

傳導作者:丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓(Daniel Scranton)
《1》.希望人類分裂的神祕力量 (20201023)
《2》.前所未有人類獲得更多來自銀河系援助 (20201024)
《3》.人類與外星人歷史 (20201025)
#DanielScranton #iam66

《1》.關於:希望人類分裂的神祕力量 .




到現在,你們已經無法信任父母和祖父母信任的信息來源。因此,你們必須依靠邊緣份子(fringe elements),即對自己的身份和所知道的內容進行各種主張的人們,但是即使這些來源也受到了污染,並且顯然正在尋求更多的分歧,更多地是一種“我們與他們”的心態。作為覺醒的集體,你們必須能夠在每個人中看到善良,無論他們相信什麼,無論他們支持誰。你們必須給每個人機會,向你們展示他們的真實身份與自己,而不僅僅是因為他們當前正在與哪個政黨或意識形態保持一致而解僱他們。



Secret Forces that Want Humanity Divided ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been impressed by humanity’s fortitude in the face of so many oppressors throughout your history. You have continued to persevere in the face of powerful individuals and groups who want to keep you down, who want to keep you in the dark. Now, many who are awake have learned about this oppression that is going on from unseen forces, oppression that doesn’t even show its face to you. But you have learned about these oppressors, and you have gotten angry, sad and afraid, because of what they have done and because of what they might do next.

These beings and groups benefit from you being and feeling divided, pushing against each other, based on your beliefs, your gender, your sexuality, your skin color, your nationality, and any other factor they can use to keep humankind from realizing that you are powerful, powerful beings of love and light. It is their goal to have you feeling disempowered and then to put all of your faith in something outside of you, like a politician, or a political party. They don’t even care which one you support, as long as you think the other party is the root of all evil.

It has gotten to the point now where you cannot trust the sources of information that your parents and grandparents trusted. And so, you have to rely upon fringe elements, people who make all kinds of claims about who they are and what they know, but even these sources have become tainted and are clearly seeking more divisiveness, more of an us-versus-them mentality. You, as the awakened collective, must be able to see the good in everyone, no matter what they believe, no matter whom they are supporting. You must give everyone the opportunity to show you who they really are and not just dismiss them because of which political party or ideology they are aligning themselves with in the moment.

It is important to remember that you are all in this together, and we are all in this together, and what you are playing out now on your world is simply a rehashing of what has been played out throughout the galaxy many, many times. You did not create this issue of being polarized and divided all by yourselves. This was a planned part of your spiritual evolution, and it was known beforehand that there would be enough of you who are awake to rise above the polarization of humankind by these unseen beings and groups. And we say ‘beings’ because we know that they are not all human, and so do most of you.

So what does all of this mean for you, the one receiving this message? It means we are urging you to love your neighbor, no matter what. Love them unconditionally, and you will bring out the best of them. Hate them because of how they vote or how they worship Source, and you are more likely to experience the worst of not necessarily that individual that lives next door to you, but someone who is like them in some way.

We know that those of you who are awake can bring out the best in each other by sitting down with your fellow humans and talking about how you feel about what’s going on in your world. And if you can respect someone else’s feelings, and someone else as a Being of Source, you don’t have to agree with the conclusions they come to in order to connect with that person in a very real way. That is how you are all going to get past the current set of circumstances on your world, and you are going to become stronger as one human race, because of the efforts of a minority. You, the awakened collective, are that minority.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:前所未有人類獲得更多來自銀河系援助 .




More Galactic Assistance Than Ever for Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing humanity for so long that we feel as though we have become more like you, and we see that as a very good thing. Because of your suffering as individuals, and as a collective, you have developed more compassion and creativity. Now we feel more compassionate and creative because of our desire to first know you and then help you.

You inspire us with what you are living. We can see and feel how many of you want to help each other. We can see and feel how much you care and you desire a better Earth, a better society, a better human collective, and that’s how you have become more like us.

When we come through this particular channel, he cannot help but become more Arcturian, and we cannot help but see the world through his unique perspective. And he doesn’t even realize we’re doing that, but we are. The partnership between humanity and this particular ninth dimensional Arcturian collective of beings is so beautiful and so magical that together, we have inspired other collectives to start working with you more closely.

You are getting more galactic assistance than ever before, and the assistance that you are getting is not interfering with your own natural evolution. That is the difference between this era of human and extra-terrestrial commingling. We are doing it right this time, and we and others like us are the guardians who prevent interference as much as we possibly can so that you can grow and become your fifth-dimensional higher selves and experience that journey of doing it without a boost, without a jumpstart, but instead through your own living of life there on planet Earth. And we could not possibly be more proud of who you are now and of whom you are becoming.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:人類與外星人歷史 .




Human/Extra-Terrestrial History ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are excited about the uncovering of so much of your past history there on planet Earth. We can see that people are digging up little bits and pieces, little clues to let you know that your history is far more extensive and glorious than others throughout history have theorized. You will discover your extra-terrestrial roots through science, and this will pave the way for full, open contact with e.t.s. Once you recognize that you have already been visited and you have already been helped, it will be easier for individuals to set aside their fears and their prejudices, and it will be easier for all of you to open your arms, your minds, and your hearts to the other beings who want to connect with you, who want to play with you, and who want to co-create with you.

These are experiences that many individuals have been seeking for decades of their lives, and we can see you getting closer and closer to the realization that you have been visited and that you have been helped. You already have scientists who are discovering e.t. DNA within certain sea creatures, and those discoveries will continue. Eventually, the connection between your junk DNA, as they call it, and other beings will be established.

And you will continue to uncover the truth that there is life out there, even in your solar system, and certainly beyond. We know that none of this is news to those of you who are receiving this transmission. But we want to assure you that the findings of your scientists will continue to unlock the doors to a full and open contact experience for all of humanity. In the meantime, continue to look at the skies and analyze your dreams. Continue to see the evidence in your own lives of how beings from other parts of the galaxy are affecting you.

And we would suggest that you focus on the groups that are affecting you in a positive way, because they far outnumber those who seek to control and manipulate you. And when you band together with these positively-oriented e.t.s, you are very strong as a galactic collective.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


