

【天使】傳導:Ann Albers 譯者:Nick Chan

傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you are asking, “When is this going to be over?” A better question might be, “Who will I be when this is over? How will I have grown? What improvements have I made inside of myself that will cause a happier resonance in my life in the future?”

For dark and difficult thought it might be for so many, this is a rare opportunity upon your planet earth for so many of you to dive deeply within your own spirit – to feel what you have not felt, to dream what you have not dreamed, to wish for the world you have not dared to wish for. There is no running from yourselves when emotions are running so strongly in the current of human consciousness. There is opportunity here – to heal, to love yourself, to create.

If you are bored, allow for the boredom. Sit with it. Feel the feelings that arise if you are not productive, not allowed to distract in the usual ways. Embrace yourself and love the parts of you that were previously stuffed into the back of your minds. It is time to heal these parts and send them into the light. Sit in silence if you can and see what arises because beneath the voices and feelings that need healing, are the seeds of your soul’s true desires. Deep within your heart of hearts, you may just connect with whatever it is you wish to create this lifetime. You may start to deepen your awareness of who you wish to be. Start by being that person now.

If you are instead, busy beyond measure, serving and assisting the masses, then get in touch with the angelic love in your heart that has placed you in a position to                                                               do so. Serve from this light, this depth, this love, and you will be protected by the very current that creates universe. Get in touch with and allow yourself to admire your ever-loving heart. Allow yourself to feel yourself as the hands, the eyes, the mind of God for those you serve.

Dear ones, this will be over soon enough. Life will gradually return to “normal” and yet nothing will ever be quite the same. You will be eternally more aware of your interconnectedness. You will be so much more grateful for the quiet ones who have always served you and form the pillars of your society. You will be more tolerant of those you once judge as you witness them now, not in their roles, but in the very depths of their humanity. You will know forever what is of greater value in your lives. You will crave more touch, more depth, and more real connection. You will want to feel value and purpose in your lives.

Who do you wish to be when this pandemic is over? Ponder that dear ones and then start to become that person now, for even if you are in solitude and silence, you can always “be” when you cannot “do.” You can always serve with your authentic light even if the service is a vibrational one of emanating your very own joy and peace.

We are proud of each and every one of you. Now is not the easiest time to be upon your planet earth. This event was not orchestrated by the heavens, nor was it caused by nefarious human beings. It was an attempt of other dimensional beings to stir up isolation and fear in order to survive. They are not succeeding dear ones. Your love does not allow them to posses your very beautiful human hearts.

You are emerging, not only as individuals, but as a race triumphant. Contemplate this – you, a cell in the body of the human race, are more important than ever now. Resolve to be the light that you are dear ones. Each of you is priceless, precious, and perfect in our eyes.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels

《2》.關於:誕生之痛 (臣服於本體和世界).
傳導:Ann Albers.
譯者:Nick Chan.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Breathe. Be patient with yourselves and one another. You are in a state of re-birthing upon your planet earth and birth is not a process that can be easily rushed. It must come in its own time. The human race is going through intense contractions right now – one moment feeling very hopeful that things are progressing and that you can see the light at the tunnel, and in the next feeling stuck, frustrated, and stagnant.
呼吸。對自己和彼此要有耐心。你正在地球上處於一個重生的狀態,誕生並不是一個可以倉促的過程。它必須得有自己的韻律。人類正在經歷強烈的宮縮 --- 一個時刻感到充滿希望,事情在取得進展,你可以看到隧道盡頭的光,下一刻感到受困、沮喪和停滯不前

We celebrate the joyous anticipation so many of you feel. You are indeed moving into a kinder and more connected world, a world in which more people acknowledge the value of every human being, a world in which you crave touch, kindness, and where you have learned that you can indeed “hug” one’s soul even if not hugging a body. So many of you are focused upon this reality and even better. That is a blessing to your entire human race.

We also understand and are sending love to so very many of you who are feeling the very human frustrations that are arise from feeling stuck – stuck at home, stuck out of work, stuck with people you’d rather not be stuck with, stuck without a solution as to how you might manage your present conditions. The feelings of stagnation are as prevalent now as the feelings of peace, love, and kindness. Thus, the contractions.
我們也明白並把愛發送給感到沮喪的許多人,出於受困的感受 --- 困於家中,困於沒工作,困於和你不喜歡待在一起的人待在一起,困於如何管理你當前的狀況沒有解決方案。停滯的感受和平和、愛、良善的感受一樣普遍。因此,收縮

If you are in joyous anticipation of a more beautiful, higher dimensional world, stay in that space! You are creating it, not only for the world, but for yourselves as well.

If you are feeling irate, stagnant, or stuck, start by giving yourself a hug and speaking to the child within that feels helpless, afraid, or is just simply throwing a tantrum. Love this part of your soul that is irate or fearful. Talk to this inner self as if they are very real, for in truth their energy is affecting you, and not in a way that feels comfortable or happy. Remind this inner child that there is always growth, even if there is no movement. There are always solutions even if you can’t see them yet. There is always a Divine Presence and angels available to assist you if you sit, breath, receive, and believe. You are where you are for a reason. You are there to love some part of you that requires your attention now.

Rather than shifting blame, or running to addictive behaviors, whatever they might be – busy-ness, anger, sugar… sit with your unhappy feelings and be with them and love them as you would love an unhappy child. For in truth the child within you does want love, and has most likely for some time. Now is your opportunity to heal.
與其推卸責任,或奔向成癮的行為,無論是什麼 --- 忙碌、憤怒、糖 ... 與你不愉快的感受同坐,同在,愛它們,好像你愛一個不開心的孩子那樣。因為事實上,你之內的孩子確實想要愛,可能已經有段時間了。現在是你的機會去療愈

Dear ones, you may feel a combination of both sets of emotions – hopeful one moment, and impatient or discouraged the next. It is OK! Birth is not always an easy process. Birth involves a bit of struggle for most… but birth can also be the greatest teacher of surrender.
親愛的,你可能感到兩種情感的結合 --- 一個時刻充滿希望,下一個時刻不耐煩或氣餒。這沒有關係!誕生並不總是一個輕鬆的過程。誕生對大多數人來說涉及一番掙扎 ... 但誕生也可以是最偉大的“臣服”教師

Surrender to your own feelings, and love yourself. Surrender to the world at large, because there are some things you cannot change by force. In surrendering to self and world however, you will find your heart, you will begin to change your inner world… and in so doing, you will imagine the “newborn” human race, and your “newborn” life into being.
臣服於你的感受,愛自己。臣服於整個世界,因為有著許多東西你無法迫使其改變。在臣服於自我和世界之中,你會發現你的心,你會開始改變你的內心世界 ... 如此,你會想像“新生”的人類和“新生”的生活成型

God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
上帝保佑你!我們非常地愛你 --- 天使


