

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.天使在你們的能量場中置入了什麼? (20201104)
《2》.在何種狀態下如何為你們揚升服務 (20201105)
《3》.黑暗存有的業力 (20201106)
#DanielScranton #iam66 





我們希望你們知道我們能感應到天使般的能量,特別是大天使,現在與你們合作並為你們工作。我們已經注意到天使主義者如何加強(stepped up their game)並一直以同情心給你們,以及在你們的領域中施加更高的振動能量,從而為你們提供冬至至年底所需的額外動力。

當然,始終會為你們提供支持,但是有時你們需要更多的特定幫助,將能量用於特定目的,而現在正是其中之一。而且由於來自不同領域的許多人與天使們有聯繫,因此,當你們從上方收到這些愛心禮物(care packages)時,你們將獲得比平時更多的收益。我們知道,你們將繼續對即將來臨的愛和光敞開自己的大門,因為在許多情況下,你們無事可做,並且你們還將一次又一次地向自己證明,當你們坐下來,放鬆,並允許你們召喚所有的東西。

現在是時候放慢你的思想和行動,適應你的情緒,振動,讓自己過上最重要的生命來幫助自己。在這些時期,你們給許多更高維度的存有留下了深刻的印象,但我們希望你們為自己感到自豪。我們希望你們對自己的表現感到滿意,因為這個日曆年不僅充滿挑戰,而且人類會像你們所知道的那樣繼續加緊發揮你們的天賦(step up and answer the call)。
What the Angelics Are Putting in Your Energy Fields ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very impressed by all of you and the way that you have handled yourselves throughout this very tumultuous calendar year. We want to assure you that you will be rewarded by the Universe. You will be rewarded by your Higher Selves. You will be rewarded by yourselves, as you have continuously found ways to release negative energies, blockages, old beliefs, and so much more, making yourselves the ideal vessels for the energies that are continuing to come in to cradle you in light and love at this time.

You are readying yourselves for a much brighter future, one where you make gigantic leaps and bounds in the evolution of your consciousness as individuals and as a collective. You are opening yourselves up to myriad possibilities as you continue to trudge forward through the harsh circumstances that you face in your world and in your lives.

We want you to know that we sense the angelic energies, and the Archangels specifically, working with you and working on you at this time. We have noticed how the angelics have stepped up their game and have been showering you with their compassion, as well as putting higher vibrational energy in your fields to give you that added boost that you need to make it to the solstice and the end of this calendar year.

You are always supported, of course, but there are times when you need more specific help, energies that are targeted for specific purposes, and now is one of those times. And because so many people from so many walks of life have relationships with the angelics, you are in a position to receive more than you usually do when you are sent these care packages from above. We know that you will continue to open yourselves to the love and light that is coming in, because in many cases, there is nothing else for you to do, and you also are demonstrating to yourselves time and time again how effective it is when you sit back, relax, and allow in all that you have summoned.

Now is a time to be slowing down your minds and your actions, tuning in to your emotions, your vibration, and letting yourselves be helped by beings who live to do that above all else. You have impressed so many higher dimensional beings during these times, but we want you to feel pride in yourselves. We want you to acknowledge yourselves for how well you are doing, because this calendar year has been more than just challenging, and humanity continues to step up and answer the call, just as you knew you would.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”






我們鼓勵你們對自己感到放鬆或足夠專注於某種東西以佔據自己的頭腦時的時間進行心理記錄,然後招喚(call ou)給我們並告訴我們這是你們該接受我們為你們提供的服務的時候了。我們確實將你們每個人都視為個人。我們不只是利用那些時間來散佈整個集體的能量。我們喜歡與個人合作。我們喜歡你收到我們的方式,我們所提供的服務以及你們的讚賞。

How Your Ascension Symptoms Serve You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to discover new ways of getting through to you directly, when we are not speaking through this channel here. We have noticed that you all do tend to open up to us more when you are tired, and that is one of the reasons why you all decided to make tiredness one of your primary ascension. You all knew that you would need something physical to get you to slow down, and you also knew that you would be at your most receptive when you were at your least mind-oriented.

