

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.我們為你們引導的能量正環繞著你們 (20201117)
《2》.將會有事件或太陽閃耀發生嗎? (20201118)
#DanielScranton #iam66 







Energies We’ve Channeled That Are All Around You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very capable of handling all of the energies that come to us from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions, as well as the energies that come directly from Source. We often receive energies that we then send along to all of you. We are very much like the energy healers that you have there on Earth. They also receive energies from the higher-dimensional planes, run those energies through their bodies, and then deliver them to another person or persons.

We know that the energies we receive are for you, because we know what you are asking for. We also know how to recalibrate those energies, based on your very last moment in existence. We are that responsive to your needs and your desires, and we are just one group of many who are looking out for you in this way. So why then do you feel the need to work so hard and to struggle so much? You were taught to believe that the weight of the world is on your shoulders and that you must toil away at some task or some job in order to receive anything that you want in life.

This idea is reinforced to you over and over again throughout your lives, and it is based upon the notion that you are all alone, that no one is looking out for you. Perhaps you were taught that you had a guardian angel, or that you could pray to God or Jesus Christ, but very few individuals were raised with the understanding that they deserve whatever they are summoning, simply because they exist.

You are there now to change the way that the human collective consciousness thinks about itself, about its worthiness, and whether struggling and toiling away is virtuous. Those of you who have struggled and toiled away know that there is very little reward for extremely hard labor.

You are there to bring new light to the way that humanity thinks about its relationship to the higher realms, to the nonphysical, to all the beings and collectives who want nothing more than to help you. Helping you and others is one of the main reasons why we still exist in this universe at all. We are tied to you, and so are all of the other beings and collectives in the higher realms. Your success is our success. We see and know that there is no separation between any of us in the entire universe.

And so, we wonder what it will take to convince you that what we are saying is true and that you can simply open up to receive all of the energies you have summoned and more. Often a human being will only do this when they hit rock bottom or when something forces them to give up and surrender. And in those moments there is a releasing of resistance that is so powerful that you let the floodgates open and you become a vibrational match to that which you have summoned.

We invite you to feel for these energies now. They are all around you. They have come from the highest of the high points in this universe. We have channeled them, and now they are yours for the taking. Please accept our generous donations.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”







Will There Be an Event or a Solar Flash? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to share with you the following transmission because we know that you all need praise and encouragement to keep going at times there on Earth. We love you so very much, and we want only the best for you. And we want you to understand that your higher selves also only want what is best for you. You are your higher selves, and your higher selves are you, but they are the part of you that has moved beyond the egoic needs. Your higher self is the part of you that knows your survival is assured. It’s the part of you that looks for the challenges, for the next ideal growth experiences.

Therefore, nothing will ever come to you that your higher self didn’t feel was the next best thing for you to face in your lives. Remember that the next time you are resisting something or shaking your fist in the air. It is no one and nothing outside of you that has put that challenge in front of you. Now is the time to let go of fear, separation, judgment, resistance, and shame, because those are the things that keep you from simply knowing that you are your higher self.

The doorway to the fifth dimension is not out there somewhere. It is not an event that takes place outside of you. It is not a solar flash. It is you. It is you opening that doorway on such a consistent basis that you forget all about what you were afraid of, or what you were judging or resisting. We want you to have a selective memory and selective attention so that you can allow that which is the true you to come forward and not only be a part of this beautiful planet Earth, but also we invite you to see yourselves as the ones who are there to set the example to others of how to be and how to thrive.

Will there be an event or a solar flash, or something like that at some point in the future? Possibly. But will it matter to those of you who have discovered the portal that exists within you, a portal that takes you directly to your fifth dimensional self? It will not. Therefore, we want to steer you away from predictions and prophecies and steer you back into yourselves, because your fifth dimensional higher self is certainly looking for more integration, not more separation.

Your fifth dimensional higher self is not looking to board a spaceship to get off of your crazy world and get away from those who are ruining it for everyone, and that is because your fifth dimensional higher self enjoys the challenge so much of staying and transforming the collective consciousness within it. Be love that is so undeniable that you transform every single person, every single being that is in your path and that even hears about you from another. That experience is far more powerful than something happening outside of you to rescue you from yourselves, from each other, from those you disagree with.

Now is the time to get more heart centered than you have ever been before and to shine that light from within your heart brighter than you have ever let it shine before. That is the most satisfying experience that you can have right now, and it has never been more available to you than it is right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


