

傳導作者:Leslie-Anne Menzies
譯者:Nick Chan、荷光*凱.
#LeslieAnneMenzies #NickChan

(1).關於 :能量波.
傳導作者:Leslie-Anne Menzies.
譯者:Nick Chan.

Dear Ones,

Massive energies and Light Codes swept in with the recent Full Moon. Sleep was not an option for many, and will continue as such for the next couple of days/nights. So much integration of LIGHT taking place within and around you. You are the transitional team for change, and you are riding these energetic waves like a Master.

Many eons ago, when we communicated how these times may emerge, during this great shift of Human Evolution, it was agreed we would ALL walk through these days together. We, unseen and mostly unheard until you began to reawaken and reactivate memories of what would unfold in these most magnificent times. You began to “feel” us once again through synchronistic events playing out in your lives. You have taken up the mantle for Humanities well being and you have mostly traversed these times blind-folded. The blind-folds have been removed and so much TRUTH is unravelling for ALL to see and no longer deny.

It has not been an easy ride for those who stepped out on the front line, but the rewards are tremendous. You have had extraordinary experiences, on this surface level they appeared to be so devastating they took you to your core, broke you open, allowing the LOVE YOU ARE to shine forth.

Dear Ones, many of you were taken to the depths of despair in this lifetime. You felt so often that you were alone in all these challenges. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH. The Veil was impenetrable in those early times and it was only when you reached out in faith and belief you began to break down the walls of Illusion, allowing ALL who came after, to see more clearly.

Now the Veil is ultra thin Dear Hearts and it is only a matter of time before ALL see the reality of who You and they truly ARE and you will then know beyond any doubt that separation was and is an Illusion. YOU willingly placed the veil so that you could experience the contrast, dissolve it, and return once again back to WHOLENESS.

Dear Ones, we remind you, that YOU ARE the GREATEST of ANGELS to EVER step out into the darkness and then through all your trials, disappointments, belief in lack, limitation, feeling unloved, unloveable and alone you set about step by step to release all the limitations. Then learning to open your hearts once more and return to the LOVE THAT YOU ARE and proceed to Anchor the LOVE AND LIGHT of Creation back to a desolate planet floundering in despair.

Dear Ones, because of your bravery and breaking off the shackles of darkness, your belief that there WAS AND IS a better way for ALL Humanity to LIVE AND LOVE on your Planet YOU have been victorious, and ALL humanity will benefit from those who dared to step out and lead the way.

Dear Hearts your rewards are Divine.

You are clearing out fear from your bodies and allowing only LOVE to reside within that space.

Dear Ones, We know, how this has all played out because we have been with you every step of the way! We know, how arduous this lifetime has been. Now it is time to reap the rewards you always knew were coming.

Indeed, what has transpired took longer than any of us could have imagined. We remind you this has always been a Planet of Free Will and therefore we were unable to interfere unless it was for the Highest Good of all concerned. However, you have continued to move forward no matter what played out before you, and for this you are truly honoured.

Now is the time to rejoice Dear Hearts.

Breathe deeply – release the last vestiges of the old world – breathe in these Powerful New Energies of Divine Creation.

LOVE, PEACE, ABUNDANCE FOR ALL Beings, is the order of this New Earth.

You will once again reign in Glory Dear Ones, and it is so.

In LOVE AND LIGHT, you are creating In LOVE AND LIGHT, you will THRIVE.

And so it is.


(2).關於 你的獎賞是神聖的.
傳導作者:Leslie-Anne Menzies.

巨大的能量和光的編碼掃過近期的滿月。對於許多人來說,不再選擇沉睡,在接下來的幾個白天 / 晚上,會持續下去。在你的內在和周圍發生了如此多的光的融合。你們是轉變的過渡團隊,你們像大師一樣駕馭著這些能量波。
Dear Ones,
Massive energies and Light Codes swept in with the recent FullMoon. Sleep was not an option for many, and will continue as such for the nextcouple of days/nights. So much integration of LIGHT taking place within andaround you. You are thetransitional team for change, and you are riding these energetic waves like aMaster.

許多世代以前,當我們講述這個時代是如何顯化時,在人類進化的巨大轉變中,我們一致認為我們將一起度過這些日子。我們未曾見到也未曾聽過,直到你現在開始重新喚醒並重新激活這些最輝煌的時代展開的記憶,你開始通過在你的生活中出現的同步事件再次 “ 感覺 ” 到我們。你已經揭開了人類幸福的劇幕,你已經幾乎穿越了這些遮蔽的時代。遮蔽已經被移除了,真相已被申明,所有看到的不再被否認。
Many eons ago, when we communicated how these times may emerge,during this great shift of Human Evolution, it was agreed we would ALL walkthrough these days together. We, unseen and mostly unheard until you began toreawaken and reactivate memories of what would unfold in these most magnificenttimes. You began to “feel” us once again through synchronistic events playingout in your lives. You have taken up the mantle for Humanities well being and you have mostly traversed thesetimes blind-folded. The blind-folds have been removed and so much TRUTH isunravelling for ALL to see and no longer deny.

It has not been an easy ride for those who stepped out on thefront line, but the rewards are tremendous. You have had extraordinaryexperiences, on this surface level they appeared to be so devastating they tookyou to your core, broke you open, allowing the LOVE YOUARE to shine forth.

Dear Ones,many of you were taken to the depths of despair in this lifetime. You felt sooften that you were alone in all these challenges. Nothing could be furtherfrom the TRUTH. The Veil was impenetrable in those early times and it was onlywhen you reached out in faith and belief you began to break down the walls ofIllusion, allowing ALL who came after, to see more clearly.

Now theVeil is ultra thin Dear Hearts and it is only a matter of time before ALL seethe reality of who You and they truly ARE and you will then know beyond anydoubt that separation was and is an Illusion. YOU willingly placed the veil sothat you could experience the contrast, dissolve it, and return once again backto WHOLENESS.

Dear Ones,we remind you, that YOU ARE the GREATEST of ANGELS to EVER step out into thedarkness and then through all your trials, disappointments, belief in lack,limitation, feeling unloved, unloveable and alone you set about step by step torelease all the limitations. Then learning to open your hearts once more andreturn to the LOVE THAT YOU ARE and  proceed to Anchor the LOVE AND LIGHT of Creation back to a desolate planet floundering in despair.

Dear Ones, because of your bravery and breaking off the shacklesof darkness, your belief that there WAS AND IS abetter way for ALL Humanity to LIVE AND LOVE on your Planet YOU have beenvictorious, and ALL humanity will benefit from those who dared to step out andlead the way.

DearHearts your rewards are Divine.

You areclearing out fear from your bodies and allowing only LOVE to reside within thatspace.

Dear Ones,We know, how this has all played out because we have been with you every stepof the way! We know, how arduous this lifetime has been. Now it is time to reapthe rewards you always knew were coming.

Indeed,what has transpired took longer than any of us could have imagined. We remindyou this has always been a Planet of Free Will and therefore we were unable tointerfere unless it was for the Highest Good of all concerned. However, youhave continued to move forward no matter what played out before you, and forthis you are truly honoured.

Now is thetime to rejoice Dear Hearts.

深呼吸 —— 釋放舊世界的最後殘留 —— 呼吸神聖造物主強大的新能量。
Breathedeeply – release the last vestiges of the old world – breathe in these PowerfulNew Energies of Divine Creation.

LOVE,PEACE, ABUNDANCE FOR ALL Beings, is the order of this New Earth.

You willonce again reign in Glory Dear Ones, and it is so.

In LOVEAND LIGHT, you are creating


 And so itis.