Ideally, everyone would be quieting their minds on purpose several times throughout the day and in mediation, but since you all lead such busy and hectic lives, you sometimes need to tire yourselves out. Another time when we find it easiest to connect with you is when you are bathing, and that is true whether you are taking a shower or a bath. This is another time when you tend to relax more and open yourselves up, and the water also helps to insulate you and to clear your energy fields.

Another time, believe it or not, when you are more likely to receive from us is when you are reading. Reading requires you to focus your minds on something other than what you are worrying about, or a conversation with someone that is upsetting you. While you are driving your cars is another time when we find you to be easier to reach, and that is because driving is also requiring a certain amount of focus from you, and it can be quite meditative. Knowing that we are taking advantage of all of these times to connect with you and to give you downloads for us and for you, as we know that you are interested in receiving from us all that you can.

We encourage you to make a mental note of the times when you feel relaxed or focused enough on something to occupy your minds, and then call out to us and tell us that this is your time to receive what it is that we are offering you. And we do see each of you as individuals. We are not just using those times to sprinkle in energies that are for the entire collective. We love working with individual humans. We love the way that you receive us and what we have to offer and how appreciative you are.

We are all in this together. We will work with your guides and your higher selves, and all of the other beings around you. We are a part of your team if you are receiving this transmission, and we know that more and more of you are receiving them every day. That alone gives us a tremendous amount of joy, appreciation, and hope for humanity. We have a knowing that you are going to complete this shift in consciousness. We just hope that you do it with more ease, more joy, and more grace, as you continue along on your journeys to the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”








記住自己的真實身份的一種方法是在你們的行動中有如的源頭的能量。成為內心的愛,並且知道當你經歷內心的愛時,除了別的原因,它會感到榮耀。愛一個可愛的人是很容易的,當然你可以從那裡開始。但是,我們希望你們到了不希望那種感受消失的地步。因此,你們一直將它提供給與你們的相遇(crosses your path)的任何人。
The Karma of the Beings of Darkness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone who is there on Earth at this time, regardless of who they are, what they have done, and whether they are playing the role of a being of light or a being of darkness. We keep telling you that we are all in this together, and that includes those who are playing the role of the dark ones. They agreed to be the villains for all of you, in spite of the fact that they knew they would have to pay off their karma if they were going to ascend in this lifetime. And if they do not ascend in this lifetime, they will have to go back to a third-dimensional reality to pay off that karma that they are accumulating at this time.

That’s why it is so important that those who are playing the role of the dark ones have you. You are the ones who can forgive them, show them compassion, and uplift them with your light, with your positive energy. You can save them. You can bring them with you, or you can condemn or vilify them, which only lowers your vibration, making your ascension an event that will take place even further in the future. Therefore, we recommend the forgiveness path, because we know that you all want to ascend, and you all want to ascend quickly.

One of the reasons why many people want to ascend is to escape reality. Many just want to live on a world where they don’t have to do any of that hard work of forgiveness and offering compassion to those who have wronged them or others. We understand that; we still admire and respect everyone there on Earth, no matter what their point of view, because it is hard to be there, but what we are giving you and what we will always give you is the easier path.

We will always tell you which path has more joy on it, which is the shorter path, and which is the path that allows you to be more of who you are. You don’t want to just ascend because you didn’t do anything wrong. You want to ascend and feel the satisfaction of having taken such a high road that you were able to bring those around you with you who otherwise would not be able to make that journey.

So when you are thinking about what you can do to be of more service, or what you can do to accelerate the ascension process, the answer is easy. You can forgive, rather than condemn. You can look for the light within everyone. See them as Source Energy, and actually appreciate them for taking an even harder path than the one that you are on. Those who are playing the role of the dark ones feel even more separate from Source than the average awakened person who has their doubts at times, or who forgets who they really are.

One way to remember who you really are is to be Source Energy in action. Be the love that you have inside of you, and know that the love you have inside of you feels glorious when it is coming through you for no other reason than that you summoned it. It is very easy to love someone who is lovable, and certainly you want to start there. But we hope that you get to the point where you don’t want that feeling to go away. So you keep giving it to anyone and everyone who crosses your path.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


