

【耶穌‧薩南達】譯者:Nick Chan
《1》.地球會被交還給人類 (20200925)
《2》.天堂正在臨近 (20200928)

《1》.關於 地球會被交還給人類.
傳導:Jahn J Kassl.
譯者:Nick Chan.


Beings of various origins and from various regions of this galaxy currently inhabit this earth – a planet that is the home of humanity.


Beloved humans,

This fact is at the root of current events and upheavals. Because these beings, even though they act like human beings and appear to be human, don’t belong in this world – and yet they are omnipresent.

These individual and collective souls were allowed to live a life on this earth at this time so that they can be part of the process of elevation. At the same time these forces contribute to the awakening of human beings. Because the more unbearable the situation becomes to the individual who is rooted in this earth, the more readily that individual opens up to the light.

More and more people who have started, act out or wish to end an entire cycle of incarnations on this earth, are now being reminded of their origin because of the current situation here on earth. Because no human being, no matter which developmental phase that individual is in, is capable of such abuse of the earth and all life that he was entrusted with and took guardianship of.

So know this: This planet is being exploited by forces that reside here as guests and whose presence is temporary.

Their goal, however, is to shape a “human collective” that fits their purpose and to subdue it. This would mean that this earth is at the disposal of further populations from the infinite realm of Being for their destructive purposes until it is destroyed completely.

This will not happen, because the big clean-up and cleansing is in full process.

The earth will be returned to humanity.

Therefore view everything you are experiencing on this earth as the last battle that uncovers the dark forces and reveals their true ambitions.


You are wondering: “Why can human beings be so evil?”

I’ll give you the answer here and now: Because either they were taken over by the collective spirit of the dark forces, or they belong to non-human populations living a “life as guests” on earth.

Now the time has come to say goodbye for many of these destructive beings. They are banned from this planet on their own account or with the help of cosmic light forces.

In the future, human beings – to whom planet earth has been their home throughout many incarnations – will live amongst themselves peacefully. That way you can act out the experiences you wish for and complete your cycle of incarnation without interference.

A new and glorious time has begun – and even if the end is not foreseeable to many yet, it has arrived anyhow: the end for those who do harm to this earth and try to get humanity under their control.

Your contribution for a smooth transition

What can you contribute to a smooth transition?

Pay attention to your own frequency. Don’t let anybody bring you down to levels that are foreign to your human nature and harmful to your soul. Preserve your inner peace – let those fight wars who consider them a solution, but you yourself keep your distance from it.

Be present by living a counter-concept to this matrix – inside and out. Don’t give in to the collective but stay true to yourself. This keeps unwanted guests at bay and leads fellow human beings to you.

Don’t make a big fuss about what you think, feel and perceive. Know that you are the guardian of all that is alive on this planet, and dedicate yourself fully to this mission.

You don’t need to do anything other than live your life as a human being and live your missions as an individual. All else is taken care of.


I am amongst you.

《2》.關於 天堂正在臨近 .
傳導:James McConnell.
譯者:Nick Chan.

I am Sananda.

I come at this time in these special moments that you find yourselves in now. Special in many respects.

True, you look out, and it does not seem so special. In fact, everything seems to be coming apart. And indeed, it is coming apart. You have a saying within your social structure, ‘all hell is breaking loose.” And as you look out at the various fires that are occurring in your western part of this country, and you look out at other areas of the country and the world itself, many of the other countries, and things do appear to be falling apart and going to hell.

But the saying, “all hell is breaking loose”—we change it now, I change it now, to “all heaven is coming forth.” Heaven on Earth is coming. It is already here for those that can see it. For those that have the eyes, the third eye open, that they can see now heaven approaching, and indeed it is. Heaven is all around you if you but look and see it.

Some of you said on your call earlier in your discussion that you were talking to the animals, talking to the insects. That you feel the energy from nature. That you can communicate with nature, and indeed you can. Nature has always been there for you to communicate with.

But you lost the connection, or you believe you lost the connection, because of your social structure. Because of everything that you’ve been told since the time you were born until the time you find yourselves in now.

But my friends, Light has returned to the Earth. Light Is coming back into everyone. Everyone who is open to the Light is now taking the Light within themselves. Light is transforming all of this planet, all of this solar system, and indeed this galaxy itself. Light has returned. Love has returned.

Love incarnate from the very beginning of creation, as some of you felt, as you not listened to those words, for they were not words, but as you felt the energy coming as this Dear One spoke the original language (Light Language spoken prior to this channeled message), the original language that became all of the languages following it. The original language. And you are now experiencing those codes that are carried in that light and are now transforming every single one of you in these moments now as your DNA itself is becoming restructured and reconnected. It is already happening at the higher levels of your being.

It has not transformed yet down into your three-dimensional body, but it shall, as the great light comes forth from the Great Central Sun in the form of the Great Solar Flash, The Event. Your bodies, your physical bodies at that time, will be transformed into more of light; not fully, not fully as the Ascension will bring, but much more than what it is now, as you are more and more being able to anchor more and more light, holding the light, yes spreading the light wherever you can.

But that is what you came here to do. That is your mission: to hold it, to anchor it, and then share it and spread it everywhere. Indeed, you are all doing that at various levels, some more demonstrative than others. Even your being on these calls each and every week is having a profound effect, not only on yourself, but on all of those around you as you move throughout your lives and mingle in with those that are not yet of the light, or not fully of the light in the sense that they have not yet awakened. But your light, if it just comes within their midst, begins their awakening process. Know that. Know that you have that power within you, have always had it.

But now you are coming more and more to understand that that power deep within you is coming forth now more and more. And you are able to say to your brothers and your sisters, “look at me, I am free.” Just as you also can be free.

Saint Germain speaks of Independence Day. And, indeed, you are all moving to that point of your Independence Day. It is not so much a day that will dawn, but an entire new creation that shall dawn, a new creation that all of you are having a part in playing in bringing about.

All you need to do is continue to trust in yourselves, trust in your brothers and sisters around you, trust in the plan, trust in the Alliance, trust in the Galactics, the Ascended Masters, the Agarthans. Trust in all of the Company of Heaven who continue to assist you and bring you through these times, these times that on the outside, again, appear to be a hell that is being created, but in reality, it is a heaven that is coming forth.

I am Sananda. I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you will continue to reach out and share all that you have learned, all that you are continuing to learn, and all that you are becoming and have always been. Peace and love be with all of you.


