to be explained… just known! Those not on the path will not understand if you try to explain. Therefore, just rejoice… and hold them in the Light of the Cosmic Christ, that they might join you on the path into the Light.
Also, a reminder: The concept of time is different on this side of the veil. We do not dwell nor work in 3D sequential time. Therefore, when a channeled message speaks as though everything has already changed for the good – or the word ‘soon’ is used – please take it ‘with a grain of salt’.
Also another reminder: Everything manifests in the etheric realms before manifesting in 3D physicality. Always has it been so… and so is it yet!
The New Earth does already exist in another realm, but not on the 3D Old Earth that is a part of the awareness of the majority of Earth’s humanity at this present time. Those further along on the Lighted path will be aware of aspects of 5D before those just beginning the journey. They may also find themselves sent to live in a 5D patch… for both their work and their safety. Stay tuned to your inner guidance for up-to-date info on this.
Gradually the old 3D aspects will die out and/or drop away from clinging and holding 3D humanity in their enslavement. (We will not use the word ‘soon’ about this, as that can be misunderstood or seem misleading.) Just know that even though ‘quantum leaps’ can seem to exist, it is only because that which manifests suddenly and from seemingly out of nowhere has been a long time in preparation for that ‘sudden’ appearance. Everything moves according to a Divine Plan… not by leaps and bounds.
If you desire anything of us, please ask. We must follow the ‘prime directive’ that you heard about so often if you followed the ‘Star Trek’ series; (there was a lot of truth hidden in that sci-fi series.) Since your planet is based on free will/ free choice, we cannot interfere except by your request. Always will we joyfully comply to such requests! That is why we are here at this momentous time in the history of this great Earth planet — and what a privilege it is to be able to serve you!
May you have a truly blessed Christmas… all in preparation for an excitingly enlightened New Year!
We ever hold you in the Light and Love of the Cosmic Christ.

《2》.關於:以太的生活 .

We greet you once again, Dear Ones, and we wish you a blessed Christmas Season!
We wish to share a bit more about ourselves — and we do apologize that we have strung out this information for your clarity of who we really are. We have fed the information in a strung-out fashion because our history is not as important as the messages we bring to you.
We normally have had seven spaceships – (one large one is the commander’s ship) – but now we have many more in your skies because of Ascension. We are from many different planets, galaxies, civilizations, and stages of evolution… and we do work together harmoniously! We are on duty in Fleet Command much as your military members are deployed for certain periods of time, except that all our times of duty are by our choice,
我們通常擁有7艘飛船---(比較大的就是指揮官的飛船)---但現在出於楊升有著更多處於你們的天空中。 我們來自許多不同的行星、星系、文明、進化階段...我們在一起和諧共事!我們就像你們的軍人在一段時間內到某個地方執行任務,除了我們是經由自己的選擇
Although some of us are basically at the same stage of evolution that you are, we can see more clearly about happenings on your planet because they are not hidden from us by the veil as they are to you. You primarily have knowledge of these happenings through your 3D physical senses, whereas we know from the more realistic and honest etheric viewpoint.
You see, we are not in 3D physical form — we are in etheric forms. Since we do not have physical eyes, we can see only your etheric double with etheric vision. (In case you do not know, you all have an etheric double aspect of your body… the mold, one might say, for your physical body. Not being 3D, It is much more pure and real than your outer sheath, known of course as the physical body.)
Some of you already possess etheric vision but have had no real opportunity to know or use it. As more of you rise into the higher vibrational frequencies, a greater number of you will be able to see us etheric beings with that vision.When that happens – and you know that we are your friends – the danger to our public appearance will become less a reality.
Dense physical 3D vibrations are too low for the ability to see etherically, and therefore we have been hidden from your view… although our spaceships have often not been hidden. When they enter your earth’s atmosphere, the materials of which they are constructed have the ability to manifest physically. Also, some of our beings can manifest physical bodies as shapeshifters; however, we do not all have that ability.
A closing statement of hope for this special season: When Ascension and your journey to the 5D New Earth have finally been completed, you will be able to know and claim your already beautiful and pure etheric double as the true body of your Soul being — and you shall indeed be living etherically!


