

【大角星】 傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.新覺醒的人&地球上大規模變化 (20200929)
《2》.在地球上轉生之前所需要知道的內容 (20200930)
《3》.大角星委員會與新的天琴座聯盟 (20201001)
#DanielScranton #iam66

《1》.關於:新覺醒的人&地球上大規模變化 .



我們現在看到的是新覺醒來的對集體意識的連鎖反應。他們正在幫助你們進一步發展,因為現在比以往任何時候都更加需要清醒一段時間的人中的老師,領導者和天生的指導。你們中的許多人僅僅是通過保持高振動,與地球的能量網格一起工作,並拒絕被迫進入某種限制性類別(little neat pigeonhole)中來為人類服務,以使其他人在你們周圍感到舒適。



The Newly Awakened & Massive Changes on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very enthusiastic about all of the changes that you have coming there on planet Earth, and the reason why we are so eager to see these changes coming is that we know they are coming because of the newly awakened humans. This is been a year of so many awakenings. So many individuals have awakened because they had to stop doing for long enough to explore their being-ness.

What we are seeing now is the ripple effect that the newly awakened are having on the collective consciousness. They are helping you go even further in your development because there is now more than ever a huge need for those of you who have been awake for a while to be the teachers, the leaders, the guides that you were born to be. Many of you have been serving humanity simply by holding a high vibration, by working with the Earth’s energy grids, and by refusing to fit into a nice little neat pigeonhole so that others could feel comfortable around you.

Those of you who have maintained the light for humankind are going to be called into a different type of service in the coming months and years because the newly awakened need you. They need mentors. They need those who have already been through what they are going through. They are going to need support in the physical realm because they will find out just as you all did that there is very little support around most people who are waking up.

Usually you don’t have a lot of people around who are validating your experiences and telling you that you are on the right track. In fact, for most of you, it was just the opposite of that, and you want to give these newly awakened humans a better experience. You want to help them grow and evolve with as much joy as they can possibly flow through them. You want to be the ones who guide them back into themselves when they get too involved in someone else’s teachings.

It is the open-mindedness of the typical awakened soul that leads many down a path that they will later want to get off of, and you can help these individuals to focus on what’s important in their spiritual evolution. We know that you can. We know that you will, and we know that with your help, the newly awakened will bring about the massive changes that you’ve wanted to see there on Earth for quite some time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《2》.關於:在地球上轉生之前所需要知道的內容 .





What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing that when you raise your vibration as a collective, there is a certain amount of excitement that is generating for you throughout the entire galaxy. Every time we feel an uptick in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, we then feel the ripple effect, and it is inspiring. You are there to elevate the consciousness of your fellow humans. That is why you chose to go against the grain in this lifetime and be a part of a minority. The minority we are talking about here is the awakened collective.

You wanted to feel yourselves as the ones who would initiate that ripple effect throughout your human collective consciousness, so that you could then experience what it is like to have such a huge positive impact on the entire galaxy. We are very proud to be a part of your spiritual evolution, because we know how significant your ascension and awakening of consciousness is. We are happy to be here for you and to see you taking such tremendous strides forward. You do so because not only did you choose to be awake in this lifetime, but you also chose to be sensitive to your feelings.

You chose to value your feelings. You knew that you would choose love over fear. You knew that you would choose unity over separation and segregation. You knew that you would choose what resonated over what made logical sense, and you knew that because of all that you feel, you would be the perfect ones to lead humankind into the fifth dimension.

You also knew that you would take an interest in extra-terrestrial beings. You knew that you would awaken to the truth that you have been in other star systems and that you have incarnated in very different bodies than the ones you have now. You knew that making those connections to other beings in other star systems, other dimensions, and other lifetimes would give you a sense of who you really are as a whole and complete being, and you knew that nothing else would do.

Everything else, you have already done. And so, in this lifetime, you wanted to not only be a part of something huge, but you also wanted to be the ones who would initiate the progress, the evolution, the expansion, the growth, and ultimately, the connecting of all beings to one another, consciously, so that you can feel something you’ve never felt before. When you do, you always recognize that the feeling is the point. It is the mission. It is the purpose. It is what you went there to experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

《3》.關於:大角星委員會與新的天琴座聯盟 .


最近,由於有更多的人有能力接收這些充滿能量的信號,我們的滿意度得到了極大提高。就像你們一樣,我們也感到滿意(fulfillment) 和成就(accomplishment),並且我們一直在努力尋找正確的校準方法,以便使這些傳動裝置具有理想的效果。我們不僅在傳輸過程中表揚自己(patting ourselves on the nonphysical backs),而且我們還想讚揚所有努力奮鬥的人,以便你們可以從我們這裡接收這些小信息。




A New Lyran Alliance with the Arcturian Council ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been experiencing much more satisfaction lately, because of how many more humans are capable of receiving these energetic transmissions. We feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, just like you do, and we have been working to find just the right calibrations so that these transmissions would have the desired effects. Not only are we patting ourselves on the nonphysical backs that we don’t have in this transmission, but we also wanting to praise all of you who have worked to rise up so that you could receive these little messages from above.

You are getting it because you have dedicated yourselves to learning, to being in a higher vibrational state, and to opening yourselves up to energies so that you can be of greater service to your fellow humans. This is why we are so pleased right now to announce that we are partnering up yet again to see if we can have an even greater impact. We have been in communication with a Lyran collective for quite some time, one that also exists in a ninth-dimensional frequency range, and that makes it easier for us to connect, and together we will bring you bigger and better downloads.

We will deliver on this beautiful new partnership because we will dedicate ourselves. We will practice, practice, and practice some more. We are focused on serving humankind, and so are the Lyrans. This group that we have been in contact with is especially eager to help all of you, and they work just as tirelessly as we do to find the ways that are available to us to help, to serve, to elevate the consciousness of humankind. We want to see you grow. We want to see you thrive, and now is the perfect time for you to take all that we and the Lyrans are going to be delivering to you, and create something magical, something never before experienced there on Earth.

You are there to experience peace and harmony within yourselves so that you can experience it outside of yourselves. And those of us in the higher realms are here to help. We sprinkle those vibrations into every transmission that comes through this channel, and we look for even more ways. We are working with your Earth. We are working with your sun. We are working with the plant and animal life that you have on your world because we want you to feel so surrounded by love and support that you cannot help but find the peace and harmony within you that is there, just waiting to be realized.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


