

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.你們在11/11上接收到的身體升級 (20201113)
《2》.引導12月21日的下載,升級和活化 (20201114)
#DanielScranton #iam66 



我們很高興人類一直以來一直在為你們提供升級服務。你們已經升級了中央通道(central channels),以便你們可以通過身體和七個主要脈輪消耗更多的能量,而不會增加你們的任何方面的負擔。這是計劃中的升級,已於11/11完成,這在很大程度上是由於大家都希望在該特定日期進行更改。有一個空缺(opening),較高領域的人看到了這個空缺,並利用它為你們提供了非常及時的升級。這是非常及時的,因為此時更多的高維存有正在接觸人類,甚至從未接觸過的人類。
此時還需要將更多的能量扎入你們的身體和大地母親體內。因此,你們會看到,即使你們無意或無意引導其他存有,也可以使用這些中心通道。你們可以將更高維度的能量傳導到你們的身體以及大地母親的網格系統(grid system)中。


我們鼓勵你們使用新升級的中央通道(central channel)接收更多能量和信息,更多治療,更多愛心,以及更多更高維度的內容。你們現在有能力在地球上做很多事情,只需獨自一人坐在家裡,並通過中央通道參與能量的運行即可。這輩子與你們的工作無關;關於你成為誰。而發展的最佳方式就是感受。

The Upgrades You Received on 11/11 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the way humanity has been allowing for an upgrade that has been a long time in coming to you. You have had your central channels upgraded so that you can run more energy through your physical bodies and through your seven main chakras without overtaxing any aspect of you. This was a planned upgrade that was finalized on 11/11, due in large part to the expectation that you all have for change to occur on that particular date. There was an opening, and those of us in the higher realms saw it and took advantage of it to grant you this very timely upgrade. It is very timely because so many more higher-dimensional beings are reaching out at this time to humans, even ones who have never channeled before.

There is a need for more energy to be grounded in your physical bodies and into Mother Earth at this time as well. So you see, you can use these central channels even if you have no intention, or no desire, to channel other beings. You can just channel higher-dimensional energies into your bodies and into Mother Earth’s grid system.

There are always many ways to be of service and many ways to use your many parts. Your central channel is not talked about enough; it’s not even known about by most. But it is that tubing of sorts that stretches from the top of your crown to the base of your spine, and you all have the ability to tune to in to it and feel for the upgrades we are talking about right now. In fact, we urge you to do so. We want you to do more than just walk away from this transmission feeling that something has happened to you that is a good thing

We encourage you to use your newly upgraded central channels to access more energy and information, more healing, more love, more of everything that is higher dimensional. You have the ability to do so much good on Earth at this time, just by sitting at home alone and participating in the running of energy through your central channel. This lifetime is not about what you do; it’s about who you are becoming. And the best way for you to evolve is for you to feel.

If you can feel higher-dimensional energy moving through your physical body, then you will want to continue to have that experience, and you can become an instrument of this benevolent universe that is looking for more of you who are looking those of you who are ready to take in more of its love and light. And in the higher-dimensional planes there are so many beings and collectives who want to connect with those like you who are awake and who are ready to make the big changes on your world that you all want to see, changes that include full and open extra-terrestrial contact. You are the ones who are being invited to being about those changes with more ease and more joy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





這就是為什麼我們將不斷邀請你們去做給你們帶來最大喜悅的事情,為你們點亮並開啟你們的力量。我們將繼續邀請你們自我觀察內在(look within yourselves),與自然和大地母親建立聯繫,我們這樣做是因為我們知道,當你們處於更加放鬆或更加快樂的狀態時,你們會更容易接受自己想要的東西,我們想給你的。但是,如果你們通過探索最新的陰謀論繼續削弱自己的能力,那麼你們將被束之高閣,避免有人在部落格寫陰謀論。

你們必須信任自己,更高的自我,我們在更高領域的所有人以及整個宇宙,而不是相信別人告訴你們的是“計劃”。你們一直都是計劃。一直以來,你們一直是第一個覺醒來並將其他人類帶入第五維度黃金時代的人,但是你們必須讓自己順其自然(your own natural),靈性的進化有所幫助。當我們和其他像我們一樣的存有給你們我們給你們的東西時,我們只是在為你們發揮作用。實際上,你們正在做所有的計劃和編排。你們就是那些拉緊一切的人,你們越能使自己相信別人正在這樣做,你們就越能體會到這種現實。

Downloads, Upgrades & Activations Leading to Dec. 21st ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are watching and waiting for the right opportunities to bring you even more of the downloads, upgrades & activations that you have been asking for and that we know you need to thrive there on Earth. We are always willing to give, but you have to be available to receive what we are giving. We know that December 21st will be one of those times where we will have the opportunity to share with you more of what you’ve been asking for, because you will be ready. You will be expecting something big, and that expectation opens you up, puts you in a state where you are more receptive.

Then there’s all the time in between now and then, where we will have to look for the opportunities. One of the reasons why we tell you to tune out from all that is being speculated about on the Internet is because when you are in your heads and out of your bodies, you are not very receptive. When you are tense, or even afraid, you are not very receptive. When you are angry about something that may or may not happen, you are not very receptive. When you are angry about something that isn’t even true in your reality, you are also not very receptive.

That is why we will continuously invite you to do what brings you the most joy, what lights you up and turns you on. We will continue to invite you to look within yourselves, to connect with nature and Mother Earth, and we will do so because we know that when you are in a more relaxed or more joyous state, you are far more receptive to what you want and what we want to give you. But if you continue to disempower yourselves by exploring the latest conspiracy theory, then you are going to be closed off to what could ultimately help you and everyone else on Earth avoid that scenario that someone is blogging about.

You have got to trust in yourselves, your higher selves, all of us in the higher realms, and the universe, rather than trusting in what someone else tells you is ‘the plan.’ You have always been the plan. You have always been the ones who were going to wake up first and lead the rest of humanity into the golden age of the fifth dimension, but you have to make yourselves available to your own natural, spiritual evolution. When we and others like us give you what we are giving you, we are just playing a role for you. It is really you doing all of the planning and orchestrating. You are the ones pulling all of the strings, and the more you convince yourselves that someone else is doing it, the more you experience that reality.

So please let us help you in between 11/11 and December 21st. We are more than willing to give you all that you are asking for and more, but you have to be in the ready position in order to get what is rightfully yours and your creation. Have fun. Be the light. Love somebody. Connect with an animal, a tree, or the ground, and do us all a favor by relaxing and enjoying the moment you are in.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


