
【Angel Wisdom】《1》喚醒你的光之力量;《2》通過你的心輪發送愛與光;《3》致力於你的願景;《4》看見光明的未來;《5》從你身邊發生的戲劇中解脫出來(近期信息會集中收錄放在一起喔)

【Angel Wisdom】
《1》.喚醒你的光之力量 (20200613)
《2》.通過你的心輪發送愛與光 (20200615)
《3》.致力於你的願景 (20200616)
《4》.看見光明的未來 (20200617)
《5》.從你身邊發生的戲劇中解脫出來 (20200619)

2020年9月4日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Awaken your Powers of Light

You are been reaching new heights in your spiritual understanding.You might need to delve deeply to discover any emotions or thoughts that have been buried for so very long and bring them into the light so that you remove any blocks that where hidden in an attempt to protect yourself in the past.Go deep within to clear any outdated belief systems that need to be upgraded and updated to match the new you that is emerging.

It takes great courage to look at yourself and your life and when you do so with the loving heart of your angels and seeing with your angel eyes, you begin to understand the challenges in your journey and see them as the gifts that they truly are.Be brave, you are ready for this!

The Mantra for today is: "I am ready to stand in my authentic power! I am ready, I am awakening fully my power of lightness, rightness and love within me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月4日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Send light and love through your heart chakra
Love is the heart of the matter.Love is the energy that can move mountains.Your heart is the centre within your physical being attuned most to the energy of love.It is safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart,as that is your natural state of being when you are not in human form.

The angels gave us this message today because the answer to your question is within your heart.The more that you open your heart,the more love,joy,and peace you"ll feel.You can open your heart chakra by asking the angels to send their healing energy to you,by visualizing your heart surrounded by soft pink light,by inhaling the fragrance of roses and geraniums,by holding or wearing rose quartz crystal,or a heart shaped pendant,and by focusing on love,the things and people you love or a time when you were in love with life.

Affirm: "I open my heart space and become more loving,send out more love,and help heal those around me with the strength of my love.My life is abundant with love."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月4日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Be committed to your Vision

Focus your every thought, word and deed towards your vision.Focus your energy on creating the life you have been dreaming about.Hold steadfast to your ideals, even if those around you say it will never happen.Avoid these people and all other negative energies that are around at this time.Keep your thoughts and feelings focused on the knowing that it will happen.Trust that it will happen.

Use positive affirmations each day to help you keep this focus.Your angel guidance is to take time out from your busy day and take care of yourself as well as taking time to focus on your affirmations and desires.Remember to ask your angels for help and know when you dedicate your intention to the highest good, you are supported always.

The Mantra for today is: "I am committed to my vision and focus my thoughts, feelings and actions towards making this happen."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

2020年9月4日.Angel Wisdom信息;

See the future as Bright

Great progress is being made towards creating a bright future.Keep doing the work and you will find your intentions manifesting is wondrous ways.Keep your thoughts,feelings,words,and actions focused on hope and optimism and know that the changes that are happening will bring the relief you have been asking for during those challenging times.

These are times for bright new beginnings.New opportunities or new growth within your current situations brings new levels of understanding and awareness.Expect an expansion or awakening of your psychic abilities and spiritual epiphanies to happen and your intuition to become your trusted guide.

Affirm: "Life has wonderful and magical things in-store for me.My trust and intuition grow stronger each day."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides

2020年9月4日.Angel Wisdom信息;

Detach from the Drama that is happening around You

As you expand and heal yourself you become more aware and sensitive to your environments and the energy around you.Many of you will find that you are more open to feeling the emotions of others and yet do not always realize that it is the energy of others that is causing disturbances in your life.Since humans evolve at different rates,there are is usually a variety of issues and dramas taking place.If you find you must be in a situation where there is a lot of emotional drama happening,surround the situations with a loving light and use shields and filters around yourself so that you are not affected by this energy.

Your angel guidance is to remember that often the drama unfolding is excuses to not get on with your purpose and your mission.Do not use this as an excuse to not experience life to the fullest and live a life well lived.Make each moment count as you truly only have now and be the best you can be in that now.

Today's Mantra is: "I am filled with greater and greater Light and understanding each day.This light allows me to be unaffected by the energy created through the drama unfolding around me."

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported,always,the angels and guides


