
【大角星】《1》一夕之間會改變你們什麼? 《2》集體的覺醒,是時候興起;《3》請求,創造然後玩得開心(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【大角星】 傳導作者:Daniel Scranton 譯者:iam66
《1》.一夕之間會改變你們什麼? (20201002)
《2》.集體的覺醒,是時候興起 (20201003)
《3》.請求,創造然後玩得開心 (20201004)
#DanielScranton #iam66






地球上的事物可能並不完美,但是你們正在管理。你們每天都在進步。對於那些清醒的人,我們說:“恭喜”。你們已經超越了以前幾百年的生活。而且你們足以起決定性作用(tip the scales)。你們足以產生想要的改變。現在是時候了,因為你們已經準備好用自己的意識走得更遠。我們正在看著,我們感到非常自豪,我們在更高的領域裡與許多其他愛與光明的存有一起為你們歡呼。

What Will Change You Overnight ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are already convinced that the human experiment on Earth has been a success. We don’t even need to see what will happen between now and the time of this universal shift in consciousness to know for certain that you all have taken consciousness further than many throughout the galaxy thought you would. Many people look around your world at this time and think that it is in a state of chaos. Many believe that the current situation there on Earth is very sad, and some have even lost hope for humankind.

But we can feel that you’ve been progressing nicely. You have come so far in a very short amount of time, relative to how long you’ve been incarnating there on the planet. And the strides you will make between now and the time you will shift completely are enormous. The capacity that you have to love, show compassion for your fellow humans, and engage in random acts of kindness is so wonderful. It makes all of us here in the higher realms feel optimistic.

And we also know that so many more humans are opening themselves up to the love that is coming from the higher realms, as fewer and fewer humans are believing in a vengeful God that wants to punish you and damn you to eternal suffering. More and more are distancing themselves from that ideology every day. What you are going to do with all of that love you are opening yourselves up to is why we all tune in every single day. We cannot wait to see what you will create. We cannot wait to see how much more compassion and forgiveness you all have accessed in your hearts.

Feeling the love that’s coming from above is enough to change anyone overnight, and at this point there’s so much coming that all of you are bound to have a moment where you let go of all of your angst, all of your resistance, and all of that tension and open up to it. This is a beautiful time in human history, a beautiful time to be there on Earth, receiving love, loving others, and becoming the love that you truly are. We know that this experiment of putting so many different beings together on a planet was a long shot, and yet, there you are.

Things may not be perfect there on Earth, but you are managing. You are getting better every single day. And to those of you who are awake, we say, ‘Congratulations.’ You’ve already surpassed where you were in hundreds of your previous lifetimes. And you are enough to tip the scales. You are enough to make the difference you want to make. And now is the time because you are ready to go further with that consciousness of yours. And we are watching, we are feeling very proud, and we are cheering you on with so many other beings of love and light here in the higher realms.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”







Awakened Collective, It’s Time to Rise Up ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that you continue to make, as the awakened collective, to bringing together the polarized forces that you have there on your world. You are awake enough to realize that it doesn’t serve you well to play the polarity game, and that is what keeps you in a higher vibration. You must already be in a high vibration to be able to receive these messages, and you are continuing to demonstrate your abilities to be compassionate, to love unconditionally, and to release judgment so that you can forgive and let go of resentment.

You are finely-tuned beings who have demonstrated an ability to feel into something, and you are also very connected to your hearts, which are the new centers of your beingness, and that movement from the egoic mind to the high self’s heart is what this shift in consciousness is all about. You must be in your hearts to maintain those high vibrations and to rise above the mind-oriented battles that go on between ideologies, between perspectives. You have a long history of deciding that your feelings are important, and your feelings have served you well.

You can count the number of times that an intuitive feeling has prevented you from making the wrong decision, or has guided you to the right decision, and in those moments, your lives were changed forever. This is what you do. This is how you do it, and this is why you are the ones to lead humanity into a higher consciousness. It’s not because you have all the right information. It’s not because you’re following the right teacher. It’s not because you’ve had more extra-terrestrial DNA activated within you. It’s because of your humanity, and your humanity is all about your emotions.

You are meant to be feeling beings who use your intuitive sense to guide you towards the light, and when you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have more to share with humanity than the scientists who are on the leading edge of understanding the universe and how it works.

You have so much to give because of what you have lived and because of what you have felt, and that is enough to be one who serves all of humanity. We see you struggling to figure out what you should be, what you should do, what you should call yourself, and the truth is you are you and that is enough.

It’s time for the awakened collective to rise up to the challenge of bringing these poles together. You don’t need any more separation. You don’t need anyone in a position of power or authority to save you. All you need is to recognize the hero that lies within you, the teacher that is waiting to speak up and speak out, the healer that has always been there, and go forth and do exactly what you want to do, and know that because of who you are, you are helping and healing humankind.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




不必全部都是冥想,瑜伽,誦經和服務。你們要做很多這樣的事情,並且此宇宙中的每個其他事物都會體驗到這種效果。但是有時候你們只需要進行一些自我關懷(self-care) 。有時候,最好是你們探索物質領域並做最能給你們帶來快樂的事情。這樣一來,當然會有增長的機會。但是也將保持同步性(synchronicities)。還會有意外的相遇。

當你們不考慮脈輪,思維或振動時,有很多精神上的東西也不會被注意(slips through the cracks)。所以繼續問什麼是新的和有趣的,然後去找點樂子。讓我們看看會發生什麼。我們會注意的。

Ask, Create, and Then Go Have Fun ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are ready to receive more requests from all of you because we know that in your state of asking you are summoning the energy to bring you the experience that you want to have. We also thrive on those desires that you put out into the universal collective consciousness.

We may not be from the same star system, or the same dimension, but we still benefit from the expansion that your asking causes in this universe that we share. We also know that in your asking, you get creative. You are creating the reality that you will someday experience while you are in that state of asking. And so, we love to witness you getting those inspired thoughts and ideas going, and we love to see how the universe expands.

We love to feel that expansion ourselves, as we look for the cracks that you leave open to receive what it is that you have asked for. Once you ask, that part of the equation is done. You don’t have to keep asking, but you do want to stay in the same vibration of what it is you have been asking for. The way you do that is by having more fun.

When you play, when you are in your state of joy, that’s when you open those cracks, through which we can pour a tremendous amount of energy. Once you have the energy, you can create whatever you want, and we see this happening all the time. We see that when people take a break from being spiritual all the time, that is when they let in some of what they have summoned. That means that you have our permission to do things that you want to do for the sake of enjoyment.

It doesn’t all have to be meditation, yoga, chanting, and acts of service. You do plenty of those things, and the effects are experienced by every other being in this universe. But there are times when you just need to engage in some self-care. There are times when it is best for you to just explore the physical realm and to do what brings you the most joy. And in so doing, of course, there will be opportunities for growth. But there will also be synchronicities. There will also be unexpected encounters.

There is so much that is spiritual that also slips through the cracks when you’re not thinking about your chakras, or your thoughts, or your vibration. So continue to ask for what is new and interesting, and then go have some fun. And let’s see what happens. We will be watching.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


