
【大角星】《1》 2020年12月的大規模覺醒者;《2》這與滿月或月蝕無關(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.2020年12月的大規模覺醒者 (20201130)
《2》.這與滿月或月蝕無關 (20201201)
#DanielScranton #iam66 





The Mass Awakenings of December 2020 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel you all making, as you continue on there during this very challenging time that you have on Earth. We are seeing more and more people awakening every single day, and they are a part of a mass awakening that was guaranteed to be a part of this calendar year that you have been in. More time spent by oneself means a greater likelihood for the expansion of consciousness.

You have had time to reflect there on Earth, and it is really starting to pay off amongst the unawakened who have begun to wake up. Now comes the part where they start looking for guidance, validation, and confirmation. You all have been providing the rest of humankind with your energy, your vibration, and the higher level of consciousness. You have been contributing to so many and in so many ways there on your world, but as this calendar year winds down, and you begin to explore the possibilities for 2021, you are going to find yourselves in higher demand.

Now is not the time to hide your light; now is the time to shine your light. People are looking for you. People who are just waking up will not know the things that you now take for granted, and trust us when we say that you have more to offer than you think. Because you live in the vibration you live in all the time, you don’t think it’s a very big deal to be where you are, spiritually. You get caught up in what you haven’t been able to accomplish yet spiritually, when you really need to be focusing on what you have already accomplished and what you have to give.

If you can start focusing on your strengths, you will light up even more to the newly awakened, and you will be able to be of greater service because of that willingness, a willingness to simply be who you are. Show this world what you are made of. Let people feel the love that you all channel every single day, and let them flock to you, because now is the time to step up and be the leaders that you were always meant to be in this lifetime.

The mass awakenings that will occur in your month of December are going to be staggering and beautiful to behold. And we just want to prepare those of you who can be of greater service so that you are ready to play the roles of the healers, the guides, and the leaders in this movement of ascension that you are right now accelerating with that willingness to go within and explore every aspect of your consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:這與滿月或月蝕無關 .


我們不想將全部功勞歸功於自己。我們不想將絕大部分(lion’s share)的功勞交給滿月,月蝕或其他任何正在發生的天體事件地點。我們要給你們信任,因為你們是創造現實的人,而創造現實的第一方面就是振動。當你們在意識發展中取得飛躍時,你們就是值得給予榮譽的人。


It’s Not About the Full Moon or the Eclipse ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very sophisticated in our analysis of the overall vibration of humankind. We are able to analyze the little shifts that you make as you ascend, and we are able to see what spurs these little shifts on inside of all of you. Lately, we have noticed that you are shifting and spiking because you are doing so much work on yourselves, and you are getting so much further along than you would have if you weren’t in the current set of circumstances you are in.

We don’t want to give all of the credit to ourselves, or the energies coming in. We don’t want to give the lion’s share of the credit to a full moon, an eclipse, or any other celestial event that has been taking place. We want to give you the credit because you are the ones who create your reality, and the first aspect of your reality that you create is your vibration. When you make leaps forward in your consciousness evolution, you are the ones who deserve the credit.

Certainly, you can get a boost from a full moon, from a solstice, or some solar activity, but you are still the ones who have to remain open enough to receive and who have to take what you are getting and do something with it. We have seen a tremendous amount of clearing going on in the human collective. You are clearing your fears of mortality, your fears of dying a traumatic death, your fears of being impoverished, or a financial collapse in your economic system. You are processing so much because you are in the middle of a crisis there on Earth.

And the crisis was created by all of you, not orchestrated by someone else or some group. You are powerful beings who use your consciousness, your energy, and your vibration to create realities that you know will serve you, realities that you know will catapult you into the next level of your spiritual evolution. And that is what you have done as a collective, and now is the time to begin to reap the rewards of having lived through all of the cleansing, all of the purging, all of the processing that you’ve been doing as individuals and as a collective.

You are now reaching a point where you are ready to surpass where you were as a collective at the time of Atlantis. You are ready to move past that way of being, that us-versus-them mentality. You are ready to move past the great divide and move into a time of unity consciousness, where you can accept whatever someone else believes and know that their beliefs are not a threat to you, not a threat to your survival, and certainly not a threat to your beliefs.

You create your reality, and you let everyone else create theirs. That is the fifth-dimensional way, and we have seen you moving towards that fifth-dimensional way in leaps and bounds over the past several days. You will get there, and it doesn’t matter what’s going on outside of you. Pay more attention to what’s going on inside of you so that you can be a part of the awakened collective that takes all of the energies you are given and morphs those energies into gold.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


