

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.你們所生存的第四維度 (20201220)
#DanielScranton #iam66 

《1》.關於:你們所生存的第四維度 .



我們知道,有很多途徑和機會可以逃脫不去面對你們的生活。你有毒品。你們喝酒 你們擁有看似真實的視頻遊戲,並且你們有比我們所關心的更多的方式來使自己擺脫第四維度現實的嚴酷條件。因此,我們邀請你們一起成為覺醒的個人社區。我們邀請你們互相支持,我們知道很多人與最近的覺醒者相距甚遠,這一建議似乎荒謬可笑,但是我們也知道互聯網上有很多地方可以找到人他們敏感,以心為中心,充滿愛心和同情心,就像你們一樣清醒。


You Are Surviving the Fourth Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to appreciate the urgency with which many of you are seeking massive changes on your world. We see so many of you crying out and feeling the depths of despair over not fitting in, not wanting to be, not resonating with the majority of the human population, and we see this as the tragedy that you all experience it as. We are not going to attempt to minimalize what you are feeling and experiencing there on Earth as you wait for the massive changes that you’ve been promised time and time again.

We know that there are many avenues and opportunities to escape your lives. You have drugs. You have alcohol. You have video games that seem almost real, and you have more ways than we care to count here to remove yourselves from the harsh conditions of reality in the fourth dimension. So we invite you to come together as a community of awakened individuals. We invite you to support one another, and we know that a lot of you are spread out so far from the nearest awakened person that this suggestion seems preposterous, but we also know that there are plenty of places on the internet where you can find people who are sensitive, heart-centered, caring and compassionate, and just as awake as you are.

And you can lean on those individuals. You can share your stories with each other. You can create networks, and certainly the possibility always exists for you to come together face to face. Therefore, as much as we love hearing from you and supporting you, as do our colleagues here in the higher dimensional realms, we particularly love to see you supporting each other and coming together to unite under the awakened flag.

Now, that’s not to say that we want you to feel separate from those who are not awake or that you need to exclude anyone from these groups that you form. But we do understand how challenging it is for many of you to connect with those who do not share in your knowing of who you really are. Therefore, we are suggesting that you look to one another, to those who get you, those you can speak to about ascension symptoms, visitations from e.t.s, and so on.

This world will be better served by people such as yourselves coming together peacefully and loving each other and showing compassion for each other, and in so doing, you will inspire others to do the same. And when you unite with the intention for the greatest and highest good of all as your mission statement, think of what you all can accomplish while still being there in the fourth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




我們都是在一起。這次不是分裂。這不是關於分離,而是關於整合。你們當中有些人意識到這一點。你們意識到自己的生活並不是要擺脫自己的某些方面。你們的生活一直在與自我的較低振動面向(aspects) 保持和平。你們的生活一直與融入你們今生和前世感到羞恥的部分有關。


現在有太多人正在尋找任何人樹立一個好榜樣,這是一個如何生活在一個如此混亂而又彼此激烈爭吵的人(at each other’s throats)的榜樣。如果你們想鞏固自己在第一波揚昇浪潮中的地位,那麼就超越目前在世界上無處不在的分裂,瑣碎,怨恨和憤怒。向其他人類表明,有可能超越它,甚至在這些動蕩的時代也能夠蓬勃發展,那就是一年中的每一天,並透過自己展現更多地的如你們所是(who you are),這當然是無條件的愛。
Your Position in the First Wave of Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited for all of you who are awake and aware, because you are going to benefit more from the energies of the solstice than individuals who are closed off and unaware of the significance of this time for humanity. This is a time to be celebrating the fact that you have hung in there for so long, that you have been able to make it to another solstice. And it is of course an opportunity for you to build something new, something better for all of humankind, with these energies.

Those of you who are awake and aware either feel that everything will be done for you because of the fact that you have made it to another solstice, and then there are those of you who are awake and aware who realize that this is a time for you to do more than just watch and wait to see what happens. You are being given the keys and the steering wheel, and you have an opportunity to take humankind with you on a journey that is all about getting everyone to remember to check in with their hearts and to remember that we are all one.

We are all in this together. This time is not about a split; it’s not about separation, it’s about integration. And there are those of you who recognize that. You recognize that your life has not been about getting rid of aspects of yourself. Your life has been about making peace with the lower vibrational aspects of self. Your life has been about integrating the parts of you that you have felt ashamed of in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes.

This time that you are in now is about showing others the way, but it is also about showing them the way because you are demonstrating how it is done. Just telling others to wake up or telling them that extra-terrestrials are real, these strategies do not work. You are not there to convert anyone. You are there to demonstrate to everyone what is possible when you are in alignment with what is going on energetically. And if you can feel the solstice energies propelling you, catapulting you forward on your journey to the fifth dimension, then you deserve to be in a leadership role.

There are so many at this time who are looking for anyone to set a good example, an example of how to live in a time that seems so chaotic and so filled with people who are at each other’s throats. If you want to solidify your position as one who is in the first wave of ascension, then rise above the divisiveness, the pettiness, the resentment, and the rage that is so omnipresent on your world at this time. Show the rest of humanity that it’s possible to rise above it, to thrive even in these tumultuous times, and show everyone else who they are by being more of who you are, which is of course, unconditional love. And you are that on every single day of the year.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


